Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 296 The Power Of Political Education (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Colle

The next day, the two infantry regiments sent by Su Diya and the others arrived at Zuo Qingyun's station. Zuo Qingyun called Long Xiaoyun and walked out with her.

Under the arrangement of their own officers, all the soldiers of the infantry regiment lined up neatly, but everyone's eyes were full of hatred, and their fists were tightly rubbed. Their chief said that they had to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and they had to learn the skills of these Yanhuang people before they could kill all their enemies and drive them out of their country.

All the Yanhuang soldiers around were waiting for Zuo Qingyun, a colonel was already waiting for Zuo Qingyun, when he saw him coming, he immediately ran over and saluted, "Colonel, our two regiments are full, and the next thing will be left to you gone."

"Don't worry, since I promised, I will do it." Zuo Qingyun bowed back, and then said lightly, "Can they speak Yanhuang?"

"Yes, some of them are Yanhuang descendants. They can't speak, but they can understand it." The colonel said.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to Long Xiaoyun, "These are all your people, I leave them to you.

"Yes!" Long Xiaoyun yelled, then turned around to face the two infantry regiments, and shouted: "There are both, turn right, fully armed for 10 kilometers.

These soldiers moved reluctantly. Although they didn't want to obey the Yanhuang people's orders, they could only endure for the sake of learning.

Zuo Qingyun said to Li Bingxin who was behind her: "Are you ready for the politics class tonight~, political commissar?"

"Don't worry, there's no problem." Li Bingxin smiled, Zuo Qingyun nodded, and then looked at the Inca soldiers running around on the field. On the other side, the soldiers of the captive army were also training, and they were staring at the scorching sun Standing in a military posture with the officers sent by Sidney, although it is winter, there is no season near the equator—say.

"Are you tired?" Zuo Qingyun asked Colonel Mike, who was with his soldiers at the moment, and their clothes were soaked by the river water.

"Not tired!" All the people shouted in unison, the two infantry regiments sent by Sudia suddenly froze. Are those really captives?

Zuo Qingyun nodded. In addition to the two thousand captives in this regiment, there are dozens of officers sent by Sidney, and another thousand people who were voluntarily trained by the Yanhuang Incas. The troops handed over to Sidney had the strength of two regiments. The effect of political education is very significant. Except for those Yanhuang Inca who have national hatred and family hatred, their thinking has basically changed. They will start to ask themselves why they are soldiers and what they are fighting for. Compared with before, this The state of mind of the people has shown that their minds have changed from numbness to flexibility.

Moreover, the gap between here and the previous troops is very obvious. Here, they feel that they are a respected person. The Yanhuang people's instructors don't beat or scold them, they will take the trouble to teach them many times what they don't understand, and their food is better than that of the Yanhuang soldiers, which makes them very moved.

"Are they all rubbish? Push-ups for an hour." Two hours later, when the ten kilometers were fully armed, Long Xiaoyun immediately began to practice, and the continuous roar made the playground extremely lively.

"These Yanhuang people are really crazy."

"It's no wonder that our troops are so vulnerable, every day like this, isn't it amazing?"

"Stop talking, save some effort." All the reserve soldiers were muttering in crosstalk. Although they hated the Yanhuang Army, they had to admire their hard training, which was unimaginable in their previous training. , Such high-intensity training is enough to surpass their elite troops.

The supervisors sent by the Sudia government also relaxed and left after seeing such a scene. No matter how annoying these people are, they are still trustworthy.

It was getting dark, and after the evening training, these soldiers were lying on the ground one by one.

"Get up, good!"

"Quick!" A series of bullets hit them in front of them, making them get up quickly. After all, no one wants to be shot.

"Colonel, what are you doing?" Their colonel leader asked Zuo Qingyun suspiciously.

"Let's go to class!" Zuo Qingyun smiled lightly, which made the group leader look puzzled, "People's emotions are the source of combat power. Anger, hope, or hatred can make a person stronger, but these emotional changes It is too big, and to make an army really strong, it must first let them understand why they are fighting."

Hearing Zuo Qingyun's words, the colonel suddenly had a look of enlightenment on his face, no wonder Yanhuang's soldiers are so powerful in fighting. Soon, two large screens were erected, and everyone was puzzled, should we show them a movie?

...asking for flowers...

The screen lit up, and looking at the scene on the screen, the expressions of all the Inca soldiers became serious, with a look of pain in their eyes. A lot of buildings were riddled with bombs, and the streets were full of deep pits caused by shells. The shop windows on both sides of the street had been completely broken, and it was obvious that they had been looted. The civilians who occasionally appeared on the screen also looked panicked, dazed and terrified.

The scene suddenly changed, and the gunfire raged, turning into a civil war among their own people. The colonel beside Zuo Qingyun had pain in his eyes, and he turned his head to look at Zuo Qingyun, "Colonel, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to put this here? "

"Aren't the people you want to eliminate rebels?" The corner of Zuo Qingyun's mouth curved slightly, and the colonel was immediately discouraged. You know, they are still allies with the Yanhuang people, even if it's only on the surface, he really wants to call Stop, the development of things now is somewhat beyond his expectations, but the aura of these soldiers has obviously changed, which makes him hesitate again.


The picture continues, the city center, the scene where their soldiers shoot at the civilians, there is blood everywhere, this is the first time Zuo Qingyun has shown it, and it is also the first time these reserve soldiers and captured soldiers watched, they stood up directly, There was a look of disbelief in his eyes, and the picture came to an abrupt end here.

"Have you seen it? This is the sadness of being a soldier. Watching your capital, your parents and brothers being caught in the flames of war, but you yourself are helpless. Tell me, who is your enemy?" Li Bingxin said loudly.

"Rebels!" The eyes of these soldiers were burning.

"That's right, it's the rebels. As soldiers, they raise their butcher's knives at their compatriots. Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Look, how is the effect?" Zuo Qingyun turned to the colonel beside him.

The colonel nodded, he had to admit that the effect was really good, but he always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. he took a deep breath

I clenched my fists, anyway, improving the combat effectiveness of the troops is the most important thing now.

Seeing his expression, Zuo Qingyun and Li Bingxin looked at each other, showing a fox-like smile. .

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