Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 295 Nanyang Raiders (Please Subscribe! Please Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Okay, everyone is here, let's have a simple meeting." Looking at the parachute regiment leader Guo Zixing, the leader of the Wolf Warrior Squadron Long Xiaoyun, the chief of staff Du Zigang, and the political commissar Li Bingxin, Zuo Qingyun ordered He nodded and said, "Now we have basically controlled the situation, now let's discuss our follow-up combat policy.

"From the reality, we have already occupied most of the capital, and there is almost no force around here that can pose a threat to us. However, due to the strikes and marches organized by the masses in various places, the Sudia government has shifted its focus from clearing the rebels. When it comes to suppressing demonstrations and uprisings." Long Xiaoyun first said: "This gives these rebels a chance to recuperate, at least there are four divisions of rebel forces in the north and south of the Inca Republic."

"These are not things we should consider, at least on the surface we will not intervene in their civil war." Du Zigang reminded.

"However, I think there is a possibility." Zuo Qingyun nodded, and then there was a hint of worry in his eyes, "Compared to these, I am more worried about one thing, the rebels and the government forces once again united to suppress Sidney The uprising they led."

"Isn't this impossible? Shouldn't they fight to the death?" Guo Zixing asked suspiciously.

"No, don't forget that 187 has only eternal interests, and no eternal enemies. What's more, the rebel army and the government army are originally one family." Zuo Qingyun shook his head seriously

"They can go their separate ways or unite for their own interests. After all, for them, the Red Party is an eternal threat. Once they come to power, they will never let them go. But the most unpredictable thing is people's hearts. If you want to come to the rebels I don't want to associate with them."

One sentence silenced all four people on the field. Ideology is higher than domestic conflicts. It is obviously impossible for some people to fight the regular army.

"So count the Yanhuang Incas we trained with them." Zuo Qingyun looked at them and said, although they signed an agreement with the Dia government, they will never regard us as their own. Contradictions, the next target is us, so we must be prepared with both hands

"(dbed) Indeed." Li Bingxin nodded with emotion, "We can ask our superiors for some more troops."

"Okay, let's send a telegram in the name of the party committee. After all, the strength of each brigade and regiment is really not enough." Zuo Qingyun sighed and said, "At the same time, let the first battalion transfer the backbone to train these people sent by Sidney. , but I have a hunch that the days of the Inca are about to change."

"Really? You just believe that Sidney and the others can succeed?" Long Xiaoyun asked with some doubts.

"I believe in the people." Zuo Qingyun looked at Long Xiaoyun and couldn't help but chuckle, "But what do you think of Hetuo's proposal that we help them train troops?"

"I think this is a good thing." Li Bingxin said with a smile, "Isn't it good to turn them into revolutionary soldiers?"

"Hahahahaha." Everyone present laughed. According to Yanhuang's training mode, after the training is over, these people may not belong to him Sudia.

At this time, the Presidential Palace of the Inca Republic

"How's the connection with the rebels going?" Sudeya asked Heto.

"They don't want to unite with us and return to the ranks of the government army." He Tuo's face was livid, "Behind them are the beautiful country, the John Bull country, and even the country that lives a good life will come to intervene."

"These bastards, when will they still have this idea of ​​conspiracy, sooner or later they will all be wiped out." Su Diya cursed viciously, "Now we can only be tied to the Yanhuang people, what about the demonstrations everywhere? "

"There are voices wanting to oust you from power everywhere, but they are just a group of unscrupulous people, without a gun in their hands, how big a storm can be caused." He Tuo said indifferently, "The worst thing is to suppress it by force."

"But I feel that Yanhuang people won't just watch like this. You have to keep an eye on it." Su Diya reminded again, after all, Yanhuang and Sidney both believe in the same doctrine, and with the special status of the Yanhuang army here, They had to be on their guard.

"Don't worry, father-in-law."

"By the way, how about the formation of the new army?"

"We have assembled reserve troops of two divisions near the capital, and are now receiving training at the Candik military base. In addition, the rebels and our own troops are also recruiting troops in the cities, and military control has been implemented in various large and medium-sized cities." Heto said with some concern.

Su Diya's face suddenly changed. This kind of order can be described as an extremely dangerous signal. If the government still has authority, military control will be under military control. But now he has lost confidence in the troops under his command, and everyone looks like a rebel .

"This is not something we are considering now. We must first ensure the strength of our central army." Su Diya can only pick up the important things at the moment, "By the way, how about asking Yanhuang to help our army?"

"They agreed to help us train the troops of the two regiments first." He Tuo said.


At this time, in the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Military and Political Council, he looked at the briefings of the Inca Republic and its surrounding countries collected by the Intelligence Bureau and smiled. He said to Ye Chengfeng on the side: "At this moment, Nanyang is very lively, and several forces are criss-crossing. Staggered, aside from our own troops, government troops, rebels, working and bourgeois classes and those rogue states, it's a big show."

"That's true." Ye Chengfeng said with a smile following the commander's words, "Zuo Qingyun's handling method is not bad, at least compared to Sudia, Sidney can still be trusted

"I know Sidney, who has been fighting for his faith for more than 20 years. I have met him before, and he is a good leader." The hearts of the people are gone, the current situation is just lingering, as for their request for troop support, they should send the 3rd Brigade of the Marine Corps of the First Fleet there, he was a staff officer there, and it is easier to use it.”

"Okay, I'll order them to leave immediately. At the same time, send some heavy equipment over.

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