Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: "Mouse Tail Juice"

"Military Technology (

"Team Xu, we just heard from the checkpoint at the west exit of the city that when they were checking an intercity bus, the people on the stop said that shortly before arriving at the checkpoint, someone on the bus was posing as an old lady. As a result, a woman in the car pulled her wig off the road because the car braked sharply. This person saw it and got out of the car hastily.

By the way, the people in the car also took a video. "Speaking, the young female agent handed the transparent tablet in her hand to Xu Hui and said.

Xu Hui's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he took the tablet and looked at it carefully. Although there were many people in the car and the camera was shaking, Xu Hui recognized it at a glance.

"Yes, this is Chen Mingcheng." Xu Hui categorically confirmed, and then ordered to everyone in the office.

"Immediately notify one group and the second group, and take people to the Chen Mingcheng drop-off area, within one kilometer of the area, to conduct a dragnet investigation.

In addition, notify the local police station, sub-bureau, street office, and joint defense team to cooperate with our actions. Furthermore, the video will be sent to the technical investigation department so that they can call this area to monitor and cooperate with us. "

With Xu Hui's cry, the personnel of relevant departments acted swiftly, reacted quickly, and were highly efficient, which is absolutely impossible for people who grew up in the West like Chen Mingcheng to appreciate.

When he looked at the street, the police started to check the ID card to verify the identity. When the police car was speeding on the road, he knew that he should have been exposed just now.

He is now in a dangerous state and must escape as soon as possible. But personally, he wants to escape now, and it is difficult to find a safe place.

With great reluctance, he dialed a call.

"Hey, I am a vulture."

"Vulture, are you okay, the wind is very tight now." A woman's voice came through the phone. This woman is the blue bird.

"I'm in a little trouble now, and I need you to respond." Chen Mingcheng looked around, then whispered.

The Blue Bird did not hesitate, and immediately responded: "Okay, you say a location, we will pick you up right away."

"Okay, you come to the Qingyin Temple in the west of the city to pick me up." Chen Mingcheng replied immediately.

This is certainly not where he is now, in fact he doesn't trust anyone. The reason why the blue bird goes there is mainly to observe the situation and see if the blue bird and white shark are reliable.

You know, these two people have been lurking in Anxi for a long time, who knows if they have apostasy. And under the current circumstances, he couldn't guarantee that the two would sell him directly.

On the other side, Blue Bird and White Shark also had a disagreement regarding Chen Mingcheng's call.

Now he is the key criminal arrested by Anxi's security department. If we go, we will get ourselves in. I disagree. White Shark resolutely said.

But he is our superior, he has all the information we have. Once he is arrested, then the two of us will also be exposed. Blue Bird retorted.

White Shark heard the words and hurriedly said: "If this is the case, then we will leave as soon as possible. We will go to the airport now, and we will leave as soon as possible."

In that case, do you think the above will let us go. Compared to vultures, the value of the two of us is too small, especially if we lost the latent mission and evacuated without authorization, how do you think the above should deal with us. The blue bird said to the white shark.

After hearing the words, the white shark walked two steps back and forth, then gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "If this is the case, then we will rush to kill him before he is caught!"

You are crazy. Then, wouldn't you tell the Anxi security department directly that there are still lurking personnel in Anxi? Jade Bird reprimanded involuntarily.

So what do you say, do you really want to take this risk? The white shark couldn't help but become annoyed.

Blue Bird thought slightly for a while, and then said to the white shark: "Go, let's be careful. The main thing is to send him away, and we will be safe."

How to send it? Now the whole Anxi is under martial law, and the security departments are arresting him everywhere. The White Shark asked in an angry voice.

Blue Bird shook his head: "Of course it's unrealistic to send it out of the city now, so I have to pick him up, and let him stay away from the limelight for a while.

Don’t we have several safe houses in Anxi? Send him in for a few days to see the situation. "

Listening to what Jade Bird said, the white shark who had already eased a lot, suddenly looked at Jade Bird thoughtfully and asked: "This is not your usual you, do you still think about him? Don't be dazzled by feelings."

Are you asking me to do something? Blue Bird heard this and asked with a cold voice.

White Shark shook his head, then smiled: "Mouse's tail juice!"


On the other hand, this time Xu Hui personally went to the scene to direct. Not only that, he also borrowed a magical piece from Haoyu Technology this time.

Looking at the equipment being prepared and the busy staff, an agent couldn't help but ask: "Team Xu, is this reliable?"

If it's not reliable, you will know if you try. Xu Hui said with a smile.

After the preparations were completed, UU reading immediately gestured to Xu Hui with an ok gesture.

Xu Hui smiled upon seeing this, and immediately issued an order: "Take off!"

Following Xu Hui's order, more than 20 unique multi-axis rotor drones took off in the open space and hovered in the air for a while before flying away.

This technician smiled and led Xu Hui and the others to a command and control car nearby, and then pointed to the aerial surveillance screens on it and introduced them to Xu Hui.

"Team Xu, dear leaders, this is our intelligent unmanned patrol security system and aerial patrol surveillance drone. What you see is already the second-generation improved product. Compared with the first-generation product, the first The second-generation products have greatly improved in various performances.

These aerial surveillance drones all have stronger flight maneuverability and better high-speed obstacle avoidance capabilities. This allows it to fly easily even in those small spaces.

And it also has a strong anti-interference ability, not only can adapt to more severe weather, but also can work normally in a complex electromagnetic environment.

We have also improved the endurance performance this time, and we equipped it with our new generation of new lithium batteries, making it an astonishing two and a half hours in the air. It also supports hot battery replacement, which means that you don’t need to shut down, just replace the battery, and then quickly go back to work.

Of course, these are the performance enhancements on the drone, and we have also upgraded its detection and patrol equipment, not only equipped with our newly developed hexagonal honeycomb composite lens group, but also in image capture And image recognition performance has also been greatly improved. "

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