Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1537: Timely rain

Many people in the company couldn't stand such slanders and attacks. They all hoped to publish relevant data and information immediately, but Wu Hao refused. In Wu Hao's words, let them jump first, the more they jump now, the worse they will fall later.

At this stage, the focus of the media and the public is on lithography machines and chips. Now the release effect is not great. It is better to wait for the attention of lithography machines and chips to fall behind before releasing.

The plane landed smoothly at Anzai Airport, and it was delayed for about forty minutes. This is the biggest problem of taking a civil airliner, that is, flight delays.

This kind of control is mainly about entry and exit. There are too many flights to land in an orderly manner. The next flights can only hover in the air and wait in line.

Private jets will also encounter this problem, but private jets have the advantage that they can take off and land first, which can save them a lot of time.

Fortunately, he was in first class, and the environment was relatively a little more comfortable, so delays should be delayed.

After exiting the VIP channel, Wu Hao immediately got into the waiting vehicle and left the airport.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and the sky in Anxi had already darkened, and there was still a red sunset on the horizon. Wu Hao did not take time to rest, but began to answer and respond to his calls and messages. After today's event, countless people called him for news, but he was busy a lot of time and didn't care about it. Now that he has time, he has to respond quickly.

After answering a few important calls, he immediately dialed the number of Wang Lianggong, director of the Science and Technology Bureau. He called Wu Hao today, but they were all caught by Coco.

As the top leader above, Wu Hao certainly didn't dare to neglect, and quickly returned to the past.

The phone did not ring twice, and Wang Lianggong immediately connected the phone: "Your kid is willing to call me back now."

Because there are more dealings and this is a private call, the two seem to be more casual.

Haha, sorry, leader, I was too busy today, so I have time to call you back now. Wu Hao quickly explained.

On the phone, Wang Lianggong smiled and said: "Haha, I can think of it. After such news comes out, you can stop.

I said, you kid, another nuclear bomb was released this time. The shock of your news is no less than the loud noise in Lop Nur that year. "

You are too rewarding, the two cannot be compared at all. Wu Hao quickly said modestly: "And I know that the progress of several other leading lithography machine projects is not slow, we are just one step ahead."

Wang Lianggong smiled and said: "A quick step is also quick. Such a national weapon, developed one second earlier, can break the enemy's copper and iron walls one second earlier, and win victory one second earlier.

What's more, it is not a second earlier for you. The other project teams are progressing well, but the progress in the core light source and lens group is slow.

But you have solved these two problems perfectly, and also developed your own technical solutions, which is very commendable.

And I saw that your lens set and light source are more advanced than Helan's, which is very good. "

After saying this, Wang Lianggong immediately asked: "How about it? I know that you have built a 12-inch wafer fab with chip production capacity in Shudu. When will this equipment be shipped to Shudu, and when will it be formally available? Put into production."

This is what Wang Lianggong is concerned about. In recent years, due to the chip predicament, as the leader of the Science and Technology Bureau, Wang Lianggong has also been under great pressure. But this time, Wu Hao and their success can be said to make him proud.

However, Wang Lianggong is still not satisfied with this. What he wants to know now is when this lithography machine will be put into production and when will they be able to produce their own domestic 5-nanometer chips.

Hearing Wang Lianggong's question, Wu Hao smiled. He has answered this question countless times today, so he answered immediately.

"Your information is well-informed. This lithography machine will stay on the commercial sea side for a while, and then it will be directly transported to the capital of Shu through the relaxation of land transportation.

After arriving in Shudu, installation and commissioning will be carried out immediately. After the commissioning work is completed, the relevant trial production experiments can be carried out. If it is actually put into production, it may take some time. But this time should not be long. I expect that the production capacity should be initially available from the end of this year to the beginning of next year. "

Okay, so I'm relieved. Wang Lianggong happily said: "You know that now not only our major domestic enterprises, but also our scientific research departments and even some important projects are seriously affected by the lack of advanced process chips. It can be said that they have been hungry for a long time and are waiting for this. It's'timely rain'.

Your 5nm EUV lithography machine is the rain in time, you don't know, after your press conference this morning, many people are asking me for news. They have been waiting for this lithography machine for too long, and the excitement on the phone can be said to be Hearing Wang Lianggong's words, Wu Hao nodded and replied: "Don't worry, we will urge Shu. The factory is working overtime to make this lithography machine put into production as soon as possible. First, let everyone moisten their throats. When the lithography machines behind are ready to work, they can open up the supply for everyone. At that time, let everyone drink a lot. ."

Hahahaha, Wang Lianggong laughed, and then asked: "Currently, what is the capacity of such lithography machines at Shanghai? Can mass production be realized."

Wu Hao gave a very definite answer: "There is no problem at all. We are based on mass production at the beginning of research and development. Therefore, the entire equipment adopts a modular design and all specifications are unified. As long as the standard specifications are determined, subsequent production It only needs to be produced according to the standard, and then assembled like a Lego.

Because the manufacturing process and technology are not mature enough, only two or three more units can be produced in a few years. Waiting for next year when the relevant production technology and manufacturing process are mature, then we will achieve an annual output of ten units, which is basically able to meet the relevant domestic needs. "

It's still too small. Our country's demand for high-end lithography machines and high-end chips is massive, so you can be bolder in this area. Wang Lianggong is a bit dissatisfied with this number.

Wu Hao explained with a smile: "Of course we know this, but the entire production plan still needs to follow the company's overall market development and operation strategic plan. It is also a good thing to be safe.

What's more, the five-nanometer lithography machine is just the beginning. Our goal is to achieve a technological breakthrough in the 3-nanometer process within two to three years, and start pre-research on a 2-nanometer process lithography machine. "

Oh, the tone is not small. Wang Lianggong said in surprise.

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