Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: Questions from father

   After the whole banquet, the atmosphere was still very lively. The parents of the two parties had a very happy chat.

   However, this is a pain for Wu Hao and Lin Wei.

   Although the parents of both parties were the protagonists of today's banquet, Wu Hao and Lin Wei became the protagonists of the whole banquet.

   Of course, I praised a lot during this period, but I also received a lot of criticism. Of course, this is nothing. What really made them both more troublesome and difficult to fight against was that the parents of both sides urged the marriage together.

   Usually they have enough headaches when facing one parent to urge the marriage, and now it is the two parents together, the power can be imagined.

   At the beginning, the two of them still wanted to deal with a few sentences, but seeing that there was no effect, they even had a counterproductive effect, and the two did not respond. No matter what the parents said, they just didn't say anything.

   In the end, the parents on both sides saw that there was no effect and had to give up temporarily. The banquet also ended successfully in a fairly happy and peaceful atmosphere.

   When they were parting, the parents of both parties also agreed that they would get together more during this time and go out and walk more together.

   But, the first stop they went out for a walk, they came to Wu Hao and their Linghu headquarters park.

   Neither Wu Hao’s family members, Wu Jianhua, Zhang Xiaoman, Wu Tong, nor Lin Wei’s parents have come in to visit after the headquarters park was built.

   Since they have made it, whether as a son or as a son-in-law, he has to satisfy this small request from his parents and father-in-law.

   Although it is his parents and the family of the father-in-law, the relevant rules cannot be changed. Even if they enter, they need to go through the relevant formalities for admission.

  Waiting for them to come in through the formalities, Wu Hao is already outside waiting for them to welcome them with smiles.

  Wu Tong is not too heavy, and took a huge professional SLR camera to shoot.

  Wu Jianhua looked at the visit certificate he was wearing on his neck, and asked Wu Hao: "Does everyone who enter your company's campus need such procedures?"

   Wu Hao nodded and replied: "Yes, all personnel entering the park have a unique ID. This is your pass in the park, and it is also a wallet.

   With this certificate, you can freely move around in the park. Of course, different personnel have different permissions.

  Some important or special restricted areas cannot be entered without special or special permissions. For example, important equipment rooms, laboratories, and some important departments, etc.

   What everyone wears on their necks is our temporary visit certificate specially prepared for foreign visitors. Of course, this temporary visit certificate is also graded, and everyone is holding a VIP card. "

   Ha ha ha ha... Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone laughed.

   Lin Wei even took the ID card in her hand and gave him a glance: "Who cares about your VIP card? Every time I come, I have to get a special ID card. You don't know to give me a permanent one."

   Haha, the company system is treated the same, even if I am the CEO, I can’t open this back door for you. Then the relevant system will exist in name only.

   "Besides, when you came that time, they refused to let you in, so they still neglected you." Wu Hao said with a smile.

   "It's not negligent to neglect, it's just too troublesome." Lin Wei didn't have a good air.

Lin Honghan on the side could not help but reprimanded his daughter: "How can you say that you are the president of a big company now, how can you still be so public and private? Xiaohao did the right thing, the system is the system, if we don't comply with it, How can I expect the people below to comply."

In the presence of so many people and being educated by her father, Lin Wei's face was obviously a little unbearable, and then all the grievances and grievances were vented to Wu Hao: "Okay, we will also develop a strict system for everyone. You must abide by the system, and you are no exception, huh!"


   Everyone present laughed, and everyone realized that Lin Wei seemed to be the boss of a big company.

As for Wu Hao, he shook his head helplessly, and then continued: “It’s best not to remove the ID card from everyone, because our entire park is outside the surveillance of the intelligent security system. If you remove the ID card, It may cause the system to misjudge and bring some inconvenience to everyone.

   For example, the system may judge that your ID card is lost and stolen, so it will freeze your ID card. In this way, you will basically have difficulty moving in this park.

   Of course, you don’t need to be afraid of this situation. Just ask our security personnel or other company personnel for help in time. They will call for help for you.

   If there is no security personnel, you only need to aim at our surveillance probe and wave your hand vigorously, it will also recognize and detect it and help you. "

  How to make it so strict, I don't know what military base I entered. Wu Jianhua frowned involuntarily.

   In his opinion, Wu Hao and the others are a technology company. Is it necessary to make such a cup of bow and snake shadow? This caused him to question whether his son was doing a face-saving project, and he even made up for his son's strict security system, whether he was doing something illegal.

   Wu Hao smiled helplessly when he heard the words: "No way, we are also forced to be helpless. There have been several secret theft cases in the company before, which caused great losses to the company.

   And some of the major scientific research projects that our company is currently engaged in and involved in, UU reading are closely related to national security, so it is very necessary to improve security measures.

   In this area, the relevant departments also have strict safety regulations. If the relevant safety standards are not met, then we will not be able to obtain the permission to participate in these projects.

   One more point. This is also an experimental platform for us. This set of intelligent security systems in our company park is also independently developed by us.

  After the relevant systems and equipment are developed, they need to be continuously tested and optimized, so this requires a test field. Our headquarters park has naturally become an ideal test field for this intelligent security system.

   Now the intelligent security system equipped in our headquarters park is our latest generation of technology and products, and it is at an absolute leading level among similar technology products at home and abroad.

   Our previous generations of intelligent security systems have now been widely used in various fields, not only for civilian use, but also for security and even military fields. "

   At this point, Wu Hao calmly said: "In fact, this intelligent security system is very advanced and has no impact on the normal work and life of our company employees here.

   As long as everyone does not violate the relevant regulations in the park, all of us will not feel the existence of this intelligent security system. "


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