Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1080: Skynet

As the sun rises, a new day begins again, and Anxi's streets are once again filled with rushing crowds.

People living in the sun may never know the wind and rain of last night, and those who paid silently.

Of course, the sound of police sirens and flashing lights last night has also become a topic of discussion after work.

As for the gunshots of the institute, they quickly faded out of everyone's vision under the low-key handling.

However, as for relevant departments, relevant actions are still going on, and airport stations and important import and export are still under close inspection. The entire search and arrest work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Xu Hui and the others have obtained a lot of very valuable intelligence through raid interrogations of the enemy spies they have captured, and they have successfully arrested many spies and enemy spies.

It's just that the capture of vulture Chen Mingcheng continues. At present, the technical investigation department has compared and analyzed the surveillance videos in the nearby area and identified a young man who is very similar to Chen Mingcheng.

Xu Hui, who got the news, quickly rushed to the technical investigation department.

"Team Huang, I heard that you have made important achievements here?" Xu Hui asked a middle-aged man in glasses and white coat with a smile at a forty.

"Hehe, you are so urging, do we dare not hurry?" The middle-aged man, who is also the deputy head of the technical investigation department, smiled.

Xu Hui was a little embarrassed when he heard that, "Isn't this more anxious? Once Chen Mingcheng has escaped from Anxi, it will be difficult to catch him again.

When he is caught, the case is closed, and I will ask you to eat crayfish. "

"Come on, with your sentence, our hard work was not in vain, please here." The deputy captain Huang invited Xu Hui to a large screen, and then introduced the keyboard while typing on the keyboard.

"Based on the video surveillance data you sent over, we analyzed and compared Chen Mingcheng's human body data stored in the database. In the end, a person was identified in these video surveillances, and the consistency between him and Chen Mingcheng's data reached 100%. Of ninety-three."

"Ninety-three percent, can it be confirmed that it is Chen Mingcheng himself?" Xu Hui asked involuntarily.

Deputy Captain Huang shook his head: "Science is rigorous. We cannot guarantee that this person is Chen Mingcheng. However, with the current technical conditions, this person has the highest degree of agreement among the videos you submitted."

Speaking of Deputy Captain Huang’s broadcast surveillance, he said: “In order to further determine his identity, we found out the relevant video surveillance before the enemy spy action last night and during and after the action from these surveillance videos.

Although some of them are missing, most of them are under surveillance. It can be determined that this person had already arrived in the development zone before spying on enemy agents and was still active near the Haoyu Technology Office Building.

After the weather changed and it rained, he immediately entered a nearby fast food restaurant open 24 hours? After ordering some things, he went up to the second floor and sat down.

Because of the rain? Plus at night, there are no people on the second floor of this fast food restaurant. After this person sat down, he jumped out of a laptop? Then he kept talking with the headset.

The surveillance video provided by fast food restaurants is limited in pixels? The picture is blurred after zooming in, and we can't interpret the content of its words through lips.

About the time you arrived at the institute? He left immediately and entered the street where you found your phone in the trash can.

Because there is no surveillance in the middle of the street? So we can only make sure he enters the street? Then he is no longer visible. "

Speaking of this, Deputy Captain Huang smiled and said: "In order to find him, we have spent a lot of effort.

Although there is no surveillance in the middle of the road, there are on both sides of the road. We carefully checked the surveillance on both sides of the road? We were sure that he hadn't shown up after entering this street.

So now there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that he lives here or temporarily settled in a hotel in this street. Large hotels and guesthouses are all monitored. We call them. No? Then there are only some small hotels and guest houses.

The second possibility is that he may have left by car.

Within an hour after he entered the street? A total of 153 cars passed by this street. We calculated based on the passing speed of these vehicles and excluded most of them. In other words? Most of the vehicles did not stop on this street.

Then we focused on checking these vehicles with varying speeds on the street, as well as taxis and night buses.

Is there monitoring on the night bus? Did I ask to call it? Nothing.

Then it can only be taxis and these vehicles that may have stopped? And among them, we locked a taxi. "

Speaking, Deputy Captain Huang tapped the keyboard, then the video stopped and a taxi appeared.

"This is the taxi with a good license plate of XXXXXX, UU reading, look at it. It entered from the east of this street. Logically speaking, it should cross this street and exit from the west. .

However, it re-drove out from the east exit. And you pay attention, when this taxi entered it was empty, but when it came out it already showed passengers. This means that it took a passenger out after it entered.

We then followed the taxi again and found that the destination it was heading to was a high-speed rail station. Then this can explain the problem, this suspected Chen Mingcheng may have chosen to flee after receiving the news that his accomplices failed. After all, from his perspective, rushing to the station to leave before closing the city is the best choice.

However, according to our tracking, the car did not reach the station, but was about to return to the station. And its return location is exactly the location where we checked the card last night.

In other words, this person got out of the car and slipped away after seeing the card check. So even if he is not Chen Mingcheng, he must be closely related to him, or directly related to the case last night.

Or, he may be a fugitive suspect in other cases. "

Xu Hui looked at the stylishly dressed young man in the video and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "There can be no other suspects, I'm sure this person is Chen Mingcheng.

Yellow team, can you find him? "

Deputy Captain Huang shook his head when he heard the words: "If it is really Chen Mingcheng, it is really difficult to find him.

I will put his relevant human physiological characteristics data into the Skynet system. Once he appears on the monitoring screen again, the Skynet system can immediately lock him.

But if he hides, or uses other anti-reconnaissance methods, there is nothing we can do. "

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