Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1516: Role model for young people

   It is obvious that the other party is here to pick up the bargain, but he doesn't want to show sincerity. Of course Wu Hao could not pay the bill, let alone give in.

   And to be honest, the contacts and meetings with Xue Bing have been several times in succession, which also gave Wu Hao a very full understanding of this person. Cautious, cunning, hesitant, and a person who does not suffer in secret, dealing with such a person is very tiring.

   Although it was said that this breakfast had some gains, it was far from what Xuebing wanted. But seeing that Wu Hao was not very interested, the two did not continue in this regard, but chatted and begged.

   chatted for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, the two got up and said goodbye to each other and left.

   Shen Ning, who was waiting on the other side, immediately followed with her bag. Wu Hao took a glance at her, then walked forward and said: "You have heard the content of the conversation just now."

heard it. Shen Ning nodded and said.

   Wu Hao said calmly: "Transfer the content to Mr. Zhang (Zhang Jun), he knows what to do."

   What do you mean... Shen Ning is a little bit uncomprehending, she doesn't know what dumb riddle the big boss is playing.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Friendship is friendship, business is business. If you don't show some sincerity, you just want to take advantage of us. How can there be such good things in this world. What's more, we have no friendship at all. .

   It is estimated that the other party privately, I don't know how to curse us to close down quickly. "

   "Understood." Shen Ning put away her smile, her eyes flashed sharply.

   went back to the room and processed a few daily documents. Seeing that the time was almost up, Wu Hao immediately set off to the event site.

  The event site is located in the suburbs of Shanghai. Many technology companies and international giants have established laboratories and research institutes in this area.

   Their lithography machine project research institute is here, and today's activities are carried out in this research institute.

   When Wu Hao arrived at the scene by car, many media reporters had gathered on the scene. When they saw Wu Hao's car, these media reporters took pictures one after another.

   Surrounded by the crowd, Wu Hao came to the lounge. Here, he saw Xiao Ma, Tao Zhengyang, and Li Feihong who had arrived earlier.

   In addition, the person in charge of the research institute or this lithography machine research and development technology company is also accompanied here.

   Seeing Wu Hao's arrival, this 50-year-old person in charge immediately greeted him enthusiastically: "Mr. Wu, cheers for your presence. You have worked hard all the way."

   "Haha, President Yuan, long time no see." Wu Hao and the middle-aged man, who is about fifty years old, very energetic, but with a little sparse hair, shook hands and greeted enthusiastically.

   This person is called Yuan Shouyi. He is 51 years old this year. He is one of the big players in the research of lithography machine technology in China. He used to work for a certain company and was later introduced by Mr. Ma to become the head of the lithography machine project.

   Yuan Shouyi is very enthusiastic about Wu Hao. On the one hand, of course, because Wu Hao is the major shareholder of the company and the owner of the money behind him, he certainly deserves to be treated with his heart.

   On the other hand, this benefited from Wu Hao's technical achievements. Especially in the lithography machine project, Wu Hao and others provided many key technologies, such as the most critical EUV light source in the lithography machine, and the compound lens that can replace the complex light source lens group in the current advanced lithography machine. group. It is precisely because of these two core technologies that their lithography machine has been developed so smoothly. Although it has been postponed for half a year, it is unique in that it can be successfully developed in such a short period of time.

   In addition to Yuan Shouyi, Wu Hao also met an old acquaintance, this is Song Chunming of the Shanghai Institute of Microelectronics. As the leader, he also made a special trip to participate in this event today.

   "You kid, you have been doing a lot recently." Song Chunming couldn't help but joke when he saw him.

   Ha ha, I made you laugh. Wu Hao looked at Song Chunming and smiled. He respects this old man very much, and it is the selfless recommendation of this old man that makes him proud to get the opportunity to grow up. Over the years, the old man's concern for him has been unbroken. The same is true for Wu Hao, greetings every New Year and holidays, and whenever he has a chance, he will visit him on a business trip.

   Song Chunming smiled and waved his hand: "No, you are doing a good job. It is correct to safeguard our own legitimate rights and interests, and we fully support you in this regard."

Speaking of this, Song Chunming looked at him with a smile and said: "You, although we are old, we still have a little network relationship. If you need any help, you can come to us. We still have a little face, don’t Too much trouble."

   "Looking at what you said, I'm not thinking about whether we can handle this matter, so I won't disturb you." Wu Hao replied quickly while being moved.

Song Chunming nodded, then looked at the old horse and Liu Qixiang and others who were walking in, and then said to Wu Hao: "Okay, don't you kid don't turn around this old man like me, go and work on yourself. Right."

   "Okay, then I'll be busy, let's talk later." Wu Hao nodded, and then walked over with Brother Xiao Ma and the others to greet everyone.

   Lao Ma looked very happy, and then greeted everyone: "The leaders will be here soon, everyone will wait for a while."

   Everyone smiled upon hearing what the old Ma said. The guests invited to this event are very heavy. In addition to the direct leaders, there are also local leaders from Shanghai, as well as relevant industry leaders.

Everyone stood chatting with each other for a while, and saw a sensation outside, and a few young people in white shirts brushed the line and walked in followed by a few videographers carrying cameras in a hurry Busily walked in, and then each looked for an angle.

  Wu Hao and the others are also in a row, waiting for the arrival of the leaders.

   It didn't take long for a group of people to come in, surrounded by a few old men in white shirts, and there was a burst of warm applause at the scene.

   The old people started to short hands and shake hands. First of all, it was Lao Ma, then Xiao Ma, Liu Qixiang, Sun Shu, and then Wu Hao.

   When shaking hands with Wu Hao, the leader stopped and looked at him while smiling and jokingly said: "As the legend says, he is indeed a young talent. To you Comrade Wu Hao, I have been known for a long time.

  Leader (Chief), you are overwhelmed. Wu Hao said quickly.

   Hey, it's not an award at all, we will remember everything you do. Work hard, the development of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation, you need a group of outstanding, practical and capable young people like you. In this regard, you have set a good example for the majority of young people, which is very good.

   Thank you leader! Wu Haoyang thanked him.

  Haha. The old man patted his arm lightly, then walked to the next person. As for Wu Hao, he didn't care about the aftertaste, but immediately shook hands with the leaders behind.


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