Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1156: Iron hand

"Now, Zhang Xiaoyuan, who is 37 years old, and his wife Chen Xiuying have opened a local noodle restaurant in a small county in their hometown with the help of charity organizations and related caring people.

Zhang Xiaoyuan is now in charge of making noodles in the store. According to him, with his iron hands, rolling noodles is easier.

Because of this pair of intelligent bionic electronic prostheses, he himself became a local celebrity. The folks also kindly called him Zhang Tieshou, and his noodle restaurant is also called Tieshou Noodle Restaurant.

The people who went to his noodle shop were happy, and now the business is booming. Not only have he and his wife started to repay the arrears they have accumulated over the years, they even plan to repay the donations that they had saved in the past.

Our charity project and several other charitable organizations paid a return visit to him recently to learn about their current living conditions.

The response to the two is very good now, and the children in the family have also received school in the county. Chen Xiuying's original spinal disease has also been treated with minimally invasive surgery and has improved.

Zhang Xiaoyuan is now thinking about taking a driver’s license, and then buying himself a small car, so that it will be more convenient for him to go back and forth between his county and his hometown. "

Hearing Wu Hao's account of Zhang Xiaoyuan's life after his recovery, everyone couldn't help but smile. Especially these photos and video clips made a lot of people feel warm.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Before leaving, Zhang Xiaoyuan and his wife Chen Xiuying should have packed a lot of local specialties for the members of our charity group project team and several other charity organizations.

Although they kept declining, in the end, Zhang Xiaoyuan and Chen Xiuying were stuffed into the car.

In their words, this pair of iron hands is tantamount to giving them new lives and new hope for their families. What kind of local product is this, it just represents their heart. "

Having said this, Wu Hao paused and said to everyone: "Someone may have to ask, why do we spend nearly one million to order this pair of intelligent bionic electronic prostheses for Zhang Xiaoyuan instead of directly giving them one million yuan? .

Wouldn't it be better for them to improve their lives at once, and even get rich. "

After raising this question to everyone, Wu Hao immediately shook his head and replied: "No, this is not our original intention, let alone our goal.

If this is possible, we don't need to spend so much energy, not so much human and material resources to provide precise assistance. It would be better if we give the money directly, it is easier.

Even if he gave Zhang Xiaoyuan and the others a million, what's the use? Why would he want so much money without his hands?

Our charity team member once asked him, one million cash and this hand in front of him, he would choose which one. As a result, Zhang Xiaoyuan chose this pair of intelligent bionic electronic prostheses without hesitation.

In his words, no matter how much the money is, he is not as good as his own hands. With this pair of ‘hands’, he can earn more money on his own. "

Papa papa... a burst of warm applause erupted at the scene, prolonged.

After the applause subsided, Wu Hao continued: "In accordance with the regulations, the relevant treatment and assistance costs should be shared by the three parties. That is, we bear part, other charities and public welfare organizations bear part, and the patient himself bears the remaining part.

This is also to help more people with limited resources. After all, there are too many people in this world who need help, and our resources are limited, so we can only help as many people as possible when conditions permit.

This relaxation of the tripartite shared responsibility can make better use of resources so that it can help more people with disabilities.

But after we learned about the actual situation of Zhang Xiaoyuan's family, we finally decided to list him as a special aid target, exempting the part of the funds he originally had to bear, and we would treat them free of charge and provide free intelligent bionic electronic prostheses.

As for the part of the cost he has to bear, we have not borne our craft project fund, nor have it evenly shared it among other charitable organizations. Instead, we personally donate to fill it up. Maybe this little money is nothing to us, but it can change a person's life and save a family.

In the future, we will also actively participate in these charity projects to help more people in need.

Of course, our ability is always limited. "

Papa papa...

The applause rang out again, and it became more intense, and there was even applause at the scene.

Thank you. After thanking him, Wu Hao smiled and said, “Of course, since Zhang Xiaoyuan received this pair of smart bionic electronic prostheses for free, so, our public welfare organization signed an agreement with him, that is, he just has The right to use this pair of intelligent electronic bionic prostheses has no ownership. When he does not need it or passes away, this pair of intelligent bionic electronic prostheses will need to be returned.

Then, after some maintenance and update, apply it to the people in need again. This is also to use resources as much as possible to help more people in need, especially those who have difficulties in life and finances.

Doing so may be unkind, and may be subject to some opinions, doubts, and even criticism. However, this can indeed help more people in need. "

"In addition to Zhang Xiaoyuan, there are actually many examples like him. Many people with disabilities are basically disabled first, and then Yin Can becomes poor.

So when we help, we will try our best to take into account the different conditions of these people and make corresponding adjustments.

Of course, UU reading also encountered some problems and even setbacks. Some people even set up a bureau specifically for this reason, trying to get our smart bionic electronic prosthesis, and then resell it at a high price, and some individuals resell it.

In order to prevent these problems, we have also thought of many ways. For example, biometric technology, our smart bionic electronic prosthesis is bound to the user, and cannot be used by non-users.

In addition, in order to prevent theft and robbery, we have installed a Beidou positioning device in every intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis.

In this way, it is also convenient to find and search afterwards.

Of course, these are only technical means, and more still need all the consciousness and the help of society.

I believe that with everyone's attention, our charity project will be better carried on for a long time, so as to help more people in need.

We will also continue to work hard, continue to make breakthroughs in scientific research in related fields, and strive to develop better related products to help more people. "

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