Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1310: The ultimate solution to the battle is the infantry


So far of the introduction, Wu Hao handed the second-generation battlefield sweeper micro-unmanned attack aircraft ‘smart grenade’ to General Abu, who has always been very interested in it.

But General Abu, who was salivating about this, took him over and looked carefully.

As a soldier, he knows best what kind of weaponry is equipped. For this weapon and equipment that everyone doesn't pay much attention to, he actually attaches great importance to it.

Especially after hearing Wu Hao's understatement, his expression became more solemn. Among the many people present, I am afraid that no one knows better than him, once this small drone is put into the battlefield, what kind of disaster it will bring to the opponent, especially the opponent's ground troops and infantry.

When General Abu and the crowd were looking at the second-generation battlefield sweeper micro-unmanned attack aircraft ‘smart grenade’, Wu Hao smiled slightly at the crowd.

"Although the development of weapons and equipment is very rapid now, all kinds of tactics are emerging in an endless stream. Aircraft, artillery, tanks and missiles have everything, it seems that our army infantry status is not so important.

The series of wars in recent years have given us the feeling that this is how it was bombed by planes and missiles, and tanks drove straight in and quickly resolved the enemy. In the end, the infantry went in to pick up the ready-made ones and took over the occupied areas. "

Taking a look at the crowd, Wu Hao changed his tone and said: "But don't forget, the last person to end the battle is the infantry.

And compared to other arms, the casualty rate of infantry is often the largest. But despite this, the infantry has not been eliminated or even weakened. Not only did it not weaken, but it also continued to strengthen.

Although various countries have thought of many ways to continuously improve the protective capabilities of infantry, the casualties of infantry are still high. But despite this, the infantry did not withdraw from the stage of war, on the contrary, its role became greater and more abundant.

In fact, the major military powers also pay more attention to the research on infantry support weapons. Of course, this emphasis is far less than that of some aircraft and missile warships.

However, with some military wars and armed conflicts around the world in recent years, countries have also begun to attach importance to the field of infantry support weapons.

After all, at present, no matter how advanced weapons and equipment are, they cannot replace the role of infantry on the battlefield. Even many combat tasks require infantry to complete.

However, how to ensure the battlefield survivability and effective combat effectiveness of infantry when facing a powerful firepower enemy is also a key area of ​​research in various countries.

Generally speaking, infantry can rely on tanks, armored vehicles and artillery, as well as the support of aircraft. However, in many cases, these support weapons cannot be quickly put in place, and it is even difficult to support them.

Especially in some field and mountain operations, as well as in short-to-air combat in cities, the support of heavy weapons seems so incompetent.

In the face of this kind of enemy with powerful military advantages, the weaker party usually uses the guerrilla tactics that have prevailed in recent years to fight and run, but it makes many ground troops tired and even embarrassed. "

Hearing his explanation, everyone nodded involuntarily. Yes, this is also the norm in some military wars and armed conflicts that have occurred in recent years.

A ground force armed to the teeth and equipped with advanced weapons and equipment, as well as heavy weapons such as aircraft, tanks and artillery.

But just such a unit can easily be attacked, harassed, or even dragged around by some scattered weapon resistance elements, and eventually dragged down the other side.

Although Wu Hao is right, it doesn't seem to have much to do with this second-generation battlefield sweeper miniature unmanned attack machine ‘smart grenade’, everyone can’t help but think of it.

Everyone’s reaction was naturally seen by Wu Hao, so he smiled and said: “Then when encountering such a situation, how to make our troops fight back and destroy the enemy as soon as possible? Research problem.

In response to this situation, various countries and armies have also developed different tactics. For example, the most commonly used tactics at present are to rely on concealment on the spot, waiting for support, relying on the advantages of weapons and equipment, calling artillery or aircraft to strike suspicious targets.

This is a good tactic, but it's not too effective. Basically, these sneak attack militants will retreat quickly once they succeed, and they won't give you too much reaction time at all.

It takes time to call artillery, fighters and support troops, even if it is fast, it takes several minutes.

So if you want to counterattack quickly, you still have to rely on the force's own response capabilities.

If the equipment is equipped with supporting equipment, such as armored vehicles, tanks, etc., then there is no problem, you can rely on these types of weapons to attack.

If not, it will only rely on the weapons and equipment in hand to counterattack.

However, the equipment carried by individual soldiers is very limited. After the opponent succeeds in a sneak attack, it is generally difficult for us to organize an effective counterattack in a short period of time.

Even with heavy weapons, in the chaotic environment after being attacked successfully, it is difficult to counterattack in time and accurately.

At this time, having an infantry support weapon with precision strike capability is vital for ground combat troops.

Our second-generation battlefield sweeper miniature unmanned attack aircraft ‘smart grenade’ can solve this problem well. Its size is very small, it can be easily carried, does not occupy the system, and is convenient to use. Basically, it only needs simple training to be able to use this weapon skillfully.

It can be launched through our ordinary grenade launcher, or through our special launcher.

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Even in an emergency, it can be placed directly on the ground and launched alone. "

"After launching into the air, the real-time picture of the second-generation Battlefield Sweeper miniature unmanned attack aircraft "smart grenade" will be transmitted to our tablet or smart VR glasses, UU reading, our operators can follow Real-time screen, to choose the target of attack.

The six-sided honeycomb composite lens mounted on the drone can provide our operators with a very clear real-time multi-frequency detection picture.

And we also equipped it with our most advanced AI image recognition system. This system can detect and identify enemy military targets hidden on the battlefield very quickly and accurately. Such as camouflaged local militants, armored vehicles and so on.

Once the target is locked, the second-generation battlefield sweeper miniature unmanned attack aircraft ‘smart grenade’ will launch an attack on the target and completely destroy the target.

In this way, when encountering relevant encounters again, our troops can launch the second-generation battlefield sweeper micro-unmanned attack aircraft "smart grenade" very calmly, and detect and identify the relevant areas hidden by the enemy. After the target is determined, the target can be attacked immediately, and the target can be eliminated in the shortest time, without giving the opponent any chance of counterattack or escape.

Of course, we can also launch this second-generation battlefield sweeper micro-unmanned attack aircraft ‘smart grenade’ in advance for areas that may be attacked, and conduct continuous cruise surveillance in the relevant areas. In this way, not only can the danger be detected in advance, but the danger can even be eliminated in the embryonic stage. "

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