Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1297: Their money is not enough to stuff their teeth

   Waited for the plane to land in Anxi and returned home. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

   Originally thought that Lin Wei had rested long ago, but she did not expect that she was sitting in the living room at the moment, watching a movie while waiting for Wu Hao.

   Seeing him coming back, Lin Wei immediately rushed to the sofa, and then quickly walked to him to take the luggage in his hand and said: "I'm back, are you hungry, I will do it for you."

   Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, "I ate a little bit on the plane, so I'm not hungry. It's almost ten o'clock, why don't you go to rest?"

   knows that you are coming back today, so I can’t sleep, so I plan to wait for you to come back to sleep. Lin Wei looked at him with a smile.

   Wu Hao took Lin Wei into his arms and asked softly: "Why, miss me."

   Go, who is going to you. Lin Wei pushed Wu Hao away: "You smell of sweat on your body, hurry up and take a bath."

   Wu Hao sneaked a peck at Lin Wei when he heard the words, and then walked into the elevator with his luggage.

   As for Lin Wei, she rubbed the cheek that Wu Hao had just pecked with her hand, smiled slightly, and then walked to the kitchen.

  Wait until Wu Hao took a hot bath, changed into a home outfit and walked downstairs, and found that Lin Wei was walking out of the kitchen with a bowl of steaming noodles.

  Wu Hao couldn't help but smile upon seeing this: "Didn't I say, I ate on the plane, so I'm not hungry."

   Lin Wei put the noodles on the table when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Okay, I don't think you can get enough to eat that little thing on the plane, so let's eat more.

   I followed to eat more, a little hungry. "

   Wu Hao nodded when he saw it, then walked to the table and sat down, then picked up the chopsticks and started to mix the noodles. The noodles are fresh noodles that have just been pressed with a noodle pressing machine. Although hand-rolled noodles are more delicious, it is too time-consuming. Not only must the noodles be mixed, but also the noodles must be awake and rolled, which is time-consuming and laborious.

   So they only roll the dough by themselves when there is plenty of time, and usually use this type of dough press most of the time.

   Although it is machine-pressed noodles, it is better and safer than buying fresh noodles in supermarkets. The taste is also much better than dried noodles.

  面臊子 is the sauce-flavored pork shredded meat, which is actually similar to the green pepper shredded pork, but with the addition of bean paste, dried yellow sauce and sweet noodle sauce. So the juice is more, thicker, easier to hang on the noodles, and it tastes better and tastes great.

   After taking a long sip of noodles, Wu Hao smiled and said, "The noodles made at home are still delicious."

   Lin Wei couldn't help but smile: "You come here less, isn't the noodles in Xijiang not delicious? What kind of strips, big chicken noodles, fried noodles, you taste delicious."

  "Why are you still jealous? I only arrived in Xijiang yesterday afternoon. I came back tonight and ate two meals casually. This dinner is still settled on the plane. How can I have time to taste it?

   OK, next time I go, I will definitely put you on. Let’s go and have fun. There are still plenty of places to play over there. "Wu Hao said with a smile.

   cut. This is what you said, don't refuse to admit it then. Lin Wei glared at him and didn't get angry.

  Wu Hao immediately quit after hearing this: "Whoever died will not admit it, haven't I fulfilled what I promised you before."

   I said that we went on vacation on the eleventh. Before I said we went to watch the rocket launch, we went too. Why didn't I admit it, I was like a rascal. "

   You are a **** by yourself. Lin Wei gave him a white look, and then continued to eat.

   Ha ha, Wu Hao smiled, then lowered his head to eat his noodles.

   The two ate the noodles quickly, Wu Hao rushed to collect the dishes and chopsticks, took them to the kitchen and cleaned them.

   But Lin Wei couldn't get it, so Wu Hao was left to work, she leaned on her hands and looked at the back of Wu Hao who was busy.

   "How about going west this time?" Lin Wei asked casually.

   "It's not bad. Although there are a few twists and turns, the overall journey is quite smooth, and the results are relatively fruitful.

The    return capsule airdrop and landing experiment was a complete success. According to the current progress, the first unmanned experimental spacecraft launched next spring as scheduled should be no problem. "Wu Hao said with a smile while cleaning the kitchen.

Lin Wei nodded and said: "I have read the relevant news in this regard, and the outside reaction is still relatively strong. Many people are looking forward to the launch mission next spring, thinking that this is the field of our national aerospace technology and civil aerospace technology. One of the great achievements of the People’s Republic of China should be recorded in history.

   Some of my friends are also very interested in this, and they called me to ask me about the situation. They don’t know where they learned about the news that Haoyu Aerospace is preparing to go public. They are now changing the law to inquire about some internal news from me, and they are even asking if you have any financing plans. They are concerned about this project. Very interested. "


   Wu Hao turned his head and glanced at Lin Wei, then continued to get busy and said, "These people are well informed.

   This experiment will definitely attract some attention from the society, but there is no need to pay too much attention or even tout too much. This does not help our project at all, and even affects the normal progress of this project.

   And, if the social attention is too high, it will bring huge pressure to all the staff of this project, which is not conducive to their work.

   So in this regard, the publicity and distribution department still needs to deal with and guide them, and don't make any moths.

   As for those friends of yours, you just pass it away. This project makes them forget about it. At present, there are many giants interested in Haoyu Aerospace, including large enterprises and large capital institutions.

   So even if we finally start the financing plan, UU reading will not have a chance to get the meat. Besides, the little money in their hands is not enough to stuff our teeth.

   Besides, we currently have no financing plan. Haoyu Aerospace is going to be listed in the future, but not now, it is not the time yet. "

   Lin Wei nodded immediately after hearing what he said, "The same thing I said with them. They don't have any hope for this project. They can't play with this little money.

   But you also know that this group of people will not die until the Yellow River, will not hit the south wall and will not look back. So I just ask, give them an accurate answer, and let them give up. "

   Speaking of this, Lin Wei immediately asked: "It stands to reason that you are now a recoverable rocket, a manned spacecraft, and the inflatable space proving ground, and even the lunar exploration project.

   So many achievements, is it not enough for listing conditions? "

  Wu Hao heard the words, smiled and wiped his hands with a towel, then unbuttoned his apron and said: "Now so many evil wolves are staring, if we rush to the market, it is easy to become the fat in the mouths of so many wolves.

   So, we have to wait for an opportunity before we go public.

   What we need is to raise funds through the stock market, not to bring in a group of evil wolves, which is not conducive to the future development of this project. "


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