Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1129: Forging the Great Wall of Steel in the Sky

Some technical issues were discussed again, and the meeting was almost over here. Think Wu Hao, Deputy Director Qi, Luo Kai, and Director Song are all leaders, it is impossible to go deep into the specific research and development of the entire project.

Therefore, the specific research and development work has to rely on Tang Shizhen and the research personnel of the entire project. Wu Hao and the others are only discussing and determining the relevant major directions, and providing necessary support and assistance to the project team and R&D team.

As the host, the Aviation Technology and Aircraft Design Institute naturally prepared a luncheon for Wu Hao and the others.

However, Wu Hao was busy with work, so the schedule was tightly rejected. Of course, this excuse is half true. On the one hand, he really has things to do, and on the other hand, he doesn't want to participate in this kind of banquet.

Unexpectedly, Luo Kai did not stay to participate, but left with Wu Hao.

Looking at Luo Kai sitting next to him, Wu Hao laughed and joked: "It's fine if I leave, why did you leave too."

Luo Kai shook his head and said: "I have to rush back to the capital this afternoon, so I won't participate."

So urgent? Wu Hao showed a look of surprise, and then said with some regrets: "I also said, if you come to me, let's get together."

Hehe, Japan is long, and there are opportunities. There is a meeting waiting for me in the capital, so I can't go back. Originally, I didn't intend to come to this meeting, but then I heard that you would also come, so I agreed to come. Moreover, this cooperation is more complicated and involves many aspects. I'm not so relieved, so come and see for myself.

Luo Kai glanced at Wu Hao, and then said with a wry smile: "The facts are as I thought, they are really complicated.

To be honest, I am not surprised that these airlines can come here by smell.

You can't just refuse this matter. After all, these airlines will also be important users and markets for this intelligent driverless system in the future. If you refuse, it will be more difficult to cooperate in the future.

My suggestion is that you talk to them first. These airlines are not united. You can completely separate from them and find a few allies. In this way, you will be invincible no matter what. "

I will seriously consider it. Wu Hao nodded seriously.

That's good, kindness makes money. Luo Kai smiled, and then asked Wu Hao: "I heard that you almost had an accident during this rocket launch. The wreckage of the rocket fell very close to the border."

The news is good enough. Wu Hao nodded and said, "Yes, it is only four or five kilometers away from the border, and it almost fell to a neighboring country.

Fortunately, the news is strictly blocked, otherwise it may cause international disputes. "

All right? Luo Kai couldn't help but care.

"It's okay. The area where the rocket wreck fell belongs to the depths of the Hengduan Mountains. In the past few years, there are few families in the mountains for poverty alleviation and relocation.

At present, the search team has found the wreckage of the rocket and caused no damage to the people's personal safety and property. The search team is contacting local authorities to coordinate the transfer of the rocket wreckage. "

Hearing Wu Hao’s words, Luo Kai nodded and was still a little worried and said: "You must not relax with this matter. You must be prepared. Maybe someone will use this to hype, which will be very detrimental to your international image. It will affect your operations and trade overseas."

Wu Hao nodded and smiled after hearing this: "We are fully prepared in this regard, rest assured, we have also anticipated the relevant consequences."

That's good. Luo Kai smiled, then glanced at the blue sky and white clouds outside, the blazing sun was shining, and he turned his head and said to Wu Hao: "The project of the Fuhuan Intelligent Attack UAV is progressing well, and it has been unanimously appreciated by the leaders.

However, we hope that this smart attack drone will be in service next year, and it is best to be selected for the air echelon of the Victory Day parade next September.

In the past, our drones were all displayed on ground vehicles. This time, we hope to form an aerial echelon to fly over the square for inspection. "

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but frowned: "Is this a bit too anxious? At present, this drone is still in the stage of testing, improving and optimizing, and it will be in service next year. There is a bit of time.

Luo Kai shook his head: "Don't worry, you can't do it. Now that the external pressure is increasing, we also hope that this military parade can deter the young people who are prying outside.

Of course, we are not in a hurry to go to the military parade. We also have real needs. Forming combat effectiveness as early as possible will also help consolidate our national defense and build our steel great wall in the sky. "

Regarding Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao nodded, and after serious consideration for a while, he immediately spoke up and said: "I will hold a remote video conference with the project team when I go back, discuss it first, and listen to their opinions.

In August, I'm going to the Northwest. If you have time, you'd better rush over. We will discuss and study on the spot to see if we can serve in early next year. "

Yes, I will arrange the time as much as possible. Luo Kai nodded and responded.

Seeing Luo Kai's response, Wu Hao went on to say: "However, for forming an aerial review echelon, flying over the square, and accepting review, this idea is a bit too bold and too risky."

"This is the proposal of the chiefs. They think it is a pity that such a good drone is placed in the ground phalanx for inspection. Since it is an airplane, it is better to fly into the sky, and it is easier to keep secret." Luo Kai also said Smiled bitterly

How can he not know the risks and difficulties involved, but since the above said, they must do their best to complete it.

Okay, then I have no problem. Wu Hao shrugged his shoulders and said.

As for Luo Kai, when he saw his appearance, he immediately said, "Don't think you can get away. We are grasshoppers on a rope. Once there is something wrong with the drone, you must be inseparable." .

This is a military parade. UU reading is paying attention to the whole world. Once a problem occurs, you know what the consequences are. "

Don't scare me, I'm very timid. Wu Hao waved his hand again and again.

Luo Kai smiled and patted his arm: "There is nothing to worry about. I am very confident in your 凫徯 smart attack drone. Just do it with confidence and nothing will happen."

I hope so. Wu Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Hahahaha, Luo Kai laughed: "I heard that you exhibited a lot of good equipment at the Tianjin Police Equipment Exhibition in May, especially the micro drone, which is your "smart ammunition." "The series of attack drones are well received.

What's the matter, your kid kept a hand with us. "

Wu Hao couldn't help but joked: "Why, when did the Air Force become interested in these gadgets."

Luo Kai clicked and scolded, "Of course we are interested in things that are good. Besides, this is not a small thing."

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