Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 299 Marching To Ba Island (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Commander." After the ceremony, the commander directly called Zuo Qingyun to the headquarters of the Second Fleet.

"Your Inca has done a good job." The commander patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "But the task to be entrusted to you is still very important."

"Commander, please give the order." Zuo Qingyun said solemnly.

"Very well, now your task is to stabilize the situation here. Seeing that Zuo Qingyun is so serious, he also put away his smile, "The situation here is complicated now, you must learn to assess the situation. For some people, meaning means enough. "

Zuo Qingyun nodded, he naturally knew what the commander meant, but this kind of topic was too sensitive, both of them were smart people, so many things didn't need to be said so clearly.

"For decades, they have blocked us and tried to restrict us and prevent us from coming out. This is simply a joke." The commander snorted coldly, "The current situation has created such an opportunity for us, and the responsibility on you is very serious." Heavy, however, I have confidence in your ability to accomplish this daunting task."

"During the 20 days of fighting, our military expenditures totaled 2 billion, and this number will increase in the future." Zuo Qingyun listened to the commander's words, and remained silent on the spot. It’s okay to leave as soon as it’s over, but now they are stationed here, and they are also responsible for the food and clothing of tens of thousands of expatriates. Obviously, 2 billion is not enough.

"I'm telling you this not to put you under psychological pressure. Now that the battle has started, we can only go one way to the dark. There is basically no need to worry about things in the southwest. The two armies that stay there not only stabilize the front line, but also cooperate with the Autonomous Alliance. At the same time, all their attempts to break through the front line have failed, and they have become more honest recently." The commander glanced at him, "I am only worried about you, and the Ministry of Finance and Logistics will do its best to protect you." "

"On behalf of all officers and soldiers of the Amphibious Combat Brigade, Commander Xie."

"Thank you for what?" The commander raised his eyebrows, with a little dissatisfaction in his tone, "Don't give me bureaucracy, our soldiers are bleeding and dying outside, and the logistics people in the rear should do more. , When things here basically stabilize, I will give you a long vacation."




"Commander, now the Eighth Brigade of the Inca Mechanized Infantry has occupied Ba Island, and a large number of tourists from our country are trapped." A communications staff officer came in and said quickly.

"The military situation is urgent, I will leave first, Commander!"


"What's the situation now." On the Lishan ship on the return journey, Zuo Qingyun went directly to the combat command room together with the news channel, and at this time the chief officers of each unit were having a meeting.

"Five hours after you left, the 8th Brigade of the enemy's mechanized infantry suddenly attacked from the oil island in the northeast and quickly occupied Ba Island. The police stationed on the island surrendered after resisting, and the number of tourists cannot be counted for the time being." Staff Officer Chang Du Zigang said with a sullen face, they really picked a good time.

"This is the topographic map of Ba Island. Please take a look. The whole island is full of mountains, high in the east and low in the west. Tourists are mainly concentrated in the coastal area." A staff officer pointed to the 3D topographic map and said.

"What do you think?" Zuo Qingyun looked at the crowd on the screen.

"There are a lot of people on Ba Island, and there is a great possibility of sneaking in. Now that the island is under our control, we can directly move over with the Sudia government army and cooperate with the outside." Long Xiaoyun thought for a while and said first, after all, that There is only one brigade, and it is thought that the Sudia government army will send troops with them out of the need to regain lost ground, but the tourists inside are the biggest uncertain factor.

"I agree with Captain Long's opinion," Du Zigang said.

"Me too."

"The number of people in this attack does not need to be too many. The Wolf Warrior Squadron will start first, plus the first, fourth and fifth battalions of the third brigade, the second and sixth battalions of the amphibious combat brigade, the engineer battalion, and the electronic countermeasure battalion. The Inca soldiers from the two training regiments will be brought along, and the rest of the troops will stick to the headquarters. Chief of Staff Du and Chief of Staff Fu will do the work of staying behind the two troops, and political commissar Li will be responsible for contacting the Sudia government." Zuo Qingyun quickly assigned tasks.


All the troops assembled quickly, and then headed directly towards Ba Island. The Sudeya government also quickly dispatched a brigade of combat troops to join Zuo Qingyun's assault troops.

At this time, the panic on Ba Island was spreading. All major intersections had been blocked by the rebels. Pairs of heavily armed soldiers were patrolling. Gunshots could be heard from time to time, and various violent incidents emerged one after another.

"々. Hurry up, get all the Yanhuang people out of here." In a hotel, an officer said to his soldiers, and they broke into each room involuntarily.

"I'm a beautiful Chinese, I'm not from Yanhuang." A woman was dragged out by a soldier by her hair, trembling all over.

"Really?" The officer sneered. From the look on his face, you think I would believe that the passport he took from the soldier and searched was indeed from the beautiful country.

"Mr. Smith, prove it to me." The woman looked at a shivering white man squatting in the corner as if asking for help. He was an official of the consulate of the beautiful country.

"Who are you, I don't know you!" The white man quickly shook his head, "She is not considered a beautiful Chinese."

"You can't do this, I have the nationality of a beautiful country, you should protect me." The woman roared loudly.

"Protection? If it's not for the sake of the money (the promise is good), do you think we will let you join the beautiful country? Save it." The white man said with a sneer, he hastily distanced himself from the woman, and the officer was not polite directly let the soldiers take her away.

As the troops advanced, Zuo Qingyun directly set up the headquarters on the Lishan ship. Although he also wanted to be a commando, he was afraid that if he mentioned it, he would be scolded by the political commissar and chief of staff.

"Wolf Warrior Squadron, you need to find out the location of the enemy's main force and the situation of the trapped tourists during the early infiltration. UAV and satellite reconnaissance will provide you with support." Zuo Qingyun said in the communication channel.

"Received!" Long Xiaoyun replied, "We hope to get the support of the electronic army."

"We will provide you with support." The battalion commander of the electronic countermeasures battalion said that they are now advancing at a high speed and are expected to arrive at the predetermined location Dian within five hours. .

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