Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: Meet in-laws

   That girl has no dreams, that girl doesn't want to fly onto the branches to become a phoenix. Business tycoons who used to be out of reach are now close to them. How could they not be excited?

   Ouch, my stomach hurts suddenly, I will go back to the room first. A pretty girl in the crowd suddenly covered her belly, and then raised her voice.

   said, while clutching her belly, she walked out quickly.

   I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I left.

  Me too, me too.

   That, I'll go out and make a call.


   The room that was still lively for a while, suddenly became deserted.

   The mature and beautiful girl sneered when she saw it. "They are all foxes for thousands of years. What do you think of me, the old lady doesn't know."

   However, people like Wu Hao are you, no, we can come into contact with such vulgar fans. "

   Speaking of this, the mature and gorgeous girl couldn't help showing a bitter smile.

   On the other side, Lin Honghan and his wife were already standing at the door to greet them.

   Seeing Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman getting out of the car, they greeted them immediately.


  Hahahaha, the parents on both sides called them almost at the same time, and when they saw each other, they laughed.

   Lin Honghan smiled at Wu Jianhua and said, "I'm a few years older than you, so I'll ask you to be older and call you Jianhua brother."

  Okay, okay, then I will call you Honghan man. Wu Jianhua replied with a smile.

  Hahahaha...The two laughed openly when they heard the words, and the mother Lin and Zhang Xiaoman beside them also laughed.

  Go, go, let's go in and talk. Lin Honghan greeted him quickly.

   Immediately after talking and laughing, a group of people walked towards the hall of the house.

  Different from the high-rise hotel in the front, the private club at the back is designed to imitate the Suzhou garden. It can be said that the private clubhouse at the back of the hotel is a large garden, and in this garden, there are various pavilions and pavilions, which is divided into several small gardens. It can be said that it is a garden in a garden, and there is a scene in the scene. People are in the garden, and the garden is in the scenery.

   And today, the entire clubhouse is closed to the outside world and does not accept related members. Members who have already stayed inside are also emptied, in order to entertain Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman.

   As expected, everyone was fascinated by the scenery in front of them. What kind of Anxi is this? It clearly came to the gardens of Jiangnan.

Surrounded by lake water, among the strange stones, pine and cypresses, are scattered among various pavilions, white walls and gray tiles. Although not as magnificent as those royal gardens, this fresh and elegant style makes everyone's hot mind and body instantly calm. Come down.

   Let's go, please here. Seeing the crowd, Lin Honghan felt complacent, and then greeted them.

   Then Lin Honghan and the waiter wearing silk embroidery modern improved Hanfu led everyone to the second floor of a pavilion in the middle of the garden.

   The entire second floor is very large, with a large round table in the middle, and a few very transparent huge windows surrounded by carved beams and pillars.

   Although it is big summer, the windows are still open, and a slight breeze blows in, giving people a sense of coolness, without a trace of heat.

   On a huge rockery in the lake not far away, a waterfall flows from the top, which is quite spectacular. The sound of the waterfall mixed with the mist blowing in the breeze makes people very comfortable.

   Sit, everyone is sitting, today we are all our own, you are welcome. Lin Honghan immediately greeted everyone.

   Regarding the seating order, it naturally caused some concessions, and in the end the respective security numbers were seated.

   Then the service staff brought tea and snacks, and everyone started talking.

   This is Xiaotong, listen to Weiwei, you have taken the exam this year very well. Mother Lin looked at Wu Tong who was sitting unconventionally in the last seat, her face full of kindness.

  Also, okay. It is the first time for Wu Tong to be on this occasion, so he is more afraid of life and appears more restrained.

   Mother Lin couldn't help but laughed: "This kid, there are no outsiders here today. Just do whatever you want, no one cares about you.

   If my kid is here, I might be able to play with you. "

   Oh, why didn't you come? I heard Xiaohao say that he was a good boy. Zhang Xiaoman said with a smile.

   What a good boy, let me worry about it a little bit, thank God. Mother Lin glanced at Wu Hao, and then stretched her head to Zhang Xiaoman to tell him: "You don't know, this stinky boy found a partner in college, and then he went crazy with him this summer and said yes. What ride 318.

   Some time ago, I heard that there was heavy rain over there and the road was washed out, which made my dad and I worried for a while. "

   Ha ha, my mother is worried, and my girl is the same, she just won't let me worry. With that said, Zhang Xiaoman glanced at Wu Tong, and then went to Lin Mu to appeal.

   Seeing the two mother-in-laws complaining to each other and picking up the lengthening, Wu Hao and Lin Wei looked at each other, and they were finally relieved.

   The two were still worried before, if the parents cannot get together, what should they do? As for Lin Wei, she even checked many related posts on the Internet overnight, looking for ways to deal with it.

   Now it seems that their worries are completely unnecessary. Both parents get along relatively well.

   Jianhua brother, I heard that you used to be in the construction industry. Lin Honghan asked Wu Jianhua next to him.

   Wu Jianhua nodded and said, "Yes, a mason, not as good as Brother Honghan, who has created such a large family business."

  Hahaha, laughed, laughed. Lin Honghan waved his hand again and again, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "Compared to Xiaohao and the others, I feel ashamed that I have lived on a dog for most of my life."

   What are you talking about? Lin Mu gave him a white look, and then whispered to Zhang Xiaoman.

   When Wu Jianhua heard the words, he also laughed openly: "It's all the same, all the same, our generation can't keep up with the times."

  Who said no, our generation has been eliminated by the times. I don’t know what high-tech, artificial intelligence, supercomputers, AR games they are doing now.

  Lin Honghan sighed, then pointed to Wu Tong and said, "Just say that the smart AR glasses developed by Xiaohao and the others. These kids are playing very slippery, but we have to bring them, there is no way to start."

   Wu Jianhua deeply agreed: "Yes, this kid gave us a few, but I can't wear it. Once I wear it, I feel dizzy and can't stand it."

  Hahahaha... Lin Honghan and Wu Jianhua looked at each other and laughed.

  Drink tea, drink tea! Lin Honghan gave in to Wu Jianhua: "This tea is a camellia planted by an old master I know. Although it is not well-known, it has a special taste.

   I have a bond with him, give me a little every year, and today I brought it all. If you like it, take it all away in a while. "



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