Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1107: Colleagues full of black lines

"Military Technology (

This silence probably lasted for several minutes, and finally there was movement in the group.

Stepping on the girl’s little mushroom @我超凶 said: "Mr. Wu, can you tell me what products are released this time."

Old demon: "Yes, Mr. Wu, can you tell me. This year's press conference is very important to our company. If you make too much noise, we can only take time."

One page of North City @吴浩道: "Didn't you hear that Haoyu Technology did not have a press conference this year? Why is it suddenly going to be held again? Some are too sudden."

Faced with the speeches of everyone in the group, Wu Hao sent a smiley face and said: "Because the pressure of external competition has increased, so after serious discussion, we decided to release several new technologies and new products this summer to maintain our brand and products. A sense of presence among the people."

"New technology, new product, can you tell me something?" Yiye Beicheng asked quickly.

And the midnight sun, which has been silent, hurriedly asked: "Why is it so sudden that we didn't hear any wind, and everyone caught it by surprise."

"Sorry, sorry, this decision has just been made, and it hasn't been released yet." Wu Hao gave an apologetic expression, and then immediately sent a 500 yuan red envelope.


I saw a series of small numbers jump, and the red envelope he sent was received by many people in the group.

Stepping on the girl's little mushroom: "It's too real. Every red envelope pops up. I say everyone, you are somehow industry leaders, industry leaders, and the lowest salary is one million. As for being so hungry?"

Riding a donkey and chasing a rocket: "What do you know, the salary is my wife's, and the red envelope is my own. Don't look at the big group of big men who are in front of each other, but in front of my wife, I want to use some pocket money to pay back You have to apply for a report, absolutely the same as your grandson.

So it’s not easy to save some pocket money, and it’s not easy to make some pocket money. "

One page, Beicheng sent three like-like emojis in a row, and then said: "Brother, you said the sadness of a married man. If we have money in our hands, are we so active in grabbing red envelopes?"

Xue Bing, who has not spoken at this time, said: "Mr. Wu, is this a brand new product released?"

Hearing what Xuebing said, the few people who were still chatting and ranting just now became serious, and then asked one after another.

Faced with the questions of everyone in the group, Wu Hao had no choice but to answer: "It's not a brand-new product, it can only be said to be an iterative upgrade on the original product.

Of course, several new technologies and gadgets will be released at that time.

Don’t worry, it won’t affect you much. "

That's it! The foreheads of everyone in the group were instantly covered with black lines, and all of a sudden they began to line up to brush the ellipsis.

After chatting a few more words with the people in the group, Wu Hao then closed the group chat. Although the people in the group asked again, Wu Hao still did not reveal what product was released.

In fact, most of the people in this group are commercial competitors. From their own standpoints, who will disclose important information to their opponents.

However, the news that they will hold a new product launch conference in early August seems to have grown wings and disappeared.

In fact, in this group, Wu Hao did not intend to keep it secret.

But I didn’t expect the news to spread a bit quickly. That night, many industry executives and Wu Hao’s acquaintances called to inquire about the situation.

On the second day, this news was reported by many media, and even topped the hot search list for a while.

More than that, this news was quickly reported by many overseas technology and digital media bloggers, and became a hot spot in the circle.

When the situation came back, Wu Hao did not expect that this was just a piece of news, and it was followed by so many people.

It seems that the influence of Haoyu Technology in the industry today is not a small company that has been silent for several years.

In this regard, Wu Hao also generously allowed people to officially publish relevant instructions on the company's official social account to acknowledge the news. There is no need to hide this kind of thing, release it early and warm up the propaganda earlier.

Immediately, this official statement was also forwarded and reported by many media, and it suddenly became a hot spot on the Internet.

Everyone is very interested, what kind of technology and products will Haoyu Technology bring to you this year.

However, regarding this, neither Wu Hao nor Zhang Jun revealed anything to the outside world. They always maintained a sense of mystery, which made many people anxious.

This has also led to many hypotheses and speculations on the Internet, and even some people vowed to take out some rendering pictures in order to attract targets to earn traffic, saying that this is the product that Haoyu Technology will release soon.

However, Wu Hao and the others did not pay attention to it but remained silent.

Just when the people were wondering why Haoyu Technology Company and Wu Hao Zhang Jun were so low-key and silent, two news were released one after another, and they were quickly followed by the public Haoyu Technology and Wu Hao returned again Into everyone's vision.

Haoyu Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Haoyu Technology, deployed two communication satellites and a heavy-duty experimental satellite at the launch site of Haoyu Technology Northwest Research Center in late May and early June. Sent to space.

This news does not seem to be a big deal. Haoyu Technology has been committed to the development of aerospace technology. The rocket launch has been successful before, so these two releases seem to be nothing special.

But in the report, everyone still paid attention to something unusual.

First of all, the two rocket launches used the "Jianmu No. 2" recoverable rocket, and the two rockets used a first-stage rocket body, and the two launches were only ten days apart.

This explains the problem. The first-level rocket body of this rocket can be launched twice within ten days, and the recovery is successful. This shows that Haoyu Technology's first-level rocket body recoverable technology is quite Mature and reliable.

It is precisely because of this that this first-level rocket body can be reused within ten days. If the recovery technology is immature, or if there is a problem with the recovered first-level rocket body, it is difficult to ensure that the repair is completed within ten days, and the assembly test is performed again, and it is transported to the launch site for launch.

Although the parachute and engine reverse thrust landing method adopted by Haoyu Aerospace is a bit worse than the Falcon rocket’s engine reverse thrust landing recovery technology.

But it cannot be said that this technology is backward after all, as if anyone can do it. If nothing else, just how the first-level rocket body and the huge parachute avoid the influence of the wind direction in the air and land accurately on the landing platform. This kind of precise control technology is not something everyone can do.

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