Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 253 Arriving At The Huazi Factory, Everyone Has Their Own Concerns (Please Subscribe! Please

"Boss, Dr. Chen was rescued just like that." One of his subordinates said to Lips.

At this time, Lipps was watching the surveillance video of the hospital with great interest. There were many scenes of Dr. Chen conducting scientific experiments, as well as scenes of Zuo Qingyun single-handedly saving people. He sneered, "Our Lieutenant Zuo Qingyun Still as brave as ever, no, he is already a lieutenant colonel now.

"Head, why do I feel that you are very excited, don't you feel distressed when they were killed?" the subordinate couldn't help but said.

"Is it useful to be distressed? I would rather be distressed if it can bring them back to life, but I can't." Lips asked back, his eyes fixed on Zuo Qingyun in the video

"I will definitely kill him and avenge my poor brother~."

At this time, Zuo Qingyun had already driven to the Huazi factory, and the guards had already fired warning shots.

Zuo Qingyun stopped the car and said to the three people in the car: "You wait for me in the car.

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Dr. Chen nodded, Zuo Qingyun immediately opened the door and got out of the car. He raised his hands high to indicate that he was not armed, and then moved forward slowly. His eyes faintly noticed the booby traps in front of him .

At this moment, a group of people appeared around and pointed their weapons at Zuo Qingyun, Zuo Qingyun simply said loudly: "I am here to save you, I am the Yanhuang Navy."

The closed factory gate suddenly opened, and a young man in his twenties, dressed in aggressive clothes, swaggered over surrounded by a group of people. He glanced at Zuo Qingyun indifferently, "You, Yanhuang Haijun? Are you going to do it alone? Save us? I have 18 47 rifles and 30 grenades here, enough to equip a reinforced platoon, right?"

As he spoke, he took out a pistol and put it against Zuo Qingyun's forehead and shouted, "Now that a 911 is on your head, how can you save us?"

"I don't like people pointing a gun at me, especially not a trembling hand." Zuo Qingyun chuckled lightly.

"Are you laughing at me?" This guy's hand pushed forward again, Zuo Qingyun tilted his head back, his right hand took advantage of the situation and twisted his wrist hard, his pistol was quickly released, Zuo Qingyun grabbed it directly He pulled the pistol, and then his left hand directly jammed his neck, and the right hand pistol was aimed directly at his temple.

"I didn't laugh at you, but if you really want to threaten people, you'd better practice holding your guns first." Zuo Qingyun moved so fast that his men didn't react at all. At this moment, they pointed their guns directly at Zuo Qingyun, "Believe it or not, I will let you see your own brain first?"

"Friend, don't be impulsive." At this time a middle-aged man stood up and said, Zuo Qingyun could tell at a glance that he had been in the army. Although the years had left marks on his face, this temperament would not change. And he's definitely been on the battlefield.

"I've said it all, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Yanhuang Navy, I'm here to rescue you." Zuo Qingyun put down his gun and put the pistol back into the young man's holster and said calmly, he took out his military officer's card from his coat pocket , spread it out in front of the young man's eyes, "See clearly?"

"I am He Jianguo, the reconnaissance company commander of the Southwest Military Region of the former Yanhuang People's Army." The middle-aged man walked over and saluted Zuo Qingyun.

"The current Yanhuang People's Army Navy Second Fleet Escort Formation Nanshan Deputy Captain Zuo Qingyun!" Zuo Qingyun returned a salute, which is a respect for veterans.

"Put the gun down!" The young man rolled his eyes as he watched the two exchange greetings, and had to say that his speed just now was indeed quite fast.

"Is there anyone named Nisha here?" Zuo Qingyun suddenly asked, "I rescued a child, and he said his mother is here."

"I'm Nisha." At this moment, a fat black woman rushed over and said excitedly; "Where is Tudou now? Is he safe?"

"He's on the Nanshan now, he's safe, I'll let you video the next day."

"Thank you so much." Nisha hugged Zuo Qingyun and shouted excitedly, which made Zuo Qingyun faintly suffocate.

After exchanging pleasantries, Zuo Qingyun asked Dr. Chen and the others to get off the car and introduced them, "This is Dr. Chen from the Africa Aid Team, this is Rachel, and this is Dr. Chen's daughter, Pasha."

"Hi Dr. Chen, I have known you for a long time, thank you very much." He Jianguo walked over excitedly and said.

...asking for flowers...

"You're welcome." Dr. Chen said with a smile, "This is the responsibility of our accounting team."

Through chatting with Zuo Qingyun, he also knew that this young man was called Zhuo Yifan, a rich second-generation military fan, and his father was the boss of a multinational company, who had a business here. He left him here for the sake of experience, and hired He Jianguo to set up a private company. armed. From this point of view, his father is not a simple role, but his father's heart is indeed quite broad.

Originally, Zhuo Yifan was still angry, but when he saw Rachel, his dissatisfaction disappeared immediately, and he kept following her buttocks, which made Zuo Qingyun speechless, but Rachel didn't like this rich second generation. He didn't catch a cold, and if he really had any interest, he would be interested in a man like Zuo Qingyun, but given his identity, the two of them naturally had no chance. Pasha even rolled her eyes at Zhuo Yifan directly, which also made Zhuo Yifan speechless.


"I have arrived at the Chinese-funded factory. There are no anti-government armed forces here yet, but it is estimated that there will be soon." Zuo Qingyun connected the communication with Nanshan.

"Okay, the commander-in-chief is in contact with the federation, tomorrow we will send a transport helicopter to your place, and you bring our compatriots back!" Hearing that they are fine for the time being

Chen Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.


Zuo Qingyun hung up the phone, and then said to several people, "A helicopter will pick us up tomorrow, but I have a hunch that these mercenary organizations and the Red Scarf Army will not give up easily."

"Just one?" He Jianguo frowned, and Zuo Qingyun nodded. There are more than 100 people left in this factory, but there are only about 30 people in a transport helicopter, which means that some people will be left behind. Those left behind mean danger or even death.

Zhuo Yifan's assistant was very happy, and went to work in high spirits, Zuo Qingyun and He Jianguo didn't speak, after all, Yanhuang was good enough to save them, and they couldn't be forced. Only in this way, the workers may be dissatisfied. The fact is that, at a critical moment, there is always a choice, and it is almost impossible to have the best of both worlds, let alone a time of war. .

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