Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 252 At This Moment, Only Yanhuang (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

Zuo Qingyun drove fast, with only a rifle and a pistol beside him. The place where Dr. Chen was located was the place where the outbreak of Lamanla was the first, and the epidemic was the worst. The war has not spread here yet, but Zuo Qingyun believes that The army will not know the value of Dr. Chen, so Zuo Qingyun can not worry about his safety for the time being.

When Zuo Qingyun arrived, the people stationed here were already the Red Scarf Army. When Zuo Qingyun's car drove over, the faces of these guards showed a look of vigilance. When he turned the direction, they relaxed again. Be vigilant.

Suddenly, Zuo Qingyun turned the front of the car, slammed on the door, and slammed into these sentries. These sentries were caught off guard and were directly hit by the car. At the same time, the red scarf soldiers who reacted around immediately pointed their weapons at them. In the car, Zuo Qingyun quickly held the steering wheel with his left hand and opened fire with a pistol in his right hand, speeding up and crashing into the hospital building at the same time.

"Boom!" The wall suddenly shattered, and everyone inside was taken aback. The off-road vehicle immediately played a drift in the hospital and knocked a mercenary into the air. Then Zuo Qingyun suddenly released the accelerator and pulled the handbrake. He opened the car door in an instant and quickly rolled out, then quickly took a 47 rifle and fired at the mercenaries in the hospital.

"Da da da!" A series of bullets hit 643 on the steel frame of the off-road vehicle, and sparks continued to burst out. Zuo Qingyun quickly lowered his body and went around to the other side of the off-road vehicle, while the three mercenaries on the other side also At this moment, they are alternately covering and getting closer to Zuo Qingyun.

Zuo Qingyun took out a grenade, bit off the tab, then threw it back without looking, and then walked towards Dr. Chen's direction.

"Grenade!" the mercenaries yelled, and then quickly dodged.


"Dr. Chen?" Zuo Qingyun looked at a middle-aged man in a white coat and glasses among the hostages and asked.

"I am!" Dr. Chen nodded, and Zuo Qingyun didn't say anything more. He had to get rid of these mercenaries first. knock him down.

"Hurry up and get in the car!" Zuo Qingyun opened the car door smoothly, and then three people including Dr. Chen got in quickly. Zuo Qingyun rolled to the side, temporarily suppressed the firepower of the three mercenaries, and then directly smashed the off-road vehicle The glass was directly hung up, and then the car started quickly and smashed the hospital gate and rushed out, then Zuo Qingwei threw all the grenades on his body to the door.

"Boom boom boom!" The four of Zuo Qingyun quickly opened a path, and the rifle in his hand fired at the rear quickly until no pursuers could be seen.

"What about those civilians and our other team members?" Dr. Chen, who had lingering fear, began to think about it at this time.

"We don't have time to deal with them!" Zuo Qingyun got back into the car and said to the co-pilot, his expression was very cold, "My mission is to rescue you.

Dr. Chen glanced at Zuo Qingyun, looked back at the hospital that had completely disappeared before his eyes, and sighed helplessly. Now that he has evacuated, it is hard to imagine what this group of inhumane guys would do to these civilians.

"I'm Zuo Qingyun, and I've rescued Dr. Chen!" Zuo Qingyun connected with Nanshan, "There's also a female doctor and a little girl. As for the other team members, I can't help but I saw them in the hospital. Mercenaries, they are different from the Red Scarf Army, and they may be sent down to our people."

"I know about this, but there is very bad news for you. The Red Scarf Army is destroying important railways and highways at the moment. Your road to the Chinese-funded factories has been blown up. It's up to you." Chen Qiao said helplessly, "Besides, the military department asked us to evacuate early tomorrow morning, and you only have eighteen hours. However, we will wait for you as much as possible."


(dbfh) "Are you going to the factory?" asked Dr. Chen.

"Yes, I'm taking our countrymen away."

"No, I don't agree!" Dr. Rachel, who had been silent for a while, said, "We should go to the Eagle Sauce Consulate, where there is a Marine Corps, and it is the safest place in the world.

"Yes, I admit that they are the top marines, but why didn't they pick you up?" At this moment, Zuo Qingyun asked Dr. Chen to stop the car, sat in the driver's seat, and then started the car.

"I told them at the beginning of the war." Rachel looked a little embarrassed.

"But they didn't come, you can call and ask when they can come to rescue you."

"Okay!" Rachel picked up the phone and immediately dialed a number, "You are welcome to call the Eagle Sauce Consulate. Unfortunately, we have closed the consulate. If you need..."

Zuo Qingyun suppressed a smile, Dr. Chen's expression was also a little weird, Rachel held her forehead helplessly, she knew that she was abandoned by them, and she was not the only one who was abandoned.

"When I went ashore, your country's fleet had already left, and with them were fleets with various national flags." Zuo Qingyun said while driving, and he glanced at Rachel in the rearview mirror "At this time, only Yanhuang is going upstream, and only Yanhuang can do it. They will not stay alone for you, but Yanhuang will.

"And you, a great hero, descended from the sky and saved us, right?"

"Rachel, Lieutenant Colonel Zuo has already done a good job. He doesn't have to come to rescue us as the deputy captain of the Nanshan, do you know?" Dr. Chen has heard quite a lot about Zuo Qingyun, and the vaccine is about to be successfully developed. oh, how come"

"It's nothing more than two possibilities. One is that you don't want you to develop it, and the other is to wait for you to develop it. After they defeat the government army, they will give it to the civilians so that they can get the support of the civilians."

"Don't they know how many people will die every day this epidemic increases?" Dr. Chen rubbed his fist tightly.

"They don't care about human life at all. Telling them about human rights is like playing the piano against a cow." Zuo Qingyun said lightly. A beautiful place, the grasslands on both sides spread endlessly to the distance, and you can even see various wild animals passing by, but...

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