Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: Wu Tong's counterattack

[Modified version] Along the way, the two chatted for a long time

Although in a hurry, Wu Hao invited Luo Kai to an old-fashioned noodle restaurant and had a bowl of noodles before sending him away.

Even though it's just a bowl of noodles, eating with the right people is better than countless delicacies.

While eating, the two chatted a lot, from work to daily routines. Although Luo Kai seems to be very beautiful now, but in fact he has been under a lot of pressure.

First of all, it's work. The two cents on his shoulders have been carrying for five or six years, and it's almost time to move.

However, it is not easy to rise from two cents to four stars. It can be said that it is a hurdle. Many people may not cross this hurdle in their entire life.

As a soldier with ideals, pursuits, and aspirations, he is naturally unwilling to stop here, but still wants to fight.

Therefore, in the past two years, he has arranged his work very full, basically regarded as a continuous rotation, which naturally gave him some achievements and improvement in his work.

But one consequence of doing this is to ignore the family. In addition to his elderly parents, there are also his own wives and children.

Especially children, feel a lot owed. But now it's at a critical juncture. If you give up, it will really fall short. What a pity.

So, he was under so much pressure that, when he was less than fifty years old, his temples were already graying and his head dyed.

To be honest, although Wu Hao had difficulty understanding the pressure he was under, he could also appreciate the feeling in his heart.

Especially the trace of fatigue on his face and the bloodshot eyes in the white of his eyes are enough to explain his state at the moment.

After saying some comforting words, Wu Hao sent Luo Kai into the car.

As for himself, he returned to the company, and there are still several meetings in the afternoon.


At the end of today's last meeting, Wu Hao couldn't help but stretched his waist, showing a tired look. After checking the time, it was already past seven.

Lin Wei had already sent him several messages, and Wu Hao didn't delay, and immediately drove home.

Back home, it was past eight o’clock. Lin Wei, who came out of the study, took off her smart AR glasses and complained to Wu Hao: “Why is it so late today? I have sent you a message for several days. Well, none of them were answered."

"Sorry, I've been in a meeting, I didn't pay attention." Wu Hao apologized.

Looking at Wu Hao with a tired face, Lin Wei couldn't help but feel distressed: "What meeting, so busy."

"Isn't this coming to our summer new product launch conference soon, so I have more time and a little busy." Wu Hao said with a smile.

"Let's take a shower first, I'll leave the food for you, now I'll heat it up for you." Lin Wei urged him.

"Okay." Wu Hao nodded, then walked to the bathroom.

As for Lin Wei, looking at Wu Hao's back, she couldn't help but ask: "Use hot water instead of cold water, it's not good for your health."


Lin Wei shook her head, and then walked to the kitchen.

After taking a shower, changing into a shorts and T-shirt, Wu Hao came out of the bathroom with a refreshing expression, and then went to the living room.

Finding that Lin Wei had brought out the food, she immediately urged Wu Hao: "Hurry up and eat, you must be starving. Today I made red wine stew with beef, shredded pork with green pepper, chives and eggs, and a cold cucumber. ."

"Hehe, they are all my favorites." Wu Hao immediately picked up the rice and ate it fiercely. After meeting for the whole afternoon, he was hungry early.

"Slow down, no one will rob you." Lin Wei gave him a handful of soup and handed it to him.

Wu Hao smiled and took a sip of the soup, then continued to eat.

"Aunt Zhang called today, I called you a lot and you didn't answer it." Lin Wei said with a smile.

"Oh, I was busy at the time, I didn't pay attention." Wu Hao nodded and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Lin Wei smiled and said: "Wu Tong's score is out, and the test is not bad. Aunt Zhang will tell us."

"Oh, how many points did you score?" Wu Hao couldn't help but care. In June, Wu Tong did not go back for the college entrance examination, which made Wu Tong complain for a while.

Because there happened to be something in those few days, and the family father and Zhang Xiaoman also said that he didn't need to come back, so he didn't go back because he was busy.

In fact, he has been concerned about Wu Tong's college entrance examination. After all, the college entrance examination is really too important for everyone.

This can be said to be an important baptism in life and a threshold for your teenagers and adults. Once you cross it, you are already an adult.

You are no longer a young bird hiding behind your parents, you have to leave your parents alone to face these wind and rain.

As an elder brother, even if it was to reorganize the family, he was not present at such an important moment. In addition to guilt, he was also very sorry.

"627 points, very good. According to our province's scores in previous years, this key score is 985. Although Qingbei is still a bit short, there is no problem with some 985 key universities and key majors." Lin Wei said with a smile. .

Wu Hao smiled upon hearing the words: "That's not bad. I didn't expect this girl to be quite arrogant. It was my sister who was properly promoted from a scumbag to a tyrant."

"Go, put all gold on your face. I remember that your score is not so high." Lin Wei joked with a smile.

"Uh, cough cough, blue is better than blue." Wu Hao said in embarrassment.

Giggling... Lin Wei laughed.

"What is this girl's plan? Which university is you going to apply for?" Wu Hao immediately asked with concern.

Lin Wei shook her head: "It hasn't been decided yet. I heard Aunt Zhang said that after the college entrance examination, Xiaotong was completely liberated and stayed in the room to play games every day.

Aunt Zhang and uncle reminded her to check even the results today.

According to Aunt Zhang and Uncle, it is better to let Xiaotong be closer to us, so that it is easier to discipline. Otherwise, it's too far away, I don't know how she is going crazy. "

"Get closer to us, she can go to several universities in Anxi with her grade." Wu Hao thought slightly.

Lin Wei nodded and smiled: "Aunt Zhang and uncle are more inclined to National Chiao Tung University, but this girl seems to like your alma mater, HKUST."

"University of Science and Technology, have vision." Wu Hao smiled admiringly.

"Go!" Lin Wei gave her a blank look and said: "No matter how good the University of Science and Technology, can UU Read be comparable to Jiaotong University? Besides, your University of Science and Technology is a pure science and engineering university, and there are too few majors suitable for Xiaotong.

This is what I said to Aunt Zhang and Uncle. It doesn't matter if the school is better. The point is to choose a better major. After graduating from university, I will send abroad to study for an MBA.

Our two companies are getting bigger and bigger. When Xiaotong graduates, I still hope she can come back to help us after graduation.

After all, it is our own relatives. With her to help us, we can rest assured that it is not. "

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the words: "You can't force it, let her choose. If she is not interested, we can force her to fail. In that case, even if it is pulled in, it will be a failure. There are surplus wine bags and rice bags, Miss Qianjin, such a person will make us even more troublesome."

"Did you say that about your sister?" Lin Wei said that he was not angry.

Wu Hao couldn't help but laughed and joked: "Hey, I'm here to protect my sister-in-law before I get married."

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