Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 244 We Want To Annihilate Them (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Are you the scouts of the attacking side?" Not surprisingly, the five-member team was taken directly to the command post, and Zuo Qingyun smiled as he saw the scouts' armbands on their right arms. With a wink, he immediately stepped forward to take down their data terminal and went to the temporary intelligence battle, "But if I ask you, I guess you won't say anything, but I still want to ask, which army are you from?" ?”

"We are from the Ninth Brigade, just wait, our troops will soon flatten Kun City and capture you alive." The lieutenant leader said somewhat dissatisfied.

"Okay, I'll wait!" Zuo Qingyun smiled, and then someone took him down.

"Zuo Qingyun, Zuo Qingyun, why didn't I realize that you have such a unique idea in your mind before." Yang Yong sighed and said "seven zero three".

"It would be strange if this kid didn't have any strange ideas in his head." Li Wenyao said with a smile, they are now watching the show together, so they are more comfortable, and handing over the first brigade to Zuo Qingyun, just a good test he.

"Okay, now we already know who our opponent is, and it's not just black eyes." Zuo Qingyun's mouth curled up, and he gathered the rest of the staff and said: "Now we have confirmed that the attacking party is the first The Ninth Brigade of the Three Armed Forces has basically the same configuration as ours, but they have also revealed a strengthened force. The existing strengthened force includes a strategic missile brigade and an armored regiment, which have an advantage in the number of troops."

"The current situation is that we don't have many regular troops in Kunming. There is only one engineering battalion, one combat support battalion, one reconnaissance battalion, two army aviation brigades, and one tank company. With our strength, we can't resist it at all." A staff officer said with some concern.

"That's right, deputy staff officer, why don't we transfer back the machine infantry company and the second battalion and third battalion attached to the air defense brigade?" the deputy chief of staff said.

"That's why you can't trust our comrades in the local army?" Zuo Qingyun smiled, and then set his sights on the Kun City National Guard and Reserve Commander who attended the meeting with them.

"The National Guard and Reserve Forces will resolutely execute orders!" Lieutenant Colonel Deng Qiang, the commander of the National Guard, stood up and said firmly: "We will live and die with Kunming City.

"Me too! The reserve forces are all retired soldiers, and we have the ability to perform various tasks well." The head of the reserve force also expressed his opinion. It is rare for the reserve force to have this military operation, which is an excellent opportunity for them. Given the opportunity, he believes that their reserve soldiers, even if they retire and enter the reserve service, are still ten strong teams capable of recruiting and fighting well.

"Very good, what we have to do this time is not just to defend this city, but to annihilate them all." Zuo Qingyun's words were like a heavy bomb hitting the hearts of these staff officers. It is not comparable to the monkey army, but it is a field force with weapons and equipment and tactical literacy that are comparable to theirs. It is not easy to wipe out all of them.

"Look at my layout on the periphery, including an air defense brigade, four combined artillery battalions and strategic missile brigades. These are our counter-offensive forces. Next, according to my expectations, I will replace all the National Guard and reserve forces with me." The military uniforms of the army should make the enemy's reconnaissance forces lurking in the city think that all our main forces are in Kunming, after all, they still don't know that we have used the National Guard and reserve troops." Zuo Qingyun said.

"When the enemy attacks, you spread out along the Shengqing Square, forming a ring configuration layer upon layer of blocking, the outer layer retreats one layer, and the innermost defensive circle retreats one layer, along the No. 3 air defense tunnel that was abandoned 40 years ago Go out of the city and assemble in Area D. Of course, such an approach is doomed to sacrifice the outermost blocking fighters, so I leave this to you. The rest of the troops stay still and wait for my order."


At this time, Mao Wenlong, who was looking at the snowflakes on his screen, was in a very bad mood. He frowned. From the level of electronic warfare, he could see the gap between his electronic warfare team and them. Is this a team that has experienced actual combat? Sure enough , this hard bone is not easy to chew, "Have you done it yet?"

"Immediately!" Ten minutes later, the screen returned to normal. At this time, through the mobilization of satellites, their intelligence department has discovered that the troops of the Synthetic First Brigade are building fortifications in Kunming City, and it seems that they want to fight them to the end...

"Strange." Mao Wenlong faintly felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was so strange, "Correspondent, let the standing committees hold a meeting, and we will make up our minds to fight."


At this time, Kun City was like a scene of a war coming. Soldiers in camouflage uniforms were building fortifications everywhere, but this had no effect on the lives of civilians. They still had to go to work, and the time continued until night.

"The enemy is attacking!" At this moment, countless red dots rushed towards Kunshi from all directions. Seeing this scene, the corners of Zuo Qingyun's mouth changed slightly.

The armored troops of the Ninth Brigade rushed forward quickly. Four of their synthetic battalions and one armored regiment jointly attacked the center of Kunming City from all sides. If Zuo Qingyun wanted to resist them, he had to divide his troops, and even Zuo Qingyun's divided troops could not stop them attack. And the reason why Mao Wenlong chose to launch the attack at night is precisely because the traffic flow in Kun City at night is relatively small compared with that during the day, which will not affect the attack of their armored forces.

At this time, the soldiers of the defense line composed of the National Guard and the reserve troops are already waiting for the battle, and the eyes of each of them are shining with excitement. Are they 2.2 finally going to confront the enemy, although this enemy is infinitely stronger than them? .

"Boom boom boom!" The huge roar of the tank engine was getting closer and closer, and they faintly saw a black gun barrel.

"Whoosh!" The simulated shells were quickly fired from the bazooka and hit the armor of the leading tank. The smoke generator on the tank suddenly released a stream of red smoke. At the same time, shells fell continuously on their positions. Everyone quickly Red smoke came out of the smoke generators of the soldiers who evaded and did not evade, announcing their withdrawal from the exercise.

"Retreat!" Seeing the Ninth Brigade's infantry defense line rushing towards them, the lieutenant commander quickly ordered to retreat. The same scene was played out on the outer defense lines of Kunming City

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