Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: Industry chat group

"Military Technology (

This makes many fans of their products disappointed and anxious. Many people still leave messages or emails to Wu Hao and Zhang Jun every day to inquire about the new product launch conference this year. Not only these fans, but also some colleagues in the industry, and the media

These colleagues are also very concerned, and some CEOs even called Wu Hao to ask about this matter.

These companies and CEOs are not interested in or looking forward to their new product launches, but to avoid this trend.

Just like Wu Hao's press conference two years ago, it happened to collide with a certain press conference. Because the products and technologies released by Wu Hao are eye-catching enough, they naturally caused a sensation, and they dominated the hot search for several weeks.

Naturally, no one paid attention to the company's press conference and related products that drew attention, or even mentioned it.

Naturally, Wu Hao and the others cannot be blamed for the miserable experience of this company. It has a lot to do with their own pride.

Generally speaking, the press conferences of industry colleagues are basically staggered. In this way, everyone will be able to frustrate their strengths, get along well, and get along.

However, some companies may seize the cycle in the future, grab time, or in order to intercept Husbands, deliberately make some big news before or after the press conference of others to distract the public and weaken the new products and The influence of the conference.

Although this method is shameless and even despicable, it is a daily life in the real market.

This company obviously misestimated Wu Hao's strength and blindly believed in its own strength, so it wanted to suppress Haoyu Technology, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, who were just showing up at the time.

But who would have thought that if they encountered steel plates, they would suffer abruptly.

And as Wu Hao and their released products are getting better and better, it can be said to be ahead of the entire era, so now these colleagues have also extinguished the idea of ​​competing with their frontal hard steel, and now they are beginning to avoid dodge and avoid it. Sharp.

Just like the big guys in the circle have a chat group, usually everyone chats in private, gags, and inquires about each other.

In many cases, everyone will even discuss some things together, such as discussing common countermeasures (suppression and prevention) for a new emerging company, and will also cooperate with each other.

Of course, this chat group will also report some things.

For example, send a red envelope to tell the people in the group that they will hold a new product launch conference in two months. Let everyone take care of it. Those with the same plan can move back appropriately, and both sides avoid it.

If it cannot be avoided, then both parties will have to negotiate a settlement in private. For example, taking a step back from each other, anyway, it is impossible to fight in the air.

After that incident, Wu Hao was naturally pulled into this group.

Although he will not bubblingly speak in this group, he will always pay attention to the movements in the group.

However, in this group, everyone rarely chats. Those who are more able to join the group are some giants in the industry. Everyone is usually very busy, and there is not so much free time to chat.

However, one Wednesday morning, the group suddenly became lively.

After a red envelope flashed, a smiling face came out, and a group of friends nicknamed Lao Yao said: "Are you there, are you there, dear friends, who have plans for a new product launch this summer."

After brushing, I saw a group of people coming up one after another, and the group instantly became lively.

Midnight Sun: "We don't have one."

We don't have one, why is it a hundred dollars? It's too stingy. Riding a donkey and chasing a rocket came out to speak.

Big brother, the money is with my wife, this is private money, understand it. The old demon immediately gave a smile covering his face.

Stepping on the girl's little mushroom: "Yes, I got the money for a cup of coffee. We don't have any plans for a conference in the summer."

One page of Beicheng: "There seem to be few companies in our group who like to hold new product launches in summer. You can ask them."

Which ones? The old demon sent a new exclusive red envelope road.

One page, Beicheng received the red envelope, and then gave a smiley face: "You can ask about the blue and green factory, and corn, and you should pay attention to Haoyu Technology. They seem to have the habit of holding summer new product launches.

If they have plans in this area, you'd better avoid the limelight, otherwise it will be miserable. "

I know that the Blue-Green Factory has no plans. You can ask Mr. Xue to see if they have any plans in this regard.

@雪娃娃,雪总,雪总, do you have any plans for new product launches in the summer?

Xuehua gave a smile, and then said: "There is one, but we staggered it a little bit in mid-June. It should be okay if you put it in August."

Oh, that's okay. The old demon gave a smiley face, and then @我超凶的: Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, does your company have a new product release plan in the summer?


Wu Hao looked at the news coming out of the group and smiled slightly, and then said with a smile: "With this intention, we may release one or two new products. Don't worry, we don't conflict. ."


The group quieted down for an instant, and then a group of people began to line up and brush up the ellipsis.

Don't worry, there is no conflict, is this talking human?

The new products released by your Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. were earth-shattering. There is no conflict yet, I'm so sorry to say.

Thinking of the tragic situation of the company before, everyone in the group showed a trace of sadness and affection, and then @老妖 pityingly launched a'touching head' expression.

Um, Mr. Wu, can we discuss whether your press conference can be postponed for more than ten days, we will advance it more than ten days, so that there will be no conflict. After a few minutes of silence, the old demon spoke.

No way!

No way!

No way!

Before Wu Hao could speak, several people in the group expressed their attitudes.

Midnight Sunshine: "Our new product launch in early October, if it is postponed, what shall we do."

Stepping on the girl's little mushroom: "Our press conference in mid-November, if it is postponed, everyone will postpone it, no."

Old demon:...

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao suddenly felt distressed by the old demon, and then smiled and said: "Let's put it at the beginning of August, you should be able to put it at the beginning of September."


The old demon sent out three crying expressions in a row, and then said: "Wu, Mr. Wu, can you discuss, let's drive first, you drive later, let's change the order. Otherwise, if you open this, who is paying attention to us? ."

I'm super fierce: "Haha!"

Step on the girl's little mushroom: "Haha!"

Midnight Sun: "Haha!"

Snow doll: Ha ha!


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