Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 298: A True Monument (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

After dealing with the arrival of the third brigade, Zuo Qingyun took the warship and returned directly to Nandao City. Even in winter, it is still like spring here.

In the funeral home of Nandao City, more than 200 military coffins were lying here, surrounded by densely packed soldiers, including Zuo Qingyun and Second Fleet Commander Cha Weiren.

"It's time, get up!" Cha Weiren glanced at his watch, then said in a deep voice.

The surrounding soldiers carried the military coffin, and Zuo Qingyun walked in the front of the line, and walked out of the funeral home with neat steps. Amid the roar of the salute, there were long lines standing on both sides of the street, and everyone was watching. Looking at these coffins, they know that there are soldiers who died for the country lying in them.

In addition to the people, there are also officers and soldiers who were injured and sent back to Nandao City. They also had tears in their eyes.

"Mom, why are you crying?" A little girl took her mother's hand and asked with some doubts why all the adults around were crying.

The woman squatted down, hugged her daughter, pointed at these coffins and said with a sob: "Xiaoguo, you have to remember them, every year on the ancestor worship day, no matter where you are, you have to come back here on 31, give them Presenting flowers, you know? You and your mother’s lives were saved by these uncles.”

"I remember, mother."

Across the long street, there is a monument that has been repaired. On the square in front of the monument, countless family members of soldiers who came from China stood there with tears in their eyes.

"Falling the coffin!" Cha Weiren said, everyone supported the military coffin and slowly placed it on the square.

"Salute!" Everyone raised their hands in unison, saluting a solemn military salute.

"Auntie, over here, I'll take you there!"

"Grandpa, here, please slow down." The female soldiers at the fleet headquarters supported the family members and walked towards the neatly placed military coffins.

"is it here?"

"Well, grandpa, my brother is here." A young woman supported an old man, her tears flowing freely, "My brother walked very peacefully, he just fell asleep."

"Don't cry, he didn't embarrass his father who died in the Monkey Country, and he didn't embarrass the old Li's family." The old man said, looking at his grandson lying in the military coffin covered with the national flag. He stretched out his hand and stroked his face, water flowed from the corners of his eyes, the coldness of his body made him feel the desolation of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man.

"Mom, didn't you say you were going to take me to see Dad? Dad is there, you are lying."

A young woman hugged her child and buried his head in her arms. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't make a sound. She stared fixedly at the familiar but unfamiliar face in the military coffin, and lightly Pursing his lips, "Dad, he is too tired and has fallen asleep, little soldier, don't wake up Dad."

"When will Dad wake up? He promised to take me to the amusement park." The little boy pouted and said, she didn't know how to answer her son, Zuo Qingyun stood behind them, eyes wide open. flushed.

"Son, mother is here to see you off." A gray-haired woman came over with the support of a female soldier. She was still holding a bag in her hand. She stood in front of the military coffin and stretched out her hand The pancakes were placed on his chest one by one, choked with sobs, "Son, Mom thought, I won't be able to make pancakes for you anymore, so I made some more, you take it with you, and eat slowly on the way"

"Leader, can you take a photo with my son? He hasn't been home for three years..." Suddenly, an old couple stopped Zuo Qingyun, and Zuo Qingyun held back tears


"Everyone, fire the gun!" Half an hour later, all the family members were invited aside, and rows of salute soldiers shot into the sky to send them off for the last time.

Many names were engraved densely on the monument, and there are still many vacant places, which are left for themselves by them. Each of them has made up his mind to die.

"Tata!" Heavy footsteps sounded, and an unexpected person appeared. The commander walked over from one side, faced the crowd in the square, and saluted a solemn military salute. The commander looked at them and spoke slowly.

"In this sad, serious, and very solemn moment, I seem to have returned to that era of war-torn times. I think of a lot, a lot..." the commander said in a deep voice, looking at the officers, soldiers and people lined up neatly under the stage.

"The war between Yanhuang and John Bull, the Daejeon uprising, the anti-aggression war, the self-defense war... Too many people gave their precious and young lives in these struggles, and how many loyal souls have buried their bones in other places and have not returned. Every day There are sacrifices, and new people join in every day, going on and on.”

Although their lives as human beings have passed away, their souls as soldiers are with us forever," the commander-in-chief's words were powerful and full of power, and the surrounding reporters recorded videos and broadcast them in real time, "Wiseness is passed on through the ages, and righteousness is great forever. . Our predecessors and our descendants gave up their lives and paved a broad road for our country with their lives and blood. I am very happy to see our soldiers in the new era blaze a trail in order to achieve national rejuvenation and prosperity of the country. Please accept the respect of a veteran

At the moment when the commander saluted, all the officers and soldiers present saluted together.

"Fight for the rise of Yanhuang!" Zuo Qingyun roared.

"Fight for the rise of Yanhuang!!" The audience's roar seemed to tear the sky, and those who saw this scene through the TV broadcast, whether they were enemies or comrades-in-arms, burst into tears.

"Now confer the honorary title of Amphibious Combat First Brigade, Landing Pioneer Brigade, officers and soldiers of the Department, and Operation Storm Commemorative Medal."

"Yes!" Zuo Qingyun took a step forward and took over the honorary flag, while the medal on one side was taken over by the chief of staff of the amphibious combat brigade.

"Lift up the coffin and send off your comrades!" Cha Weiren said, everyone quickly got up, lifted the military coffin again and headed towards the crematorium, while the rest of the family members and civilians stood in place and watched the military coffin go away until it disappeared No, they were still staring in this direction.

This monument is their symbol. Although the martyrs have passed away, their spirit will last forever, just like a monument. In the years to come, many people's names will be added to this monument. They are all heroes. Every festival, there will always be flowers here.

Their remains were cremated and brought back to their hometowns by their relatives. .

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