Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1262: New arrows and new ships, great difficulty

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Although time is limited, Yang Xiaoyun tried his best to introduce the current situation of Haoyu Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. to Wu Hao.

After listening to Yang Xiaoyun’s introduction, Wu Hao put down his pen, then nodded slightly, and said to her and everyone: "Since the aerospace division was established as Haoyu Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., I have never counted on you. It can be profitable in the short term.

So you don't have to worry about this, I can still handle it. Not only that, in the next three to five years, the company will increase investment every year to promote the smooth progress of various projects under Haoyu Aerospace.

And your most important task at present is to promote the sound and fast development of these projects. This is the most important. Of course, profit is also important, after all, this can relieve some of the pressure on the head office.

And it separates you for the convenience of making profits. However, compared to these projects currently underway, profitability is of secondary importance. "

Having said this, Wu Hao looked at Yang Xiaoyun and nodded and said: "I am quite satisfied with the overall operation of the company, and your work is obvious to all.

I hope you can make persistent efforts in this area and strive to achieve better results.

Compared to other aspects of work, your job is still in operations. Actively explore the market and tap potential customers. This is an important aspect of your future efforts.

Don't limit your gaze to our one-acre three-point land, you can broaden your field of vision. "

You mean overseas markets. Yang Xiaoyun couldn't help asking.

Wu Hao nodded and said, "Yes, compared to the domestic market, the international market is larger, with more potential customers, and full potential for development.

You should use it to open up the market in this area and do your best to find potential customers.

As for the difficulties and problems that are not available in the country, it is not difficult. Can you respond flexibly in this regard?

If you don’t have any money, it’s easy to handle, you can get a mortgage. Our major investment banks are very interested in this kind of business.

Without technology, we can help them teach from scratch, and teach them all.

It's easy to handle without satellites. We can help them complete the entire process from design to manufacturing, to launch and launch. Then they only need to pay to receive and use it.

It’s easy to handle if you don’t have any interest. Give them interest and explain to them the benefits of related satellites and spacecraft, such as communication satellites, optical remote sensing WeChat, and earth resource exploration satellites.

As long as the time comes, I don't believe they are not interested.

For the overseas international market, our biggest dilemma lies in other aspects. In terms of market competitiveness, we are not inferior to those other international aerospace technology companies, and the related costs are still very cheap.

You must make good use of your advantages in this area, maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and strive to make a breakthrough in the international market. "

Yes, you can rest assured that we will start the layout of the international market as soon as possible, and strive to enter the international market as soon as possible and win orders. Yang Xiaoyun answered Wu Hao seriously.

Well, that's it. Wu Hao nodded, and then directed at Zhou Xiangming: "Then it will be the technical department, you will arrange it."

Zhou Xiangming nodded when he heard the words, then looked at the crowd, and then smiled at Wu Hao: "As the person in charge of the technical aspects, I will briefly report to you.

First of all, let's talk about the launch vehicle project.

At present, we have two most important projects. One is the Jianmu 5 bundled booster medium-sized launch vehicle that will make its first flight early next year.

It will make its first flight next spring and send our first unmanned experimental spacecraft into space. "

New arrows and new ships are extremely difficult and extremely risky. Wu Hao said.

Zhou Xiangming nodded and said: "Yes, the difficulty is great, and the risk is not small. The success rate of the rocket's first flight is not even half, which can be said to be very low.

The success rate of the first flight of the new spacecraft is not high. Combining the two to launch together is also a big challenge for us.

However, we are full of confidence in this Jianmu 5 bundled booster medium-sized launch vehicle. We are also very confident about our first unmanned test spacecraft.

Let’s talk about the rocket first. The basic technology of this Jianmu-5 bundled booster medium-sized launch vehicle actually comes from our Jianmu-2 launch vehicle, which can be said to be very mature in technology.

The difficulty of this rocket is how to bundle the first-stage rocket bodies of the three Jianmu-2 rockets and launch them.

This is not a one plus one equals two arithmetic problem, which involves a lot of complex commissions. One of the most important is the addition of two booster rockets, which are the same size as the rocket's first-stage rocket.

This is bound to affect the center of gravity of the rocket, and affect the rocket's flight attitude. Moreover, after adding two booster rockets, the take-off weight of the rocket will increase, which is also very heavy for the rocket itself.

Second, it is the change in rocket aerodynamics. The addition of two booster rockets will not change the overall aerodynamic shape of the rocket and affect the flight attitude of the rocket. In this regard, adjustment tests must be carried out.

Compared with the launch of this Jianmu 5 rocket, its recovery is also very complicated.

This time, two booster rockets will be recovered at one time. The two booster rockets basically land at the same time. How to accurately control them without affecting each other is also a big problem for technicians. . UU Reading

In addition, the first-stage rocket body of the rocket will be recovered, which takes a few seconds to detach from the two boosters. Therefore, after the two booster rockets land, the first-stage rocket body will also land.

This also means that three rockets will be landed on the landing field at a time, which is also a very difficult test for the entire landing field and even the entire recovery staff.

Among these three rockets, if one of the rocket bodies fails, it will inevitably affect the other two, causing the entire launch mission to fail.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the entire recycling process is accurate, so that it can be foolproof, and the rest is up to God’s will.

Although we don't believe this, we have already done what we can do, and sometimes it really depends on luck.

In addition, this time, there was no escape tower on the Jianmu 5 rocket launched by our unmanned test spacecraft. We completely adopted the design concept of the Dragon spacecraft, and used the thrust reverse engine on the spacecraft's return cabin to escape.

There is no fairing on the outside of the spacecraft, and the rocket will propel the spacecraft into space. If the rocket fails during this process, the thrust reverser engine on the spacecraft's return cabin will immediately ignite, and the spacecraft's return cabin will be separated from the faulty rocket, then the parachute group will be thrown out, and then it will land smoothly. "

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