Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1309: "Big Killer" debut

After giving everyone a little time to digest, Wu Hao then led everyone to another exhibit, and then introduced it to everyone.

"Next, what I will introduce to you is the second equipment of our UAV series equipment, which is also our latest advanced equipment.

This is the second generation battlefield sweeper mini unmanned attack aircraft.

Regarding the first-generation product of the Battlefield Sweeper Mini Unmanned Attack Vehicle, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Since this equipment came out, it has received unanimous praise from users.

This time, we have made improvements and upgrades on the basis of the first-generation Battlefield Sweeper Mini Unmanned Attack Vehicle, and thus developed the second-generation Battlefield Sweeper Mini Unmanned Attack Vehicle.

At the same time, we also gave it a more vivid name, smart grenade. "

Smart grenade?

Regarding this smart grenade-related product, Wu Hao actually showed it at the previous police equipment exhibition. So many people in the audience knew about it, but for many customers, they still saw the real thing firsthand, and they also had a keen interest in it.

Wu Hao nodded and smiled: "In fact, at the police equipment exhibition at the beginning of this year, we showed off related weapons and equipment such as smart grenades and smart bullets.

Although it is basically the same as the product we showed this time, there are also big differences. Everyone knows that there is a big difference between police weaponry and military weaponry.

Therefore, we have developed weapons and equipment for different environments for different ways of use.

And this time we will think that the second-generation Battlefield Sweeper Mini Unmanned Attack Vehicle System we will introduce is developed for the battlefield environment. "

After explaining it to everyone, Wu Hao pointed to the related equipment displayed in the exhibition hall and introduced it to everyone.

First of all, let me introduce to you the smart grenade system.

Wu Hao picked up something about 40 mm thick and 200 mm long, that is, four cm thick and 20 cm long, which resembled a missile and introduced it to everyone: "This is the second-generation battlefield cleaning we developed. A mini unmanned attack aircraft.

"So small?" Seeing what Wu Hao was holding in his hand, he couldn't help being a little surprised. The original first-generation Battlefield Sweeper UAV is already very small and very convenient to carry and use. Unexpectedly, this second-generation battlefield sweeper attack drone can actually be made smaller.

You should know that in this respect, it is not that the smaller the better, it must take into account the performance while also ensuring the power. The volume is so small, it means that its internal structure must be precise enough. You know, once it is overrun by warhead ammunition, there is not much room left.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "According to our technology, we can make it smaller. I think you have shown related products before, and we are fully capable of this technology.

It's just that, considering many factors such as range, flying time in the air, and the weight of the ammunition carried, we finally set it at this size.

Everyone pay attention to its shape, its fully folded diameter is 40 mm, and its length is about 230 mm. The overall shape is a bit like the shape of the missile we use. "

As everyone showed it around, Wu Hao said with a smile: "The reason why we designed it to be this size, this appearance, mainly considers the convenience and versatility of the army. It can adapt to the caliber of our general grenade launcher. It can be used as a smart grenade, which can be launched through a gun-mounted grenade launcher or a special grenade launcher, which is convenient for soldiers to use in their daily lives."

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present nodded involuntarily.

This design is indeed excellent. Such a smart grenade not only considers versatility, but also considers portability and ease of use.

It can be seen that although Haoyu Technology entered the military industry not long ago, it already has its own unique design concept for military equipment.

Looking at the people discussing, Wu Hao picked up the smart grenade in his hand and said with a smile: "In fact, it is not our own decision that it can have the current size.

Instead, we collected the users of our first-generation Battlefield Sweeper Mini Unmanned Attack Vehicle in detail, as well as the grassroots units that were first closed, and got a lot of good information about the first-generation Battlefield Sweeper Mini Unmanned Attack Vehicle from them. Suggestions and comments.

Regarding the excellent performance of our first-generation battlefield sweeper micro unmanned attack aircraft, this aspect has been unanimously appreciated by users and troops.

However, in addition to admiration, these users and troops have also provided us with many good suggestions based on their usual usage.

For example, our first-generation battlefield sweeper mini unmanned attack aircraft is inconvenient to carry, and it is too easy to take up volume or even the establishment.

Hope we can enhance its portability and ease of use. It can be controlled and used without too strict training.

Therefore, after combining so many opinions and our own research results, and after repeated trials, we chose this intelligent unmanned attack aircraft that uses a launching method. "

Having said that, Wu Hao motioned to the second-generation Battlefield Sweeper Micro Unmanned Attack Vehicle in his hand and smiled: “Compared to our first-generation product, this second-generation Battlefield Sweeper Micro Unmanned Attack Vehicle is Although the volume has been reduced a lot, its performance has not shrunk. Not only has it not shrunk, but its combat performance has been improved.

The use of the latest technological achievements has greatly improved its performance and made it more powerful in combat.

For example, we upgrade and replace our latest new lithium battery, so that we can use a smaller size battery, UU看书 can still be a micro-unmanned attack for our battlefield sweepers. The aircraft provides ample power, and when an attack is launched at the end of the flight, its maximum speed can reach 400 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, the time spent in the air has been greatly increased, and it can fly continuously in the air for about 30 minutes to 40 minutes.

Such a long time in the air gives us more room to play. Therefore, on this basis, we have newly added the aerial autonomous cruise attack function of the unmanned attack aircraft.

After the unmanned attack aircraft is launched, it will fly to the target airspace and hover, search and identify local ground targets. When the target is detected, it will be automatically locked, and at the same time the target data information will be sent to the command and control personnel.

After the command and control personnel issue an attack order, the unmanned attack aircraft will immediately plan the attack line and attack independently.

Even, we can also leave the entire process to the drone to complete independently, which is what we often say after launching.

And we can also rely on our intelligent cluster control system to fly one or several, dozens of such battlefield sweeper miniature unmanned attack aircraft over the target area, and autonomously think about detecting and attacking enemy targets. "

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