Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1517: Core Technology

  【Unmodified version】

  Wu Hao and the others are also in a row, waiting for the arrival of the leaders.

   It didn't take long for a group of people to come in, surrounded by a few old men in white shirts, and there was a burst of warm applause at the scene.

   The old people started to short hands and shake hands. First of all, it was Lao Ma, then Xiao Ma, Liu Qixiang, Sun Shu, and then Wu Hao.

   When shaking hands with Wu Hao, the leader stopped and looked at him while smiling and jokingly said: "As the legend says, he is indeed a young talent. To you Comrade Wu Hao, I have been known for a long time.

  Leader (Chief), you are overwhelmed. Wu Hao said quickly.

   Hey, it's not an award at all, we will remember everything you do. Work hard, the development of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation, you need a group of outstanding, practical and capable young people like you. In this regard, you have set a good example for the majority of young people, which is very good.

   Thank you leader! Wu Haoyang thanked him.

  Haha. The old man patted his arm lightly, then walked to the next person. As for Wu Hao, he didn't care about the aftertaste, but immediately shook hands with the leaders behind.

   After the greeting is over, the event officially begins. The event site was placed in a huge bright factory building.

   In the middle of the factory building, there is a huge rectangular parallelepiped equipment covered by red silk. This is today's protagonist, the legendary lithography machine.

   On both sides of this device, there are two huge high-definition screens with some introduction videos playing on the screens.

   In a passionate march, Wu Hao and the others escorted the leaders into the arena. Warm applause and shutter sound broke out at the scene, and the event officially began.

   First, all people stand up and sing the national anthem. This is a convention and a rule. Generally, large-scale events will have this process. Especially in today's joyful and special day, the chorus of the national anthem has a special meaning in it, which is of extraordinary significance.

   First, the person in charge of the research institute came to introduce the whole project, including the origin of the project, the related development process and the results achieved, etc.

   Then there was a speech from the local leader of Shanghai, and then the supervisor gave a speech. The speeches of the leaders are very concise, which is also an emerging trend. Not as long as before, the speech content is very concise and powerful.

  The local leaders of Shanghai highly praised this project, and introduced a series of support policies in the area of ​​Shanghai for happy technologies, especially in the domestic scarce cutting-edge technology fields.

   As for the leaders, they gave a high evaluation of this project, and included this project and results in the major achievements of the stage plan, and said that they would apply for related awards. Then it is the great significance represented by this lithography machine and the related influence. Finally, it is expressed that it will continue to unswervingly support the development of high-tech industries, especially the development of cutting-edge technology.

   Finally, it is the speech of the shareholder representatives. It stands to reason that among the representatives of their nine major partners, the person who is qualified to speak is naturally the initiator of this project, Wu Hao. However, in this kind of occasion, the most suitable person to speak on their behalf is naturally considered to be a respected old horse.

   And he is most pleased with the kind of rushing, such a showy thing that Lao Ma usually has. So this time the representative's speech naturally fell on him.

   is worthy of being a teacher. Lao Ma's eloquence is very slippery. The whole process is out of writing, and he opens his mouth. The talk is humorous, and the trend is hitting the wall. Of course, everyone was crushed in the speech. Of course, Wu Hao is indispensable, because Wu Hao, the initiator and important technology provider, cannot get rid of this project.

   In the end, amidst a round of applause, the speech ended.

   Next, it is the most exciting moment to unveil the first five-nanometer EUV new lithography machine independently developed by my country.

   Amidst the applause and passionate march, the leaders and guests came to the stage and then stood in front of the red silk, and everyone held the red silk together. In everyone's countdown, the red silk was gently pulled down together.

   bang, bang, bang! Amid the sound of ribbon ejection, the red silk fell, revealing the true face of this new five-nanometer EUV lithography machine.

   However, unlike everyone's imagination, this new five-nanometer EUV lithography machine was not directly displayed in front of everyone, but was loaded into a transparent glass room. In other words, it was not the lithography machine that was unveiled just now, but the glass room.

   Although there is glass, everyone can clearly see the whole picture of this lithography machine. Of course, there is nothing to look at. The whole lithography machine is rectangular, similar to the shape of a container, and is covered by a white shell. You can't see much at all, only there is a display and on the side of the front. One console, the others don’t see much at all.

   There is a LOGO on the diagonal upper corner, and on it is the name of the research institute, which is the company’s name, the English abbreviation of Core Technology.

  Shanghaichip Technology Co., Ltd. had spent a lot of money to register the name, but it still got it down. Core Technology, the name is straightforward, simple, and atmospheric. As can be seen from the name, this is a technology company related to chips.

   Papa Papa...

   Amid the applause of everyone, the whole unveiling ceremony is Of course, the activity is not over yet, the next step is to lead the visit.

   The whole process was introduced by Yuan Shouyi, but the leader deliberately asked Wu Hao to accompany him, which made him flattered.

   The lithography machine has very strict requirements for the link. Although we have made breakthroughs in the lithography machine technology to improve its adaptability to the environment, the requirements for the environment are still relatively high.

   Yuan Shouyi introduced to everyone: "Because the unveiling ceremony has a large number of people and the environment is messy, it is easy to affect the lithography machine. Originally, we planned to show only one shell or cancel the physical display.

   But then we felt that this approach would cause doubts and unnecessary speculation from the outside world. Instead of this, it's better to show the real guy, so we made this glass room and installed the lithography machine in it. In such a public display, the external environment cannot affect it. "

After listening, the leader nodded and said: "This is very good. We can't ignore the important results that everyone has worked hard to develop because of a ceremony. What's more, this is an advanced five-nanometer EUV new lithography machine independently developed by our country. .

   I heard that this type of lithography machine is very fragile, and it is even more sensitive to subway vibrations a few kilometers away. So many of us today are so close to it, is it okay? "



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