Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 245: The Chaotic Battle Situation (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!

"Where are we advancing now?" Mao Wenlong asked the lieutenant colonel next to him.

"Advance to the front line of Shengqing Road!" At this moment in the combat command room, everyone is busy, and the lieutenant colonel is also busy dispatching troops at the moment. I have to say that the speed of this advance is not too fast.

"It's not right, it's not right." Mao Wenlong murmured as he looked at the constantly compressed defensive circle of the Kunming army. In just half an hour, they had already penetrated the three-kilometer city defense line, and their losses were very small. The blue dots on the map that symbolized the members of the Synthetic First Brigade kept disappearing, and Mao Wenlong's thoughts were running rapidly. He looked at this line of defense, the entire city, their lines of defense were like a concentric circle. The outer line of defense kept shrinking inward, but at the same time, the original defenders of the inner line of defense disappeared little by little.

"Didn't the enemy send out armored troops?" Mao Wenlong said sternly.

"Hasn't the enemy's armored forces been wiped out by us?" The lieutenant colonel was stunned immediately, because they didn't use the strategic missile force because it was too smooth. 31 "There must be something hidden in Kunming, go and pull out the map from 40 years ago!" Ten minutes later, looking at the map of Kunming that was pulled out 40 years ago, Wen Long was surprised to find that in 40 years The previous map actually marked an air defense tunnel, and this entrance was located in the center of the entire city defense circle, but the modern map did not, which also caused them to completely ignore this point. And the authentic exit is directly behind their assault troops.

"Damn it, order the fighter squadron to take off immediately, and the strategic missile force to get ready. Zuo Qingyun didn't want to defend Kunming City. He just planted a pocket here, waiting for us to get in." Mao Wenlong suppressed the chill in his heart. , "Let the engineer battalion and combat support battalion that have not entered yet form a fourth battalion to retreat quickly, arrange fortifications behind the city, prepare to meet their breakout, and let the front troops slow down their offensive pace and retreat quickly.


The underground civil defense fortifications revealed the strategic deployment of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade on another display screen. When invading their combat network, the data officers of the intelligence center had already set up a Trojan horse, and the so-called attack was just to cover this Trojan horse.

"It seems that our strategic intentions have been discovered. He is worthy of being a brigade commander." Zuo Qingyun smiled.

"Your boy is still very young, what are you going to do now?" Li Wenyao was drinking tea, not in a hurry, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. Mao Wenlong had discovered his strategic purpose, and now it is difficult to handle, and Through their communications with various units, they also learned that the Synthetic Ninth Brigade also has a fighter squadron.

"I guess their special forces must be looking for me. After all, the city is currently empty and there are only a few places that can be used as temporary headquarters." Zuo Qingyun said with a smile to Li Wenyao, "And in order to prevent us from finding out, we still have It's a good idea to deliberately keep the radio silent. But it won't trouble me, Zuo Qingyun."

"Order the Synthetic Second Battalion and the Synthetic Third Battalion to quickly return to the establishment, along the Guikun Expressway to attack in the direction of the First Battalion and the Second Battalion of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade. Annihilation, the 37th company belonging to the air defense battalion, and the 4th-25th company accompanied the infantry to provide fire support. All the National Guard and reserve troops quickly attacked inward along Qingsheng Road. The reconnaissance battalion was divided into parts and squads to annihilate the synthesis of entering the city Officer of the Ninth Brigade. The first tank company of the garbage dump, and the second tank company of the fire brigade quickly attacked along Matan Road." Zuo Qingyun issued a clear and complete order within a few minutes.


The Ninth Brigade Headquarters, "reported that the enemy's large-scale troop mobilization was discovered. In our northeast and southwest, a brigade of regular troops of the enemy appeared in an instant."

"What the hell, doesn't he only have one brigade? What happened to the troops in the city? Everyone in the headquarters was shocked and speechless.

"The troops in the city are estimated to be only the National Guard and Reserve Force of Kunming City." Mao Wenlong sighed, "I really didn't expect that we would ignore such a crucial point. Zuo Qingyun didn't deploy defenses in Kunming City at all. , He put all the main forces on the periphery of Kunming City, waiting for us to attack."

"Let all the troops gather and retreat along Pinghu Avenue. The artillery battalion will clear the way for them, and the fighter squadron will attack the enemy's armored troops first!" Mao Wenlong issued an order, and the most important thing now is to keep the troops.

And as the fighter plane lifted off the moment, the air defense brigade also responded quickly.

"Report to the brigade commander, the squadron of enemy fighter planes was found, about 8 attack planes in one batch!" A radar soldier reported.

"Order the first battalion and the third battalion to prepare for launch, one fighter plane and three batches of missiles!" The air defense brigade commander ordered decisively, and the news of the missile launch was fed back to the fighter planes a few minutes later, but after the first batch of missiles Under the saturation attack, the fighter squadron was reimbursed by the air defense brigade before it arrived on the battlefield.

"Finally 600 is here for me!" At this time, Li Wei, the commander of the first tank company in the garbage dump, commanded the first company to drive out of the garbage dump. He has been exhausted for the past two days. He watched the armored troops of the Ninth Brigade go from He flew in front of his eyes, but he didn't fire a bullet, "Come on!"

The second company of the tank drove directly from the fire brigade, and happened to bump into a retreating infantry unit of the Synthetic Ninth Brigade. The two faced each other, and they were immediately confused.

"Bang bang!" The various teams of the reconnaissance battalion kept looking for officers to shoot and killed at least twenty mid-level officers in just twenty minutes, which made the retreating troops chaotic without anyone commanding them, or , As long as whoever stands up to command the troops will become the target of their annihilation.

"Resistance to interference with their communications and electronic equipment, the armed helicopters take off, don't worry about the enemy's surface-to-air missiles, and let me find a place for the armored forces." Zuo Qingyun ordered decisively, and it was the Army Aviation Corps at this time When you show your talents.

"Boom boom!" Just as Zuo Qingyun's order was issued, there was an explosion outside the air defense fortifications, which made them nervous, but Zuo Qingyun took a rifle directly from the sun.

"Da da da~~".

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