Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 277 Control, Paratrooper Regiment Vs. Armored Division (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flo

At this time, the communication of the whole city has been interfered by the electronic countermeasures battalion, and their various units cannot cooperate effectively at all, while our army's support force directly dispatched the 7th Airborne Regiment to take advantage of the chaos inside the enemy's army to carry out the operation directly. Parachute.

Under the electronic interference, their air defense system lost its effect, they were not hit by any anti-aircraft weapons, and the blossoming white umbrella flowers directly floated down from the sky.

The head of the 7th Airborne Regiment, who fell first, directly connected the communication to Zuo Qingyun's frontline headquarters, "I am Qu Gang, the head of the 7th Airborne Regiment, please assign combat tasks to the head."

"Captain Qu, you are now leading your troops to immediately destroy the enemy's logistics base in the southern suburbs of the capital, please."

"Yes!" Qu Gang immediately began to deploy. He noticed that there were many bicycles around this area. People came over, but the heavy equipment didn't make it because they were in a hurry.

The armored division of the Sixth Guards Army of the Inca Republic, which came to support at this time, is now moving slowly on the roads of the capital. Their way forward was blocked by swarms of people and abandoned vehicles. The division commander 690 could only helplessly order, "The first regiment abandons heavy equipment and goes on foot."

The soldiers of the tanks and infantry combat vehicles at the end of the formation quickly got out of the vehicles and rushed towards their destination. When they were about to reach their destination, the Seventh Airborne Regiment had wiped out a company of soldiers guarding here. The equipment of the logistics base has built a defensive position.

"Fire!" Following the commander's order, the dense firepower immediately moved towards these soldiers without armor protection, and the powerful firepower immediately crushed those exhausted soldiers unable to lift their heads.

"The enemy has taken the logistics warehouse, and we are now suppressed!" A lieutenant colonel reported to his division commander.

"Hold on, we'll come for reinforcements right away!" The commander cursed, and he let the tanks open the way ahead, only then did the chaotic crowd realize that they were not easy to mess with.

"You know how to drive tanks, right?" The head of the 7th Airborne Regiment looked at his soldiers. There are still some tanks in the logistics base that can be used.

"Yes, Regiment Commander (dbfd)!" All the drivers quickly got into the tanks and headed towards the soldiers of the armored regiment, seeing the tanks running over them, these soldiers were in despair...

When the remaining two armored regiments arrived, they saw their tank troops and immediately waved to them excitedly. The head of the Seventh Regiment sitting in the tank was a little dazed looking at this group of guys. Are these guys out of their minds? But although he was surprised, he immediately ordered: "Everyone, get ready.

All the gunners quickly replaced the armor-piercing projectiles into the barrels, and aimed the muzzles at the temporarily unprepared armored division tanks. When the distance was enough for the armor-piercing projectiles to penetrate the armor, he immediately ordered, "Fire!"

The armor-piercing shells of more than 20 tanks were fired immediately, and some tanks were directly shot through. The crew members were directly killed by the fragments of the armor-piercing shells, and lost their fighting ability.

"It's the enemy, they're using tanks from the logistics base!" Someone finally exclaimed, and they began to prepare to fight back. The tanks of the two sides began to attack on the vast suburban plain, 33 against 102, it seemed that the Seventh Airborne Regiment The odds are slim, but they still have infantry.

"Let it go!" The anti-tank missiles prepared in the rear are ready. It has to be said that although the soldiers of the Inca Republic are of poor quality, this anti-tank missile is the most advanced Dow. After locking the target, dozens of anti-tank missiles The missile came out directly, and with the 33 tanks, 30 enemy tanks were scrapped in an instant.

"Attack!!!" the division commander roared, and their tanks also fired. The explosive reactive armor outside one of our tanks withstood an attack. In a head-on confrontation, this kind of tank could hardly penetrate their frontal armor. But anti-tank missiles are different. They fly into the sky and attack vertically from above the tank, which is impossible to defend against.

"Boom!" The tanks of the two sides collided with each other, the engine roared and wrestled with each other. The crew members of the 7th Airborne Regiment climbed out of the tanks, lifted the top cover of a tank, pulled out a grenade and threw it in. The top cover is firmly pressed down with the body.

"Boom!" The huge vibration directly sent the member flying, he shook his head, resisted the ringing in his ears and climbed into the tank again.

The direct collision of the tanks was extremely intense. The two tanks deviated from each other after the collision. The gunner of our tank directly rotated the turret and disconnected the gun at the moment when the armor on the enemy side was exposed. The armor-piercing shell directly penetrated the side armor and flew from the other side. out.

The battle lasted for half an hour. The enemy lost most of the tanks and withdrew directly from the battlefield. Our side lost 15 of the 33 tanks, and 23 crew members died. The enemy army was wiped out. Two armored regiments and one battalion totaled 78 tanks. The division-level organizational system has been lost.

"Report, the Seventh Parachute Regiment reported that they had secured the logistics warehouse, wiped out two armored regiments and one battalion of the enemy, sacrificed 45 of their own, and seriously injured 67."

"Send helicopters to evacuate all the seriously injured and send them to the Ark Hospital." Zuo Qingyun said decisively, there are currently 30 transport helicopters, all of which are used to transport the wounded.

"Report, the first battalion has occupied the TV station. At this time, on the command screen, the offensive routes of all troops and our control area are very obvious. During half a day of fighting, they controlled two-fifths of the entire city area. Occupies most of the important facilities.

"Finger forward." Zuo Qingyun said decisively, and then walked out of the command room, the surrounding logistics personnel quickly dismantled, and then moved the command post forward [Li Bingxin is in charge of the rear command center, responsible for the treatment of the wounded and the coordination of logistics supplies.

"Is it unsafe to move the front finger forward?" Du Zigang said.

"I believe in my soldiers." Zuo Qingyun said with a smile, "As the chief officer, I must always stand with them, in the line of fire..."

Du Zigang looked at Zuo Qingyun under the slanting sun, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on him, showing a heroic spirit of pointing the country. He couldn't help smiling, and then immediately directed the surrounding logistics personnel to advance the command post to the designated location. .

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