Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 353 Straight Into Beishi (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"It's really interesting." Zuo Qingyun looked at the last image transmitted by the drone. They have built a tight fortification in the city relying on the buildings.

"If we attack by force, we will pay serious casualties." Du Zigang walked over and said with the data analyzed by the staff department, and now all the offensive troops are ready to be in place. At this time, Zuo Qingyun was also thinking about how to win this place, or this emergency command, with the least cost.

"Brigade Commander, the reconnaissance team at the forefront of the reconnaissance battalion discovered that half an hour ago, an enemy convoy was heading towards the Beishi defensive circle under the protection of nearly a battalion." Staff Officer Li ran in and said.

"Is this true or is it a trick?" Du Zigang hesitated. He looked at Zuo Qingyun. The landing troops of the First Fleet were firmly blocked in the defense circle of Beishi, and the defense line behind them was relatively weak. The strength of a division.

"Regardless of whether he is a bluff or not, we will take Beishi no matter what." Zuo Qingyun adapts to the situation and decisively chooses to change the target of the battle. After all, once Beishi is conquered, the so-called government will completely cease to exist. He looked at Du Zigang, "After ordering the first battalion and the second battalion to stay, 320, if the second gendarmerie brigade wants to chase us, we must hold them back. The remaining troops quickly detour, along the island line, and directly detour to the rear defense line of Beishi and the navy. The fifth and sixth brigades of the Marine Corps are converging."


At this time, the brigade commander Cai Xiao learned of Zuo Qingyun's order to abandon the attack on Zhubei City at the headquarters of the Second Gendarmerie Brigade. He looked at the map and breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, these people from the Emergency Command were still staying in Zhubei City, and those convoys that left were naturally going in another direction to attract Zuo Qingyun's attention. However, he always felt that something was wrong. At this time, the latest information on the battlefield came.

The brigade commander, the fifth and sixth brigades of the enemy Marine Corps, had already approached Beishi from the rear line of defense, and forty percent of the troops in the Beishi defense circle had been lost. It's not stable anymore. "

"No, Zuo Qingyun is not chasing them, but going directly from our side to attack the southern line of Beishi." Cai Xiao's face changed, he finally knew where his negligence was.

Once the defensive circle of Beishi is breached, their defense here will be meaningless. (dbcd) They spared Zuo Qingyun's troops and concentrated all their troops in the city to make way for them to advance , and now because of the dispersal of troops, it will take him more time to pursue Zuo Qingyun, "Quickly, immediately mobilize the seventh regiment to pursue Zuo Qingyun."

Because of the time difference in intelligence, the first battalion and the second battalion have already built a line of defense, and the army aviation armed helicopter brigade transferred from central Fujian has also moved to the landing site, ready to provide them with fire support at any time. Therefore, the pursuing Gendarmerie Seventh Regiment was directly hit by firepower and lost its combat capability.

"The first battalion reported that they have blocked the gendarmerie that was chasing us. It seems that they discovered our purpose of attacking Beishi's defensive circle." Du Zigang said with a smile

"Oh, I really think I'm stupid." Zuo Qingyun chuckled, "When we get Beishi settled, Zhubei City will be an isolated city, and what strategic significance can an isolated city have?"

"According to our current advance speed, we can reach the southern part of Beishi in another three hours, one hour earlier than the fifth and sixth brigades."

Three hours later, they arrived at the predetermined location. The 21st Infantry Division on the opposite side was waiting in full force. Their original task was to guard the urban area, but the deputy division commander Tan Huaying ordered all the troops to retreat outside the city for defense. Zuo Qingyun couldn't handle it at all. Knowing what the commander of Beishi is doing, giving up his own advantage to fight a field battle with the Yanhuang Army, which has an absolute superiority in firepower?

"The latest news is that the third brigade of the Marine Corps has opened a gap. They are now galloping towards Beishi. The enemy's effective force has lost 60%." You must know that the total strength of the local faction is only 300,000, of which 100,000 of the air force and naval forces have been mostly annihilated and lost their combat capabilities at the beginning of the war. Moreover, judging from the flames of war across the island, the whole organization gave up resistance. There are 4 divisions and 2 brigades in the army, accounting for two-fifths of the total army strength. There are three divisions around the defensive circle, a total of four divisions. Except for the 21st Infantry Division, the resistance forces of these four divisions suffered more than 40% battle losses.

"Brothers on the opposite side, I will give you a chance to lay down your weapons. We are all Yanhuang people. There is no need to fight each other with swords and guns." The amphibious combat brigade started broadcasting, but the people on the other side were completely unmoved. Supporters of the Nativist faction, they opened fire on the troops of the Amphibious Combat Brigade.

Zuo Qingyun and Du Zigang looked at each other, at this moment, the staff officer came over with a telegram, "Brigade Commander, I have received a telegram from an unknown station."

"The troops in front of your army are controlled by the diehards. There is no need to persuade them to surrender and annihilate them." Du Zigang took the telegram and said doubtfully.

"It seems that there is an internal response. If so, then attack and directly let our firepower tear a gap."

At this time, at the South Island Military Airport, the pilots were a little bored, because after the first wave of attacks, they had not received any orders. They were a little envious of the pilots of the East China Sea Fighter Brigade, who carried out strike missions every day. At this time, the alarm from the base When it rang, everyone's spirits were lifted immediately, and excited expressions appeared on their faces. They quickly ran to their fighter planes, and the ground crew had already done all the preparations for the fighter planes to dispatch, and led the fighter planes into the runway.

"Our mission is to strike the targets marked by the ground troops. Repeat, our mission is to strike the targets marked by the ground troops." The captain turned on the avionics system of the fighter jet and began to issue orders. During the flight, pay attention to avoiding the enemy. remaining air defense weapon systems. "

"Received!" the pilots responded, and they quickly rushed into the sky driving the fighter plane.

"Wait, hitting them is much more psychologically stressful than printing and adding people." Du Zigang said helplessly after calling for air strikes.

"It's about to end soon." Zuo Qingyun looked at the sky, although the rest of the troops hadn't arrived yet, but there was no need for it, the war was about to end soon.

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