Military: Starting From The Night Tiger As A Deputy Company

Chapter 354 Victory Day (Please Subscribe! Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

"Swish, swish, swish!" Numerous rockets shot out from under the wings of the supporting fighter planes. In just a few seconds, the surrounding positions were filled with flames, and the sound of explosions came and went. All the attacking troops watched this scene in shock. Silent, such a saturation strike far exceeds the northern battlefield.

The defense forces in Beishi saw this scene. Under such a saturation blow, almost no one could survive. This is an absolute firepower blow. The fear in their hearts is constantly being magnified. Now, 100% of the entire island Eighty percent of the area is already under the control of the Yanhuang Army, only the northern defense circle and the front line of Zhubei City have not yet been taken by the Yanhuang Army.

The headquarters of the 21st Infantry Division in Beishi was dead silent, and even the captain of the gendarmerie squadron sent by the Ministry of National Defense was silent. At this moment, no one said anything about counterattacks. They knew very well that they lost and lost Very thorough, there is no longer any power to fight back.

"The outer positions have lost contact." A staff officer said in a trembling voice.

"Let's put down our weapons~~" said a staff officer, he still didn't want to die, he still wanted to live.

"Shut up, whoever says put down your weapon, shoot immediately..." The military police commissioner hadn't finished speaking, and with a gunshot, a blood hole appeared on his head, and his whole body seemed to be out of control Generally down.

Everyone turned their eyes to Tan Huaying, the deputy division commander who was putting the pistol back into the holster. He adjusted his clothes against everyone's eyes, and then looked at Zhou Wen with a chuckle.

"Brother Huaying, what are you?" Zhou Wen frowned, not knowing why Tan Huaying did this.

"Brother Zhou, have we worked together for ten years?" Tan Huaying just looked at him~

"Yes, you have been my deputy head since I was the head of the group, until now." Zhou Wen's eyes showed a look of nostalgia, and he looked at the people around him, their faces were calm, as if As expected, perhaps in this headquarters, he is the real loner. Thinking of this, he smiled self-deprecatingly, "I still don't know when Brother Hua Ying betrayed the government.

"I'm not a member of the government, so how can I talk about betrayal?" Min Huaying's mouth changed slightly.

"Let's move forward!" On the periphery, the ground that had been bombed by the air force had turned into scorched earth. Zuo Qingyun issued an order, and the troops that had already sharpened their knives rushed forward quickly, and there was no longer any resistance in front of them. At this moment, Zuo Qingyun also rushed forward with the infantry vehicle. At the last moment, the reporters and cameras of the military channel rushed forward in the infantry vehicle.

On both sides of the city road, there were many soldiers who had put down their weapons and watched the infantry vehicles pass by them. This group of young people who did not know what faith was was deeply shocked by this team. Both are soldiers, but they are very different.

"Come on!" A group of soldiers rushed into the presidential palace. One soldier lowered their flag and threw it to the ground, slowly raising the red flag symbolizing victory.

"All of them, stand at attention, and salute the national flag!" All the soldiers stood at attention and raised their right hands facing the national flag. The photographer captured this great scene. At this moment, Yanhuang's century-old plan no longer has any worries. The footage was relayed to the General Staff, the Command Offices of the First and Second Fleets, and even the Commander's Office and the Central Office. All the people had tears in their eyes.

"We have won!" The staff department suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy, everyone was hugging and shouting, Qin Weiguo looked at the group of young people, feeling infinitely emotional.

"Victory, good victory..." Cha Weiren wiped away his tears, then turned his eyes to the calm sea, "Order all the troops under his command to move closer to Beishi immediately."

"Let the Central News Agency send a telegram to the whole country immediately." The commander extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and then said to the correspondent, no one knew what kind of turbulent waves were in his heart under his calm face.

Ten minutes later, a piece of news from the Central News Agency was directly searched on the top. Under the light of this news, all the entertainment and gossip news stood back one after another. The content of the news was only a short sentence: AD XXXX June At 12:17 am on the 9th, the presidential palace was captured by our army, and the wanderers who were alone overseas returned home.

...asking for flowers...

The whole country of Yanhuang was jubilant, everyone was rushing to tell each other, young people in various colleges were boiling, they didn’t go to class, and when they walked out, the teacher didn’t care about them, they jumped, hugged, and celebrated belonging to the motherland together In this great victory of the Communist Party of China, the scene of raising the red flag was also broadcast by military reporters.

Zuo Qingyun stood under the red flag, and a figure slowly walked over. It was Tan Huaying, the deputy commander of the 21st Division.

"Hello, Comrade Zuo Qingyun."

"Hello, Comrade Tan Huaying." The hands of the two were tightly held together. At the moment of victory, those of them who walk in the shadows can enjoy the sunshine openly at this moment. Zuo Qingyun looked at Tan Huaying, "For me My highest respect goes to my comrades on the hidden front."

"I will, Comrade Zuo Qingyun." Tan Huaying laughed, and he let the tears flow freely. He has been waiting for this moment for too long, from the moment he was 20 years old to today for 29 years.

At this time, following the broadcast of the TV station, the remaining enemy troops also knew the news that the presidential palace had been captured. All of a sudden, all the troops completely lost their will to continue fighting. Except for the troops controlled by the local faction, the rest The troops put down their weapons and surrendered to the Yanhuang army on the spot. In the end, there was only Zhubei City left, this lonely city.

"Damn it, what are those guys doing?" At this moment, although the Minister of Defense was helpless, he had to admit that they had lost completely.

"What should we do now?" A group of senior officials were very worried. Now they can't get out, and they have no future in fighting to the end.

"What else can we do? Negotiate." The Minister of Defense gritted his teeth and said, he believed that Yanhuang would never ignore the citizens of Zhubei City, and he believed that if they were used as bargaining chips, Yanhuang would not refuse to talk to them.

They even sneered and didn't speak anymore, they have reached this point, they are only thinking about themselves, in comparison, "Dong Yan is much better than them... Craftsman...

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