Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1333: Performing martial arts only found in martial arts dramas

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If this technology can be leaked only by taking pictures, then this technology may have been leaked when it was first shown, and it will not wait until now.

And since the military and relevant departments agree that Wu Hao and the others will display this technology and this product for export, it means that both Wu Hao and the military and relevant departments have sufficient confidence in the technology of this product. .

And since they dare to export them, it means they have better things in their hands.

In fact, there are really better things, and there are already small-scale deployment troops. Its performance is several times stronger than the first-generation export version that was castrated at the show.

Bang bang bang...

Amidst a round of applause, the tester saluted everyone on the scene, then went back to the queue and stood up.

Then the second tester walked out of the queue, and then stepped forward to salute everyone.

What makes everyone more curious is that this is a woman, or a veteran, and she looks pretty.

Wu Hao smiled and introduced: "This tester is wearing a lightweight version of our individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system. It is mainly equipped with some special forces and special services, and others have some influence on it. Departments and units with relevant requirements.

Its biggest feature is that it is small, light, flexible and unobtrusive. And the female tester at the scene is a good use of the test object.

And what we demonstrated to you at the scene is mainly its excellent performance in lightness and flexibility. "

While Wu Hao spoke, the female tester began to prepare. She did not perform some other fierce test moves, but performed a martial arts holding fist to everyone on the podium.

What do you mean, do you want to perform martial arts?

Everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised. Everyone knows that this traditional martial arts is a fancy, beautiful, but not very practical.

When they buy this single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, they definitely don't want to spend money on a fancy product that can dance.

So seeing everyone in the opposite direction performed a martial arts holding fist ceremony, everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, this female tester actually performed martial arts on the spot.

It has to be said that this female tester's martial arts skills are still very strong. It is not the superficial fancy, but the real boy skills, and the foundation is very solid, so every move is well-planned, and it is the tiger. wind.

At first, everyone naturally didn't understand why this female tester performed countless live performances. But after a while, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

I saw that this female tester actually used the light-weight individual soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system to perform many martial arts in film and television dramas, and even martial arts in some martial arts dramas.

For example, if you jump to a height of two meters and then kicked five times in a row, no one can complete this action.

Another example is some actual combat demonstrations at the scene. I saw that this relatively weak female tester, relying on this light individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, actually kicked a red brick hanging to pieces.

Kicked down diagonally, five red bricks shattered, kicked down and bent a thick steel pipe.

With such speed, such strength, and such flexibility, I am afraid that there is no problem at all in playing seven or eight strong men.

So seeing this, Prince Maiha on the rostrum couldn't help turning his head to look at some of his casual bodyguards standing behind.

As for these bodyguards, their eyes widened at the moment, and they couldn't help but stare at the female testers on the field.

After noticing Prince Maiha's eyes, these bodyguards quickly retracted their eyes, and then looked around vigilantly.

Prince Maiha smiled bitterly, and then looked at Wu Hao who was whispering to General Abu next to him. Feeling the look in Prince Maiha's eyes, Wu Hao turned his head and showed him a bright smile.

it is good!

Bang bang bang...

In a round of applause, the female tester held a fist to everyone on the podium, and then returned to the team.

At this time, two other male testers wearing a military-green full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system and a strong male tester wearing a black full-body protective individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system stepped out of the queue and headed for the chairman. The people on the stage gave a very standard military salute.

Wu Hao also introduced to everyone at this time: "Next, we will show you two full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton systems for individual soldiers. They have similarities and differences.

What they have in common is that they are all full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton systems for individual soldiers. The difference is that this black individual soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system is full-body protection. It is equipped with partial protective armor on the basis of the full-body type.

This gives it a certain degree of protection, which greatly improves the survivability on the battlefield. "

Having said that, Wu Hao signaled the two testers to start showing.

And he started to introduce it next to him: "Look, everyone, because it is a full-body model, a spine support system and an upper limb assist system have been added.

This also means that his torso support is greatly enhanced, and the tester’s upper limb strength has also been strengthened, which can facilitate him to lift heavier objects, and on the other hand, it can also facilitate him to carry out more changes. Many tactical moves, especially military moves that use hands.

And here is this full-body protective individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, we have added a neck support system to it, which also means that it is a true full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system for individual soldiers.

As for us, some protective armors are suspended on this whole-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, so that the important parts of the wearers of this whole-body protective intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system are well protected. ability.

Even the fragile neck and head including face are protected.

Here we will focus on introducing some of the protective parts of the head, which are steel helmets and protective visors, or bulletproof masks. Without this full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system for individual soldiers, it would be difficult to carry these weights if you rely on soldiers alone.

Especially this kind of steel helmet and bulletproof mask are very heavy, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to support him with their necks.

After putting on these things, within a few minutes, the soldier's neck became sore. If worn for a long time, it will cause huge pressure on the soldier's neck, and may even cause cervical spine disease. "

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