Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1298: Standing stele and tree writing

  【Revised Edition】The title of this chapter: "The Good Deeds Written by the Stele and the Tree"

   After tidying up the kitchen and returning to the living room, Lin Wei handed a glass of milk to Wu Hao, then took a sip of it and said.

   "In this way, next year will be a bumper year for your aerospace projects, and it will also be a busy year. Several projects are going to be carried out. Isn't it too concentrated?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's not getting together. In addition to the normal commercial launch projects, only two new rockets and two experimental spacecraft projects. One is our unmanned experimental spacecraft launch project, and the other one is the launch project of our unmanned experimental spacecraft. It is our intelligent lunar rover project.

   Relatively speaking, it's a bit concentrated, but it's nothing. The main reason is that the timeline has caught up. We are preparing to launch the first Mars ground probe in the summer of 26 the next year.

   So if we don’t have time, we won’t be able to keep up with the launch window. "

"Mars rover, are you in such a hurry?" Lin Wei was surprised and couldn't help but worry a little: "This is another new rocket, another manned spacecraft, and what kind of space station is there. Then there is the lunar exploration project, now again? Mars exploration project.

  Is it a bit larger to spread out at once, or is it better to be safe?

   Don't blindly ask for quickness and advance aggressively, which may cause problems. I don’t want to talk about the rupture of the capital chain. If so many projects bring down the company, I don’t want you to be chased by others to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, or to learn from someone who fled overseas to hide in debt. "


Wu Hao couldn’t help but grabbed Lin Weichang and laughed: “Don’t worry, I know it in my heart. Such a big project, we must not be able to play it alone, isn’t there a stock market. The hot money is not used for making wine. Real estate speculation, it is better to contribute to human science and technology and the exploration of the universe.

   Besides, this is not a free contribution. The development prospects in this area are very broad, and future reports are also very rich, so don't worry. "

   Hearing what he said, Lin Wei nestled in his arms and said softly: "Anyway, be cautious, take your time, our future is still long."


  Wu Hao patted Lin Wei on the back and comforted, then he changed the subject and said, "In addition to the aerospace project this time, the Center for Biological and Life Sciences Research also achieved good results."

"Oh, so fast!" Lin Wei was a little surprised at this. In her opinion, in the field of biotechnology and medicine, if you want to achieve results, you usually start in five years, and you will have a small success in ten years. I didn't expect it to be so soon. There are results.

"Yes, I didn't expect it either." Wu Hao smiled ambiguously: "The scientific research team of the P2 Biological Laboratory of the Center for Biological and Life Sciences Research has successfully cultivated a system that can eliminate and eliminate the stomach after continuous experiments. The new super phage of Helicobacter pylori has very good results."

"Really, this is good news." Lin Wei couldn't help but sat up and said excitedly: "Helicobacter pylori in the stomach is a kind of pathogenic bacteria that is very difficult to eliminate from the human digestive system, and it is very pathogenic. The hazard is also very strong.

   To get rid of it, the patient has to contact and take the medicine for several weeks, and the amount of medicine is very large. My dad had a stomach ulcer before, and a later examination revealed that it was a Helicobacter pylori infection.

   In order to cure the disease, my dad took medicine for several weeks, a large amount each time, and the side effects were very serious. Moreover, this thing is difficult to clean up, and it is very infectious. It is said that more than half of the people in our country have been infected with this pathogen. "

   "Heh, I know a lot." Wu Hao admired.

"Hehe, my dad was ill before. I specifically checked this information, so I was deeply impressed." After explaining, Lin Wei couldn't help but jump for joy: "Great, this is equivalent to having a special medicine for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. what.

   This can keep countless people away from the harm of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. It can be said to be countless acts of kindness by living people.

   Putting it in ancient times, it is enough to enter the history books, and let people set up monuments for you. "

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and did not speak, because Lin Wei continued to say: "Anymore, this kind of special medicine means that it will have huge economic benefits. Once it is put on the market, it is equivalent to having a fast Money printing machine.

   It seems that this time you have to make a lot of money again. "

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said: "It's too early. The new type of super phage is still under research. The data and information are being improved. The next step is to apply for clinical trials. If everything goes well, it will take several years. Only the drugs can apply for approval for listing.

   Now with regard to the patent protection of such new drugs, countries are beginning to make changes. Some countries even obtain the right to manufacture and use drugs by shortening the patent protection period, thereby reducing the cost of drug treatment.

   In this way, no one can say how much a new drug can make.

   So the initial investment is so large, the risk is still very high. "

Lin Wei nodded and said: "There are risks, but relatively speaking, the benefits are also very huge. From the current market, if your new drug can be marketed, the benefits should be very good and profitable. Yes, it depends on the profit now."


   Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but sighed: "This is the sorrow of the pharmaceutical company. There is less money, the pharmaceutical company is losing money, and the life is sad.

   Makes a lot of money, and it is easy to be targeted and attacked by the general public and be criticized by morals.

   So don't be happy, maybe even you will be scolded by then. "

   "Hehe, they are willing to scold, let them scold it. We just need to have a clear conscience, why do we have common knowledge with them. UU reading" Lin Wei said with a smile.

Wu Hao nodded, and then continued: "Okay, don't talk about this. Another result of the Center for Biological and Life Sciences Research is that they transferred part of the Phyllostachys pubescens gene to the Haloxylon tree and cultivated it. A new type of transgenic Haloxylon tree with partial characteristics of Phyllostachys edulis.

   I went to see it, it was very good. This genetically modified Haloxylon tree is taller and more luxuriant than ordinary Haloxylon trees.

   Also, there are bamboo knots on the stems of the Haloxylon branches, and even the leaves tend to be flat.

   The most important thing is that this genetically modified Haloxylon tree grows very fast, basically the same as moso bamboo, it can reach several meters high in a few days.

   And it also retains the characteristics of the long root system and drought resistance of the Haloxylon tree, which can be said to be very good. "

   Hearing what he said, Lin Wei couldn't help but brighten up her eyes: "Then this thing is a treasure. It is used for windbreak and sand fixation, and tree planting can't be more suitable."

   "Hehe, we originally did it for this purpose." Wu Hao said with a smile: "However, you also know that genetically modified plants are very controversial in the country, academic circles, and even in society.

   Therefore, it is very difficult to promote the cultivation of such genetically modified plants. "



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