Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1465: Go fall in love!

Although it was said that I had to take a good rest at home for two days, but the next morning, the two went to their respective companies invariably.

No way, he and Lin Wei are both heads of their respective companies, and they have all kinds of things on their hands. Although they wanted to take a break, did these things come to their door? Besides, it has been a few days since they left the company. They are a little uneasy. Anyway, there is nothing to do. It's better to visit the company.

When he came to the company park, Wu Hao did not go directly to his office, but took a stroll in the park. The park in the early morning was exceptionally fresh, with wisps of sunlight shining down, and through the green and lush trees, golden sunlight spots were sprinkled.

The water in the artificial lake is still clear to the bottom, and there are simulated mechanical fishes in the water shining with blue light. These fish are actually underwater unmanned submersibles and water quality cleaning robots.

For the sake of beauty, the company's technical team has beautified and upgraded the equipment that works in the water. Therefore, the operating equipment in the previous water has been transformed and upgraded to this kind of simulated mechanical fish.

Not to mention, the postures of these simulated mechanical fishes in the water are still very smart, much like real fishes full of vitality.

In fact, many people suggested raising some ornamental fish in the artificial lake, but in order not to affect the water quality, these suggestions were directly rejected.

Moreover, the water has been treated, so there are basically no microorganisms in the water, which is not suitable for fish to survive.

Of course, more people like the clear water of this lake. Such clean water naturally makes people feel comfortable when they see it. Coupled with the very vivid artificial fish inside, this artificial lake has also become one of the online celebrity attractions in the park that must be punched in.

There are green willows on the shore, and on the corridor around the lake, some employees are running in sports clothes, and some are walking together in twos and threes.

After seeing Wu Hao, these people also greeted warmly. Seeing Wu Hao taking a walk, these people didn't bother too much, greeted them, and then went to do their own business.

No one bothered, Wu Hao also took this into consideration. He strolled leisurely on the corridor, enjoying this rare morning time.

However, such a moment did not last long, and soon someone appeared by his side, it was Shen Ning.

Today, Shen Ning is wearing a white lady-made casual suit, stepping on high heels, and leading people to Wu Hao.

Mr. Wu!

Wu Hao glanced at Shen Ning next to him, then nodded slightly and said: "Since you are here, then walk with me."

Yes! Shen Ning nodded in response.

The two were strolling along the corridor by the lake. Wu Hao looked at the surrounding scenery and smiled at Shen Ning: "You, don't stretch yourself too tight all day, this will cause problems. Relax properly. Relax, exercise more and enjoy life.

Compared to you now, I prefer you who used to be audacious. At that time, although you didn't have much work experience, I appreciated and liked your kind of aggressiveness and positive positive state.

You are now very good, impeccable at work, and very capable. With your abilities, you are now delegated to being the head of a department or project without any problems.

However, this kind of cold, strong aura or this kind of personality exuding from your body will make many people feel uncomfortable when they come into contact with you.

Of course this is not a problem by my side. With me, even if it is difficult for you to get along, they will rush to please you and maintain the relationship with you.

But once you go to work, the situation will be different, so you have to pay more attention to this and correct your own problems. "

You don't want me. Shen Ning was dull throughout, and asked aloud after hearing what he said.

Here again, I told you this in private. You were brought out by me at any rate. In the eyes of others, you are my student and direct line. Even if it is for myself, I hope you can become better.

Wu Hao glanced at Shen Ning who was silent on the side, and then continued: "You are already very good at work, and you have far exceeded my expectations in this regard. You have done a great job at this point, even better than Zhang Xiaolei. Good.

However, I hope you can be better. I hope that in your world, in addition to work, there is life. You have to learn to enjoy life.

People need to be mature, but maturity does not mean to kill your character or your hobbies. Xiao Ning, we are all human beings, not a cold machine that can only work. "

Hearing what he said, Shen Ning was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "This is the second time you call my nickname."

is it. Wu Hao smiled upon hearing this and said, "Although at work, we are in the relationship between the boss and the employee. But privately, we are actually more like friends, even brothers and sisters.

Since following me, I will naturally be responsible for you. This kind of responsibility is not only in the work, I also hope to be able to help you in your life.

Instead of just letting you work and depriving you of other things, I am not one of those black-hearted capitalists. "

Hearing, Shen Ning pursed his lips and smiled rarely when he heard what he said.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to walk: "Look at how beautiful this life is. Don't just stare at the documents and computer screens, but also look at the scenery."

After hearing this, Shen Ning looked at Wu Hao for a while, and then began to look at the surrounding scenery like Wu Hao.

Not to mention, UU reading www. It has been so long since has been in the park, it was the first time she discovered that the company park was so beautiful. I used to patronize and immersed myself in work, and I really rarely paid attention to these.

now it's right. Wu Hao showed a relieved smile.

"I remember that you haven't taken your annual vacation, so find time to take it off. Sign up for a tour group for yourself and relax.

Of course, for safety reasons, it is limited to domestic. Don't set foot in overseas regions for now. You are my secretary. Although you are only an employee, you will still be the target of those people.

And compared to other people, your goal is bigger. After all, you are my secretary and have access to many important secrets, so they will be more interested in you. "

Don't worry, I will protect myself. Hearing Wu Hao's concern, Shen Ning responded softly.

Well, Wu Hao stopped, turned his head and looked at her and said, "Know that you are practicing judo, but don't try to do it yourself. Tell us in time if you encounter any danger, and we will support you.

Besides, you are not too young now, and it is time to consider your lifelong events. Go and fall in love, your age is a good time to fall in love. "

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