Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1334: Mobile turret for infantry

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"And this neck support system can help the wearer's neck support these things, so you won't feel pressure after wearing it for a long time.

In addition, these armors on the wearer are also the same, supported by them, so the wearer can hardly feel the weight. "

While Wu Hao introduced, the two testers wearing the full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system in the field were completing various military tactics. Compared with the previous half-length single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, this whole-body single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system is more comprehensive, and has relative mobility, flexibility, and more expensive and powerful.

A crowd of customers was even more excited about it. Everyone is either talking to each other about this product, or holding a camera phone, and smart AR glasses to shoot these things, or they have begun to fantasize about this single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system after they purchased the equipment. .

As for the observers, one by one was also very engrossed in holding various shooting and observation equipment to record the test situation in the venue, for fear of missing any details.

You know, this is the first time this single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system has officially appeared at this international defense exhibition, and it has also carried out a public field performance display.

This kind of opportunity is very rare, so everyone must cherish it.

In fact, they already know enough about the intelligence of this single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, from the military-civilian technology integration exchange exhibition to the police equipment exhibition, they have been paying close attention to it.

It’s just that there has been a lack of an opportunity to get close to and observe this single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, and it finally arrived today.

The more carefully observed, the more solemn the expressions on the faces of these observers.

This single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system is not a dazzling product displayed by Wu Hao, nor is it a concept product for exhibition, nor is it a gimmick.

It is a tangible advanced military weaponry, and its performance is very good. Judging from the on-site performance, this single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system was immediately put into use for actual combat without any problems.

What's more, this is only a foreign trade product, so it is said that the individual intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system that has been equipped with troops on a small scale will be like, this is impossible to know.

However, from this product, it is almost possible to calculate what kind of combat effectiveness the military version is.

This can be said to be a perfect single-soldier marine armor for the future infantry. With it, it is equivalent to arming the future infantry to the teeth, and it will exert the greatest combat effectiveness of the future infantry.

Therefore, it is necessary to get such a single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system as soon as possible. From the Haoyu technology side, there is no expectation. With the current Haoyu technology security force, they are basically impossible.

Therefore, we can only work on the equipment exported to other countries. Although it is more difficult, it is much easier than from Haoyu Technology.

However, since people have already exported this single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, it must have been fully researched and demonstrated in terms of technical confidentiality, so this product can be sold abroad with confidence.

In addition, it also shows from another aspect that people have better products and technologies themselves.

Seeing the excited eyes of everyone, Wu Hao smiled and continued to introduce: "Compared with the half-length single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system, this full-body single-soldier intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system has a stronger load-bearing capacity.

In addition, it has a very big advantage, that is, it can be equipped with some weapons, such as a machine gun, a rapid-fire machine gun, or even a Gatling gun with thousands of rounds per minute.

With this full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system for individual soldiers, soldiers wearing it can carry out continuous and stable firepower output without any pressure.

Its powerful load-bearing capacity can carry a large number of bullets for it, thereby supporting the continuity of its powerful firepower.

This is tantamount to arranging a mobile turret in the infantry squad. With such a powerful suppression of firepower, even an infantry squad-sized combat squad can have a powerful suppression firepower comparable to that of a first-level unit. This also means that a combat squad like them can deal with a company or even a battalion of militants or ordinary troops. "

Speaking of this, look at these customers whose eyes are shining. Wu Hao was very proud, but on the surface he still said quietly: "Not only is it a machine gun, we can also equip it with other powerful firepower.

For example, a heavy-duty rocket launcher, such as the 120 rocket launcher equipped by our army, requires a two-person firepower team to be competent, and it is generally smart to carry two ammunition, one high-explosive shell and one armor-piercing shell.

This heavy rocket launcher is too heavy for ammunition, and carrying too much will affect its maneuverability.

But if you wear our full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system for individual soldiers, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can solve the problem perfectly.

A soldier wearing this full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system can carry a 120 heavy rocket launcher, and can carry four rounds or even more ammunition on his body.

So as to ensure the continuity of this powerful firepower, so that when dealing with some enemy fortresses and armored vehicles, there will be enough firepower output.

Of course, if you change to an 80mm medium-sized rocket launcher or a lighter rocket launcher, the base number of ammunition that can be carried will be more. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao did not stop, but continued to add fire: "In addition, this full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system can also be equipped with individual missiles, regardless of the lighter type. The single-soldier anti-aircraft missiles are still larger and heavier anti-tank missiles, which can be equipped and carried.

If it is an individual air defense missile, wear this full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system for individual soldiers, which can carry six to eight at a time. Such individual air defense missiles, such as Stinger, Red Ying, Flying Crossbow, etc. Bingbing air defense missiles can carry a larger number, if needed.

And like this kind of larger and heavier anti-tank missiles, an anti-tank missile team is usually required, usually two to three people.

And if equipped with this full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system for individual soldiers, then it can be reduced to one person.

One soldier can carry four such anti-tank missiles, and if necessary, it can be increased.

Because it is supported by a full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton system for individual soldiers, one soldier can complete the entire process from preparation to launch, which can greatly reduce the combat organization. "

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