Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 278 Qualitative Changes In The Inca Republic (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Plea

Countless people came to the presidential palace willing to ask for an end to the conflict, but Sudia would not care about them. Su Diya ordered his troops to contain the advance of the crowd, but it was unknown which soldier passed by, and the crowd's emotions were suddenly aroused to the extreme. They subconsciously thought that the troops were suppressing, and they rushed forward frantically.

"Da da!" The gunshot sounded, and the soldiers who didn't know why around opened fire immediately.

"Don't shoot!" A colonel yelled while looking at the falling crowd, but at this moment his shout was meaningless, and the conflict between the two parties was inevitable

In an instant, the ground was full of corpses, and a lieutenant colonel stood up and said angrily, "What are we doing! Are we pointing our guns at our own countrymen? We are not going to fight the enemy's troops, but here we are firing our guns." Aim at one of your own and stop shooting immediately."

Following his order, some of the soldiers immediately stopped shooting, and at the same time more and more roars sounded, and Sudia's dictatorship aroused a strong rebound at this moment.

"It's all Sudeya's fault!"

"Get him out of the stage!"

The gunshots sounded immediately, and the troops who had stopped shooting suddenly turned their guns and exchanged fire with the guards loyal to Sudia. Because they were very close, they caused huge casualties on both sides almost instantly.

"What are they doing?" In the established frontline headquarters, Zuo Qingyun was speechless looking at the picture transmitted by the drone. In the city center, their own troops mingled with the crowd, and their troops opened fire on their ~crowd.

"I don't know." Du Zigang shook his head, "But it's a good thing for us—maybe."

"Report, a division coming from the west has now stopped advancing." Just a moment after getting the news, a division that was marching towards the capital slowed down and began to wait and see.

The information from other troops that came later was roughly the same. The other troops who came to reinforce either stopped or moved extremely slowly.

There are not many people who want to replace Sudia, and they are happy to see him deflated and finally have to step down. Those troops have their own ideas, and no one wants to fight the iron fist of the amphibious combat brigade. In that way, there is no benefit other than wasting your own troops, but it will bring you a disadvantage.

"What a group of exquisite egoists." Zuo Qingyun smiled mockingly, and he immediately said to Du Zigang, "Let our troops maintain the current front and stop attacking."

"Stop attacking?" Du Zigang frowned.

"Our strategic goal has been achieved." Zuo Qingyun explained, "There is no need to waste our time and energy. With this effort, it is better to let the soldiers have a good rest and have a hot meal. As for them, they have no strength in a short time Launch a counterattack against us. Let the troops seize the time to transfer the wounded to Kaifa.

That night, the Amphibious Combat Brigade and the Seventh Parachute Regiment did not launch an offensive, but repaired on the spot, but the gunfire still rang out all night, and everything was about the same as Zuo Qingyun expected.

Military Conference Center

The battle report had already been placed on the meeting table. A dozen committee members and the commander-in-chief sat on the chairs. After a long time, the commander-in-chief said, "Now Zuo Qingyun has ordered the amphibious combat brigade to stop the offensive and maintain the current front. Now, according to the news from the Intelligence Bureau , because of our combat operations, their troops are starting to fight among themselves, the troops controlled by the new thinking officers and the troops controlled by the old officers loyal to Sudia are now at war, what do you think?"

"Suppress a group, support a group, divide a group!" said a general.

"That's right, most of the officers who defected were young men, and they didn't have much to do with Sudiya's interests, but the government army represented by Sudiya is also not a good bird." The commander nodded and said, "We are not on the battlefield. , I am afraid that the judgment of the battlefield situation is too arbitrary, so leave this matter to Zuo Qingyun."

"But he has only one brigade plus one parachute regiment, can he control it?" a general asked with some concern.

"Trust our young comrades." The commander chuckled, "Do you think that a young man who can successfully land and annihilate the enemy's divisions with such a small force is of such a level? But it is different from the battle in the Southwest. There are military prodigies everywhere."

...asking for flowers...

"That's right, it's a miracle to attack the enemy's large army with such a small force, and the casualties are only more than a hundred." A general said with emotion.

"Now their situation is predictable. No matter what the result is, their own internal friction will start from here. The decline is inevitable. Some people will not be able to take advantage of the fire and watch the fire from the other side. We must also prepare for the battle. The current Yanhuang There is no need to be patient anymore." There was a firm light in the eyes of an admiral, now that Yanhuang has gradually become stronger, he no longer looks up to that altar.

After getting the news, all the countries in the world were shocked. They faintly realized that Yanhuang is different from before. Although they dare not confront them directly, it is still possible to support these young officers. Their purpose is just to drag them down. Crashed here, but they didn't expect that they didn't care about this land at all.

At this time, Zuo Qingyun was receiving a person he expected and also unexpected, Su Diya's son-in-law, and Lieutenant General Tuo.

"If my guess is correct, you are the head of the Inca Republic forces and Lieutenant General Tuo, or the son-in-law of President Sudia." There was a gentle smile on Zuo Qingyun's face, but this smile made the Lieutenant General I felt a slight chill. He didn't expect that it was such a young man who commanded the troops to mess up his plan.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm the commander of the landing force, Colonel Zuo Qingyun. If I'm right, your purpose is to protest to me, right? It's really not easy for you to penetrate the front line. Zuo Qingyun's Looking at him, it seemed to penetrate directly into his heart.

Lieutenant General Hetuo took a deep breath, but he could not lose our momentum, and then said: "Yes, Mr. Colonel, our government has proposed to your government that you have landed in our country for no reason and caused serious damage to our side. Outcry."

"Really?" Zuo Qingyun threw the documents sent by the Foreign Education Department on the table.

General He Tuo opened it to look at the content, and his face suddenly changed. .

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