Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1155: Zhang Xiaoyuan's story

   We have been committed to the design and development of high-tech products, and strive to introduce more advanced and excellent technical products for consumers.

   We have also been engaged in the development and scientific research of high-tech, to provide the majority of technology enterprises with better, better and more advanced scientific and technological solutions.

  We hope that our products and our technology can give back to the entire society and serve our country. Benefit the people and the world.

  Xiongguan is full of roads, really like iron. Now stepping forward and jumping from the beginning.

   We will continue to strengthen our convictions, never forget our original intention, continue to explore in the scientific world, and use more advanced technologies to benefit the society and the world.

   Papa Papa...

   There was a round of warm applause at the scene. This round of applause was not only a recognition of their past achievements, but also a kind of appreciation and encouragement for them not forgetting their original aspirations and continuing to insist on scientific research.

  Standing on the stage, adjust his breathing, organize his thoughts, and wait for the audience to calm down.

  Wu Hao, showing his iconic smile again, preached to everyone.

  "Our Haoyu Technology has been committed to technical research in the fields of life sciences and medical health, and has also achieved very impressive results.

   Since our smart bionic electronic prosthesis was launched, so far, more than 6,000 people have been equipped with related smart bionic electronic prostheses. Let their hands and feet become healthy again, and their lives will gradually return to normal.

   Although this only accounts for a small part of the huge group of people with disabilities, the rehabilitation of these people does give the whole group hope.

At present, more and more people with disabilities are already applying to us for related charity assistance places for smart bionic electronic prostheses through various channels. We are also actively working with all parties in the society to continue to promote the continuation of this charity project. Healthy operation. "

   As he spoke, a photo appeared in the air next to Wu Hao. In the photo, it was a middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s. His complexion was dark and his skin was rough, and he looked like a low-level laborer who suffered from weather.

   But, his dark face was filled with a brilliant and simple smile. The more this kind of smile is, the more impressive it is, and the netizens who watched this photo on the scene and even on the Internet can't help but turn their mouths up to show a smile, and immediately feel happy.

"The name of the person in the photo is Zhang Xiaoyuan, 37 years old this year. He was originally a migrant worker. Because of an electric shock, his hands and arms were scorched and necroticed by high-voltage current. In the end, the doctor tried to save his life. , Finally chose to amputate his arms.

   He was twenty-nine years old that year. This is exactly when a man is in his prime and is in his prime. He was married for a few years, and his second child was less than one year old.

   After exhausting his family savings and signing a large sum of money, he finally recovered and was discharged. But now he has lost his arms and can't even take care of his daily life, let alone support his family.

   Therefore, the burden of the family also falls on his wife. The two children need money for their growth and education, and the elderly in the family also need money when they are sick.

   In order to make more money, his wife began to carry cement to other people's construction sites. Each bag of cement earns 50 cents. His wife has to carry two hundred bags of cement every day, and each bag of cement weighs 50 kilograms. In conversion, his wife has to resist 10 tons of cement every day.

  A woman has to resist more than ten tons of things every day. Can you imagine the hardships of this kind of life? "

  Wu Hao said, playing the photos in the floating window next to him. These photos were very realistic and moved countless people on the scene and on the Internet.

  "This is Zhang Xiaoyuan’s wife, a very ordinary rural woman named Chen Xiuying, who graduated from junior high school. She and Zhang Xiaoyuan originally worked in the south, but later to take care of their children, they returned to their hometown to do odd jobs and then farm.

   After Zhang Xiaoyuan was injured, Chen Xiuying persisted, and took good care of him, his parents and two children in this family. "

   Wu Hao pointed to the older woman with a smile in the photo and introduced.

   "This is her hand, please see, these hands that have been corroded by cement for a long time are already very rough, you can't tell that they are a woman's hand."

Wu Hao pointed to the photo and preached: "This is an X-ray of her. You can see that because of long-term super-heavy labor, her spine has begun to deform, and she has even begun to endure spine pain for a long time. If not treated in time, Chen Xiuying is likely to be paralyzed.

   This is a family that is on the verge of dilapidation. If we continue to provide assistance, once Chen Xiuying has some problems, then I believe everyone should be able to know what is waiting for this family. "New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https://www.@x81zw@@

   followed Wu Hao's eloquent explanations, with these photos, making the eyes of many people at the scene red involuntarily.

  Wu Hao was very satisfied with the atmosphere he had rendered, and then he continued to preach.

  " Since Zhang Xiaoyuan was injured, the local area has given them great care, and all walks of life have also extended a helping hand.

   But the number of people who can help them is actually very limited. For a severely disabled person like him who has no arms, it is difficult even if he wants to arrange a job for him. UU reading www.uukā

   Therefore, the local government and all walks of life can only provide some subsidies to him from time to time. Coupled with Chen Xiuying's own hard work, the family's life can barely be maintained, but it is also precarious.

  To change the life and situation of this family, Zhang Xiaoyuan, the former pillar of the family, must have a job that can support himself and his family, and can take care of himself. "

  So the social welfare organization submitted his relevant information to our charity project team, and applied to our charity project in the name of Zhang Xiaoyuan.

   Our charity project team immediately organized personnel to go to the local area for unannounced visits, and contacted local welfare relief agencies and related charity organizations to understand the situation.

   After conducting a full investigation, our charity project team believed that Zhang Xiaoyuan himself still met our relevant rescue conditions, and then we included him in our rescue list.

   Finally, with the help of our craft project team and multiple charity organizations, we finally equipped Zhang Xiaoyuan with a pair of intelligent electronic bionic prostheses. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   And Zhang Xiaoyuan himself is very simple. After learning that this opportunity is very rare, he took the initiative to cooperate with our treatment, and he and his wife Chen Xiuying also took the initiative to take charge of the relevant public health work during his treatment.

   With the joint help of all parties and Zhang Xiaoyuan’s perseverance, he can finally manipulate this pair of intelligent bionic electronic prostheses very skillfully, easily and flexibly, and he can handle some housework in daily life.

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