Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1263: Ignition experiment of 0-height escape device for manned spacecraft

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Has the experiment on the spacecraft escape device been conducted and how is it performing?

Wu Hao couldn't help but cared. After all, this is the last insurance for the safety of astronauts. If there is a problem, the rocket will fail and the escape device will need to function.

But if the escape device fails, then the astronauts carried in the spacecraft are really in disaster.

This is a life-critical matter, and Wu Hao naturally takes it very seriously.

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Zhou Xiangming nodded, and then said to Wu Hao: "We have conducted a zero-height escape device ignition experiment, and this experiment was a complete success.

For the specific situation, I ask our manned spacecraft project leader Guo Yulong, Chief Engineer Guo, to give you a detailed introduction. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at Guo Yulong.

As for Guo Yulong, he obviously had relevant preparations. Seeing Zhou Xiangming mentioned his name, he opened the folder and nodded at Wu Hao.

"On the 10th of last month, we successfully conducted a zero-altitude escape experiment of the spacecraft's return capsule. The experiment simulated a serious failure of the carrier rocket after the spacecraft was launched, in order to ensure the safety of the astronauts.

The command center decisively remotely controlled and issued the disengagement command, and then the thrust reverser on the return module of our manned spacecraft quickly ignited, and the return module carrying the astronauts will accelerate the escape of the faulty rocket and propel it about 1.5 kilometers from the ground. High altitude.

Then the guiding parachute on the return cabin was thrown out, and three main parachutes were immediately pulled out, causing the return cabin to decelerate quickly and then land smoothly on the ground. Before landing on the ground, the spacecraft's return module will start the reverse thrust rocket again at a position five meters above the ground to further decelerate the return module to ensure that the return module can land at the minimum speed and ensure the personal safety of the astronauts in the return module. "

Speaking of this, Guo Yulong said to Wu Hao: "We recorded relevant videos and photos throughout the experiment. We made a short video that lasted more than a minute. You can watch it."

Haha, it seems that you are well prepared. Wu Hao nodded and agreed.

Under Guo Yulong's signal, the lighting in the conference room became weak, and on one side of the high-definition large screen, the video and photos related to the experiment in Guo Yulong's mouth began to be played.

At the beginning of the video, there were several related photos of the scene. It can be seen that a manned ship is very much placed in the experimental site. It was the first time Wu Hao told the truth, and saw the whole picture of their own manned ship.

For reference with the people on the scene, this manned ship is very tall.

After a few photos, the launching process immediately follows. After a few strong and powerful countdowns, fire and huge smoke erupted from the bottom of the manned spacecraft's return cabin.


With a loud roar, I saw a long orange flame erupting from the tail around the return capsule, which quickly pushed the spacecraft return capsule to high altitude.

The return cabin of the spacecraft flew higher and smaller, and then the screen switched to the optical tracking device. Through the screen of the optical tracking device, it can be seen that the return cabin was pushed to an altitude of about 1.5 kilometers from the ground and then began to fall. After not falling for a long time, I saw the guiding umbrella on the spacecraft's return cabin thrown out, and then the three main parachutes were also ran out, unfolded, and the speed of the spacecraft dropped significantly.

As soon as the picture turned, it was the moment when the spacecraft landed on the ground. With a burst of huge smoke and dust, the spacecraft was covered by the smoke and dust, and the three huge parachutes immediately separated and slowly floated to the ground.

The video ends, followed by some live photo displays.

Guo Yulong introduced to Wu Hao and the others: "Look, everyone, this is a photo of the scene after the spacecraft has landed. We can see that the surface is very complete and there is no loss. And the posture is upward, which can be said that the entire landing process is very good. perfect.

This is the opening insistence that we transported the spacecraft's return cabin back to the institute. We can see that everything in the return cabin is normal. The seven dummy dummy we used for the experiment did not have any damage. The various experimental sensors on the dummy Also everything is normal.

This shows that this experiment has also achieved a very complete success, and our idea of ​​using the spacecraft recoil engine as an escape device is correct. "

Bang bang bang...

Wu Hao took the lead, and applause broke out in the conference room.

Good job! Wu Hao praised him, and then asked Guo Yulong: "I have noticed that your manned spacecraft's zero-height escape experiment was carried out with a relaxed command and control center.

So in the actual launch mission, is this method also used? What is the criterion for judgment and is it reliable? "

Hearing Wu Hao’s question, Guo Yulong nodded and explained: “That’s it. We have set up three methods for the effective activation of the escape device. Any of these three methods can return the manned spacecraft to the cabin. Take away the faulty rocket so that the astronauts in the return capsule can escape safely.

First of all, the first method, and the most commonly used method, is to autonomously judge by the intelligent systems of the rocket and the spacecraft and activate the escape device autonomously.

If the rocket’s intelligent control system determines that there is a problem with the rocket, the rocket’s intelligent control system will transmit relevant alarms to the spacecraft’s intelligent control system, and the spacecraft will respond urgently and activate the escape device.

The response time of the whole set is very short, usually only a few seconds or even a few milliseconds. It can be said to be very sensitive and rapid. This is conducive to the spacecraft's response to major accidents that may occur. UU看书 ensures the safety of the astronauts.

In the second method, the astronauts carried in the manned spacecraft’s return cabin manually control the escape.

This method occurs when the rocket's intelligent control system or the spacecraft's intelligent control system fails and cannot respond in time.

At this time, the astronauts in the spacecraft detected the relevant data, and immediately followed the relevant procedures to manually activate the escape system.

The escape device on the spacecraft's return cabin will also respond quickly, pushing the return cabin to escape to a safe distance before landing.

This third method is naturally controlled remotely by our ground command and control center. This situation occurs when the intelligent control system of the rocket and the spacecraft fails, and the astronauts in the manned spacecraft return cabin did not find the fault, or astronautics. The occupant has been disabled, such as in a coma, or injured and dying, unable to manually initiate the escape system.

Then, at this time, the ground measurement and control center, which has been closely monitoring the rocket flight situation on the ground, will immediately report to the command and control center after detecting the failure of the rocket. The command and control center will also respond immediately and remotely control the spacecraft to separate from the failed rocket, thereby ensuring safety. escape. "

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