Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1464: Green pepper and mustard pork noodles

Luo Kai is obviously here to explore the bottom line. As for this, Wu Hao also introduced him to the development progress of this project in more detail.

As Luo Kai said, there is no need for them to hide anything on this project, especially when it comes to the military. You know, this project may be the largest in the future, and even the only customer is the military. It is also a good thing to let the military intervene in advance and participate in the entire project's research and development process.

At least in terms of resources and scientific research funds, Wu Hao and the others do not need to bear it alone.

On the plane, Wu Hao and Luo Kai talked a lot, not only on the project, but also on some other things. Including many hotspots and current affairs, the two sides also exchanged their views.

Of course, this was only a private exchange, but Wu Hao still grasped some information that was impossible to grasp outside through the exchanges between Luo Kai and Luo Kai. For Wu Hao, this is also invaluable, which will help them to deploy in advance, avoid related risks, and seize the opportunity.

The special plane arrived at Anxi International Airport. After getting off the plane, Luo Kai did not go with Wu Hao and the others. Instead, he said goodbye and got on a cross-country military vehicle that he had been waiting for and left.

As for Wu Hao and the others, it was time to disband, and the accompanying team members had a holiday and rest, while Wu Hao and Lin Wei also returned home directly.

After a few days of absence, Lin Wei returned home and took a bath and changed into cool clothes. She fell directly on the sofa and didn't want to move.

Although Wu Hao is also exhausted, he will not ignore it like Lin Wei. Although there is an intelligent housekeeping system in the whole home that is responsible for the operation of the various system facilities of the whole home, some people still need to be responsible.

For example, the food in the refrigerator needs to be thrown away and refilled. Now they rarely go out to make purchases on their own, and these are all handled by dedicated personnel.

This is also no way. Whoever makes them aim too big, going out will easily cause crowded crowds and affect the normal order of society.

And this will also bring certain security risks to them, so under the persuasion of the security team and the security department, they will not go out so often to freely move.

Of course, sometimes when he and Lin Wei are in a mood, they will dress up in disguise, and then go out shopping, shopping malls, night markets and so on.

After all, they are also humans, and they must have their own personal lives and hobbies. If a person only has work left, it is too pitiful for that person to get it.

Looking at Lin Wei lazily leaning on the sofa, Wu Hao smiled and walked over. Then he sat next to her, grabbed the towel and started to help her wipe the still wet hair.

Lin Wei often forgets to dry her hair after taking a shower, so every time Wu Hao sees it, she will dry her with a towel.

"After a day of tossing, there was a smell of gunpowder and soil on my body, and it was so stinking, I hurry to take a shower." Lin Wei took a break from the smell of Wu Hao, and then frowned.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Now go, you can wipe it yourself, and blow it with a hair dryer in a while. By the way, someone will deliver something in a while, and you can pick it up."

"Okay, leave it to me, hurry up!" Lin Wei urged Wu Hao.

In Lin Wei's urging sound, Wu Hao went to the bathroom of the master bedroom on the second floor and began to take a hot shower. Today, this day is busy enough.

After taking a shower, he changed into a clean home outfit. Wu Hao came downstairs and found that Lin Wei had just come in from outside with a large bag of things in her hand.

"What did you buy, so many?" Lin Wei asked involuntarily as he came down.

There are some foods, fruits and vegetables, and some food. Wu Hao smiled and said, "How about it, what else do you want to eat at night."

Lin Wei thought for a while, then said to him: "Noodles, a small bowl is enough."

"Well, I will make a fruit platter first, and then make noodles for you." Wu Hao nodded and smiled.

"I'll help." Lin Wei's face overflowed with a soft smile.

A few fruits jumped out of the purchased fruits, then washed, peeled and changed into small pieces with knives, put in a plate, put a knife and fork, and a fruit platter is ready.

Lin Wei picked up a knife and fork and inserted a piece of melon to Wu Hao's mouth. Wu Hao who was busy then bit it, and then drove Lin Wei out.

Lin Wei, who was out of the kitchen, looked at Wu Hao who was busy inside, with a happy smile on her face. She then took the fruit platter and walked to the sofa to sit down leisurely and watched the idol soap operas she was interested in.

In the kitchen, Wu Hao thought for a while, then took out the flour and began to knead it. Although there are ready-made pasta and dried noodles, Wu Hao still likes this kind of handmade fresh noodles. The taste of this noodle is just right, and Lin Wei likes it the most.

Because it was dinner, two people didn't eat much, so they didn't make much, probably a piece of dough not much bigger than a fist. It didn't take long for Wu Hao to rub it out. Then buckle it on the bottom of the basin and wake up for twenty minutes.

And in these twenty minutes, Wu Hao began to make noodles. The top tenderloin is shredded, prepared, and then some green pepper shreds, colored pepper shreds, shredded mustard tuber, green onion, **** and garlic are prepared. Immediately ignite the pot. Heat the pan and pour the oil, pour the marinated pork into the pan and spread it out.

Because it is tenderloin, the meat is tender, so you don't need to simmer in the pan for a long time. You only need to see that the shredded meat turns white and becomes elastic.

Put the oil on the pan again, add the green onion, ginger, and garlic until fragrant, then add the mustard, green pepper and colored pepper, turn over and fry until it is slightly soft, pour in the shredded pork, turn it over, and add the seasoning.

In fact, there are not many complicated seasonings, a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of five-spice powder, UU reading and a little soy sauce, you can get it out of the pot.

Then boil the water and prepare to roll the noodles. The dough is relatively small, so it is very easy to roll out. Pick up the rolling pin and roll the awake dough into a cake, and then continue to roll it out.

Because it is noodles, it doesn't need to be so thin, it just needs to be evenly thin. Sprinkle with cornstarch, then stack them and cut into evenly thick noodles.

Lin Wei likes to eat thin noodles, so Wu Hao is very thin, and rides out the four-sided noodles that are similar to ramen'two thin'.

At this time, the water in the pot is also boiling, and the noodles are cooked. This kind of fresh noodles is very cooked, basically just float up and fill it with water. Blanch a few small greens, and then pick up the colander to fill the noodles, exactly two bowls.

Then, Wu Hao was pouring the shredded pork with green pepper and mustard on the surface. In this way, a simple and delicious bowl of shredded pork noodles with green pepper and mustard is ready.

Wu Hao put the two bowls of noodles on the tray, and at the same time brought out the side dishes such as the oily pepper, garlic, and fermented bean curd.

Lin Wei, who just didn't want to watch TV, saw Lin Wei come out face to face, and ran towards him excitedly without waiting for him to greet.

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