Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1518: Release a "big satellite"

"Yes it is."

Wu Hao nodded and said: "The advanced part of this technology is that it can integrate the originally complicated multilayer lens group structure into a single crystal. In this way, the volume is reduced and the accuracy of lens refraction is improved. More importantly, the previously complex lens structure can be printed inside the crystal in a similar way to 3D printing.

   In this way, it laid a solid foundation for us to develop the complex lens group used in the lithography machine. "

   The leader nodded after hearing his words: "This is the power of independent innovation. If we don't insist on independent innovation and support ourselves, our key technologies are still controlled by others.

   Today, we have produced 5 nanometers, and tomorrow we will be able to produce 3 nanometers, 2 nanometers, or even 1 nanometer. We need to use practical actions to tell those countries and opponents who are trying to lock down and restrict our technological development. It is absolutely impossible to stop our development.

   blocks us, it’s like a praying man’s arm as a car, which will eventually be crushed by the wheels. "

   Papa Papa...

   Everyone present heard the words, and they broke down enthusiastically.

   Indeed, the success of the research and development of this lithography machine today can be said to be proud of the international community. The conspiracy of our opponents and enemies to stop our development and progress has completely failed, which also marks our successful breakthrough in core technology and squeezed into the world's advanced level of lithography machine technology.

   After speaking, the leader said softly to Wu Hao: "I remember that the photonic chip you showed last time is also using this technology."

   Hearing what the leader said, many people present, especially Lao Ma, all looked at Wu Hao. Regarding the photonic chip technology, since Wu Hao and the others developed it, they have been secretive. For this, the outside world knows very little, only know that Wu Hao and the others have successfully developed the world's first super photonic computer with this photonic chip technology, and its floating-point computing power has reached the forefront of the world's supercomputer floating-point computing power. .

   Many people who were present at the Super Photon Computer have also visited it, but they only looked at the surface. The real core technology, Wu Hao, has not been shown.

   In fact, after the release of this super photonic computer, many companies secretly began to study this technology. But without exception, it failed. Its core technology is this composite lens group technology. In a piece of composite crystal material, a number of lenses can be printed or engraved using a special process. These lenses form a dense lens group, thus creating a complex integrated optical path.

   These integrated optical paths are intertwined with each other, and finally constitute a photonic chip.

   This technology has always been regarded as an important core process technology by Haoyu Technology, and it has been kept strictly confidential until now. Even the composite lens group crystals used in this lithography machine are all processed by Haoyu Technology. The specific size parameters are provided by the R&D project team here, then they are manufactured there, and then transported for testing.

   So to put it bluntly, the real control of the core technology company is still in the hands of the controller Wu Hao. This is not only in the shares, but also in technology.

   This is also the reason why other shareholders want to make a move and must first test Wu Hao and their opinions. Although it is said that there is a cooperation agreement, if Wu Hao and the others really want to do something, this agreement and contract alone will not be able to stop it.

  Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, the principle of the photonic chip and the compound lens group in this lithography machine are actually the same. They are both a multi-structure lens group composed of several lenses.

   Both of them can be regarded as a kind of integrated optical path, the structure of the two is very complicated, but the direction is different.

   And relatively speaking, the structure of the photonic chip is more complicated. We have to engrave a large number of lens groups in a four-by-four cube to form a complex integrated optical path system. This is a bit like our silicon-based chip, which itself is also a very large-scale integrated circuit.

   In a sense, this photonic chip is an analog silicon-based chip, but there are very significant differences depending on the light. "

   Hearing Wu Hao’s explanation, everyone present, whether it is the leaders, these corporate bosses, or the technical staff, showed great interest.

  For technicians and experts, this is definitely a new cutting-edge technology field that they have never involved in. They are in professional habits. They are full of instinctive interest in all unknown advanced technology and knowledge. What's more, this is a chip technology that is more advanced than silicon-based chips.

   For these corporate bosses, this is also an opportunity for them to gain insights. They also want to figure out the specific information of this photonic chip, so as to formulate corresponding countermeasures. Even if possible, they are very happy to learn from it.

   As for the leaders, they are more concerned about the development prospects and value of this technology. Judging from Wu Hao's explanation, this is definitely a new technology no less than silicon-based chips.

   So compared with our traditional silicon-based chips, what are the advantages of this photonic chip? A leader asked.

Wu Hao glanced at the leader, then smiled and introduced to everyone: "There are many advantages, such as low energy consumption, and another example that we can break through the limitations of Moore's Law. Of course, its biggest advantage is that it can work in a limited way. Under the production process exert unlimited performance and computing power.

The Dao Super Photonic Computer in our company park has undergone a large-scale upgrade. We have replaced the photonic computing module we are willing to use with a more advanced photonic chip computing module, which has also greatly increased its computing power. The promotion.

   Its current floating-point computing capabilities have surpassed the most advanced supercomputers in the world, and have reached a height that is difficult for a traditional supercomputer to achieve in a short time.

   It can be said that apart from quantum computers, traditional supercomputers can no longer surpass it. "

   Hearing Wu Hao's words, the scene suddenly exploded. It was the first time they heard this news. It turned out that Wu Hao and the others had quietly developed a new generation of super photonic computers ahead of all supercomputers.

   The leader showed a happy look and said: "Okay, I didn't expect you to release a large satellite for us without making a sound.

   It's amazing. In today's society, we need companies and entrepreneurs like you who are pragmatic, willing to work, and do things silently.

  Of course, we also lack technical experts who work hard and strive for perfection in their positions and professional fields.

   These are all commendable and worthy of learning for all of us. "


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