Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Jiangcheng Rocket Factory

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"These three methods are also all the methods used by all manned spacecraft in the world. Of course, compared with some traditional manned spacecraft, we are still very different from them.

First of all, the escape device of the traditional manned spacecraft uses the escape tower at the top of the rocket fairing to escape.

That is to say, the manned spacecraft does not participate in the entire escape process, and is completely controlled by the rocket itself. Until the escape tower is separated, the fairing is opened, and after the spacecraft detects that it has fallen freely, the various parts are separated, and the return cabin throws a parachute for landing.

As for us, just like the Dragon spacecraft, we use the reverse thrust rocket on the spacecraft's return cabin as an escape device to push the spacecraft's return cabin to escape, and then escape to a safe distance.

Compared with the traditional escape method, our method without fairing and no additional escape tower is faster and safer.

In addition, for traditional manned spacecraft launches, the huge escape tower at the top of the rocket fairing also greatly occupies the payload of the rocket, which can be said to reduce the weight of the manned spacecraft itself. This will not only affect the payload of the spacecraft, but also increase launch costs.

As for us, we don’t need to worry about this. We can fully use the load to transport more things into space, which greatly reduces and reduces launch costs. "

Hearing Guo Yulong's introduction, Wu Hao, including everyone in the room, nodded.

What about the airdrop experiment tomorrow? Yang Fan, who had been sitting on the side without a word, asked.

Although everyone's attention has been on Wu Hao after the meeting, they did not relax their attention to Yang Fan. You know, Yang Fan is the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) of the group company.

In addition, he is also an important shareholder and one of the founders of the company. His opinions and attitude are also very important, and it can be said that it will affect the fate of a project.

In addition, Yang Fan, the CTO, is in charge of the company's technical research department, and in theory is also a direct leader of the Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology.

The important personnel arrangements, resources and capital investment of this laboratory also need Yang Fan to approve. Therefore, although Yang Fan has not said anything, everyone did not dare to take it lightly.

What made them even more discussed was that Yang Fan was also a professional and technical talent and was very familiar with technology. He is also involved in many projects of Haoyu Technology. If he finds flaws, loopholes, or handles, then I am afraid they will feel better.

However, for many scientific research and technical personnel, the biggest fear comes from this sitting in the first place. The biggest boss above them, the big boss, seems to be a technical talent, and he is also a kind of genius technical scientist.

Hearing about Yang Fan’s culture, Guo Yulong, although he was much older, still did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately reported to Yang Fan and Wu Hao.

Tomorrow's return capsule airdrop test will mainly test the flight of the return capsule during landing, the deceleration of the parachute throwing, and the final return capsule reverse thrust engine ignition deceleration and landing safely.

This can be said to be related to the safety of the entire return capsule when it returns to the ground, as well as the personal safety of the astronauts in the return capsule.

What is even more difficult or difficult is that once the return cabin fails during landing, it will be difficult to solve, or even impossible.

This also means that if the failure is serious, the spacecraft's return capsule is likely to hit the ground directly at a very high speed.

I believe no one of us has seen such serious consequences far away, and it is even more unbearable.

Therefore, we need to continuously carry out airdrop experiments to ensure that all landing deceleration devices can work normally, to ensure that the landing process is foolproof, and the return cabin landed safely.

What we will conduct tomorrow is a five-kilometer mid-to-high altitude airdrop experiment. We will also conduct a low-altitude airdrop experiment of 3,000 acres, as well as an 8,000-meter and 10,000-meter high-altitude airdrop experiment to test the spacecraft's return capsule at various altitudes Whether the landing technology is reliable and safe.

Wu Hao glanced at Yang Fan, then nodded and smiled: "Let's talk about this project, let's continue with the following content.

Let us talk about the development of our Jianmu-7 rocket and the intelligent lunar rover that we will launch next fall. "

After speaking, Wu Hao looked at Zhou Xiangming, and after Zhou Xiangming understood, he nodded and said.

"Okay, then I will first report to you the development of our Jianmu-7 rocket. After careful demonstration and technical research, this project has now entered the specific development stage.

Our rocket manufacturing plant in Jiangcheng has been completed. This time Mr. Yu (Yu Chengwu) used to arrange related work there.

Our Jianmu 7 rocket will also be developed at the Jiangcheng Rocket Manufacturing Plant. After the development is successful, the rocket will be transported directly along the Yangtze River route to the South China Sea launch site by using the rocket carrier of the Aerospace Industry Corporation. .

Our first intelligent lunar rover will also be placed there for selective delivery. "

"Why not put it in the northwest for development and launch. The conditions here are ready. Why don't you go near and far and build a rocket manufacturing plant in Jiangcheng." This time a middle-level female cadre of the company with Wu Haolai couldn't help but speak. Asked.

Hearing this question, everyone present laughed.

Did I say something wrong? The middle-level female cadre was a little confused. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, then said to Zhou Xiangming: "Since someone asked, then you can simply explain it to him."

Ok. Zhou Xiangming nodded, and then smiled at the female cadre and said, "That’s right. I chose to build a rocket manufacturing plant in Jiangcheng mainly because the traffic in Jiangcheng is relatively convenient and shipping can be used. This is something we cannot do inland. Arrived.

The Jianmu 7 rocket we are developing is a medium-sized heavy-duty launch vehicle with a diameter of 3.8 meters, a height of 59 meters, and a takeoff mass of 450 tons. It is more difficult for such a big guy to use road transportation, and it is even impossible to use rail transportation.

Because of our railway bridges and tunnel restrictions, the diameter of our country’s rockets is generally kept at 3.35 meters. This size is not because of anything else, but because it is the largest size these train tunnels can accommodate.

There are no restrictions on shipping, which is why we launched the Changwu rocket in the South China Sea.

Secondly, the South China Sea launch site is closer to the equator and has a lower dimensionality. Therefore, choosing to launch there will save fuel. This will not only save costs, but also transport a heavier load into space. "

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