Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1081: Fatal accident

"Military Technology (

Deputy Captain Huang shook his head when he heard the words: "If it is Chen Mingcheng, it would be really difficult to find him. I will put his relevant human physiological characteristics data into the Skynet system. Once he reappears In the monitoring screen, the Skynet system can immediately lock him.

But if he hides, or uses other anti-reconnaissance methods, there is nothing we can do. "

In the conference room, Xu Hui said to all the team members of the operation who were sitting in danger.

"At present, based on the intelligence we have, the interrogation confessions of all the suspects arrested, and the intelligence we have from the technical investigation side.

Because our blockade is relatively timely, this Chen Mingcheng is still in Anxi. And through the efforts of the technical investigation side, we have grabbed his tail.

What we have to do now is the power to find out this Chen Mingcheng, and then bring it to justice. On the ground in Anxi, at home, we don't allow him to get away with impunity. "

Having said this, Xu Hui said sternly at everyone: "Next, I will arrange our next tasks.

First of all, for the first task, you have to cooperate with the public security department, various police stations, and community neighborhood committees to visit and investigate all the villages, communities, small hotels, and some rental houses in the entire Anxi urban area.

In particular, the area where we found the mobile phone should be investigated. Although from the Skynet tracking of the technical investigation department, the suspected Chen Mingcheng should have taken a taxi to the high-speed rail station. But it does not rule out that this is his golden cicada's plan to escape, and he himself is still hiding in this area.

So you have to conduct a thorough investigation of this area. In this regard, you have to consult the local police officers. They are at the grassroots level all year round and are very familiar with their own areas. In addition, we must also learn to mobilize the masses. Neighborhood committees, neighborhood committees, and property committees are very good main players.

Lao Wang, this matter is left to you. You should stay with a few new people, train them, and let them be familiar with the basic situation. "

Ok, no problem. An old agent in his forties present here nodded with a smile upon hearing this.

Next, the second task. According to the tracking by the technical investigation department, this suspected Chen Mingcheng suspect may have taken this taxi with the license plate number XXXXXX to the high-speed rail station.

Ma, you and Nana go to the taxi driver to find out about the situation. Put on the surveillance video to make it easy for the driver to recognize. If it is identified that Chen Mingcheng called this taxi, then you can quickly bring the taxi driver back, and take a portrait of him while his memory is still clear.

Okay, Team Xu. The young agent nodded and looked at the young female agent sitting opposite and smiled.

Xu Hui nodded, and then continued: "The inspection of stations, airports, and all entrances and exits must continue, and more efforts must be made.

As our search and investigation efforts increase, Chen Mingcheng and other accomplices will definitely not be able to stay and try their best to escape from Anxi. So the net must be put in to prevent the fish from running away.

The technical investigation department is already using the Skynet system to conduct investigations. As long as this Chen Mingcheng appears on the monitoring screen, we can find and lock him in time. "

Having said that, Xu Hui changed his breath, and then continued: "Of course, all of us can't just surround Chen Mingcheng, other things must continue.

The first is to speed up the interrogation of these people who have been caught, and vomit everything they have hidden and tucked away.

It must be fast, and before the other accomplices are not aware of it, this is not only beneficial to our current case, but also to the arrest of the enemy agents hiding in our Anxi and even domestic spies.

If we catch one more person, we will lose a share. "

"The second thing is to strengthen the attention and protection of high-tech companies like Haoyu Technology. Especially such companies and research institutes that participate in major projects are the focus of our attention and protection.

If the actions of these people succeeded last night, then we will face immeasurable losses.

This can be said to be our negligence. In this regard, I have already talked to me. Although the enemy's conspiracy did not succeed in the end, it was our negligence.

Everyone knows the specific situation, so I won't talk about it here. "

Speaking of this, Xu Hui looked around at the crowd, and then solemnly said: "You all know the discipline. You are not allowed to confide half a word to the outside world about what happened last night. Especially those who enter the institute should keep their mouths under control. .

After this operation, everyone followed me to relearn the confidentiality regulations. "

If it hadn't been for the heavy mechanical exoskeleton that Meng Hai wore last night to help protect the combat armor and block these invading enemy spies, then maybe these people would have escaped.

Once these people take the hard drive and escape, UU Read then the data in the hard drive is likely to be stolen. And the losses caused by this will undoubtedly be immeasurable.

This was indeed his mistake. It was his failure to make perfect preparations. He already wanted to admit it today.

He doesn't know how to deal with this. He has only one goal now, which is to arrest this Chen Mingcheng and bring him to justice.

With the action in full swing, Chen Mingcheng, who has been relatively calm, finally panicked.

At this moment, he is playing with his special makeup skills. With excellent makeup, he now became a gray-haired old lady in her sixties.

She was struggling to get on the bus, cast two dollars tremblingly, and then walked into the car, and then a student in school uniform gave him his seat.

Thank you. He also thanked him in a hoarse voice, and then sat down.

This kind of thing is not strange on the bus, so everyone did not think it was special, so naturally they did not pay attention.

This also gave him a sigh of relief, hoping to get the car out of town smoothly.

Seeing that it was about to leave the city, the number of people in the car couldn't help but it became crowded.

Suddenly, the vehicle braked sharply, and the people in the vehicle quickly fell forward, and the woman standing next to Chen Mingcheng, panicked, subconsciously scratching the back of the seat.

But the back of the chair didn't catch, the woman grabbed the wig worn by Chen Mingcheng, and then grabbed it all at once.

Apart from the woman's consternation, everyone in the car also looked at him, which made Chen Mingcheng stunned for a moment. He never dreamed that there would be such an occurrence.

Facing everyone's eyes, Chen Mingcheng couldn't help it anymore and chose to get off the car.

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