Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1519: The success of this technology will enhance the overall national strength.

The Dao Super Photonic Computer in our company park has undergone a large-scale upgrade. We have replaced the photonic computing module we are willing to use with a more advanced photonic chip computing module, which has also greatly increased its computing power. The promotion.

   Its current floating-point computing capabilities have surpassed the most advanced supercomputers in the world, and have reached a height that is difficult for a traditional supercomputer to achieve in a short time.

   It can be said that apart from quantum computers, traditional supercomputers can no longer surpass it. "

   Hearing Wu Hao's words, the scene suddenly exploded. It was the first time they heard this news. It turned out that Wu Hao and the others had quietly developed a new generation of super photonic computers ahead of all supercomputers.

   The leader showed a happy look and said: "Okay, I didn't expect you to release a large satellite for us without making a sound.

   It's amazing. In today's society, we need companies and entrepreneurs like you who are pragmatic, willing to work, and do things silently.

  Of course, we also lack technical experts who work hard and strive for perfection in their positions and professional fields.

   These are all commendable and worthy of learning for all of us. "

You flatter me. Wu Hao quickly said modestly.

   Everyone smiled, and then a guest on the scene said: "Then what are the shortcomings of it compared to traditional chips, can it replace the existing silicon-based chips?"

   Hearing this question, the scene immediately fell silent. This question is acute and sensitive. Today is the big day when the lithography machine is released. Asking such a question on such a day makes people wonder whether this guest is here to find fault.

   So after seeing this expert, everyone turned their attention to Wu Hao, wanting to hear his answer.

  No, Wu Hao smiled very calmly, shook his head and said: "Photonic chips cannot replace the existing silicon-based chips, especially such high-performance chips with a process above 7 nanometers.

   This is not because the performance is not up to date, but because the photonic chip is limited by its principle, so currently we cannot achieve new products with the size of silicon-based chips.

   And the photonic chip is easily affected by the environment, and there are related requirements for its use. At present, its biggest use is still on supercomputers, mainframe computers, servers, and mainframes.

   In the field of digital products where such 5-nanometer process chips are widely used, such photonic chips cannot be used. "

   Hearing Wu Hao's answer, everyone at the scene nodded and smiled. Wu Hao did not evade or answer this question perfunctorily, but gave a very clear and clear answer. And the result of the answer also gave everyone a peace of mind, that is, this photonic chip cannot replace this advanced silicon-based chip.

   Each has its own advantages, we need to fully blossom in all fields. In this way, we can not be controlled by others, and we can liberate the productive forces to the greatest extent and promote the technological and economic development of our country.

"And what it directly brings is the improvement of our country's comprehensive national strength. This is very important." The leader summed up, and then Yuan Shouyi, who looked to the side, asked: "If you want such an advanced lithography machine, yours How much can the annual output be reached."

Seeing the leader’s question, Yuan Shouyi immediately replied: “This year we expect to deliver three lithography machines with the same specifications in trial production. Next year, we will optimize and improve the manufacturing process and address some problems in the manufacturing process. To solve the problem, our annual output is expected to reach about ten units.

   And with the continuous improvement of technology and manufacturing process, this number can increase. It is expected that we will achieve an annual output of 15 to 20 units within three years. "

not enough. Hearing what Yuan Shouyi said, the leader immediately shook his head and said: "Our domestic demand for chips is huge, and we have to pay a huge amount of chip procurement fees to overseas companies every year.

   Therefore, this market is very large, and its development prospects are very broad. I think you can let go of your worries, let go of your hands and feet, and give your fullest effort to production.

Here I can give you a promise that the state will further increase its support for enterprises dedicated to R&D and manufacturing of cutting-edge key technology equipment like yours. Taxation will be fully met, and based on your relevant funding and subsidies, policy aspects Prioritize and relax in an all-round way.

   As for the over-production problem that you are worried about, don’t worry about this one. The state will take over.

  You have to realize that not only our country lacks advanced lithography equipment, but other countries in the world need it. Therefore, this market is very large, and we need to take a long-term view. "

   Thank you leader! Everyone smiled excitedly upon hearing this. This is definitely a good thing for them, not only in terms of tax relief and support for ten related policies, but also the floor guarantee measures promised by the leaders, which can be said to solve their worries.

   Having said this, the leaders couldn't help but asked with concern: "When will this lithography machine be put into production, and how long will it be able to meet the gap in our country's demand for high-end chips."

Hearing this question, did you always accompany me and said: "This lithography machine will be shipped to the capital of Shu, and we will build a large wafer fab there. This fab is not only capable of producing wafers. Round, but also can produce chips.

   After the first phase of this fab is completed and put into production, the annual production of chips will reach 80 million or more. By then, it will be able to temporarily alleviate the shortage of our domestic high-end chips and help related companies to get rid of overseas restrictions and the shackles around their necks, so that they can gradually return to normal.

   In the second phase of the project, we plan to double this output, explaining that it will effectively solve the current shortage of chips in our country, and enable our country to gradually achieve autonomy in the high-end chip field and get rid of its dependence on overseas.

  If all goes well, the whole process will last for five years, and we are confident that we will achieve the planned goals within five years. "

  Okay, let's go and do it boldly. In this area, there is a country to **** you all the way. The leader said with a happy smile.

   This answer is indeed very encouraging. Although it will take five years, it is not too long for such a large project and project. It can even be said to be very fast.

   Besides, after all these years, is it still five years away?

   said that thinking of this, the leader's face smiled even better, and then asked everyone: "When will we be able to achieve three-nanometer, or even two-nanometer lithography machine technology."

   Hearing this question, Yuan Shouyi thought for a while, and then replied: "If you want to achieve a three-nanometer or even two-nanometer production process, it is mainly on the light source. This is still to test the progress of Mr. Wu and others."

   Oh, everyone looked at Wu Hao upon hearing this.


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