Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1538: Bright muscles?

The transportation of the lithography machine must be done well, and when necessary, you can ask the local for help and **** the whole process. In the end, Wang Lianggong was still a little uneasy.

Wu Hao nodded and said, "Regarding transportation, they have made adequate plans to ensure that there will be no problems."

Still have to be more cautious. There are many people staring at this lithography machine. There are many people who don't want it to arrive at the Shudu factory smoothly. Do you understand what I mean? Wang Lianggong pointed out otherwise.

Wu Hao nodded and replied: "Don't worry, it's not the first time I have participated in such a major project. I still have some vigilance. In this regard, I will further supervise to ensure that the lithography machine can reach the capital of Shu smoothly."

Hearing his answer, Wang Lianggong was satisfied, and then changed the subject and asked on the phone; "I heard that you also bought two chip manufacturing plants in Anxi. What's the matter, you are also preparing to enter the chip field."

Wu Hao said with a smile: "You all know the news, I see you don't do it in the Science and Technology Bureau, go directly to the security department,"

Go, your every move of Haoyu Technology has attracted the attention of the industry. The movement of this matter is not small, almost all that should be known is known. Wang Lianggong said with a smile.

Wu Hao just made a joke. He knew that this matter could not be concealed by the caring people, and he did not intend to conceal it. So for Wang Lianggong’s question, Wu Hao thought about it, and then replied: “Currently there are many people staring at the lithography machine. Everyone has actions in this aspect. So in order to take into account the overall situation, let’s just focus on the Shudu factory. After the completion of the first and second phases of the Shudu plant, we will start the plan in this regard when there is excess capacity on the side of the company.

Just to take advantage of this period of time, we also need to transform and upgrade these two factories. In addition, we also need to officially start the research and development work on the chip. "

Isn’t your photonic chip technology very advanced? Is it necessary to enter the field of traditional chips? Wang Lianggong was a little puzzled. He had known about super photonic computers and photonic chips for a long time, and it was also one of their key technologies.

He also knows the advanced level of this technology, so he wonders why Wu Hao and the others even set foot in the field of traditional chip manufacturing.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "The performance of the photonic chip is excellent, but it also has its own limitations. Moreover, there are more than one type of chips on the integrated circuit board. We will also focus on some specialized and highly monopolized foreign chips. Field research work."

This is good, this is a very far-sighted strategic stage. Wang Lianggong praised: "Our domestic demand for chips is massive. In fact, the demand for high-process chips only accounts for a small part of the overall demand, and most of the other chips are all kinds of other chips. Western companies are highly monopolists.

If you can break the monopoly of Western companies in this area, you will surely occupy a place in the domestic and international chip market. "

Speaking of this, Wang Lianggong was puzzled: "The process requirements for this type of chip are not so high. The current 28nm or even 90nm process is completely sufficient, you..."

Wu Hao understood what Wang Lianggong meant, and then he smiled and said, "The technology is constantly evolving, don't you think the current integrated circuit board size is still too big?"

Hearing Wu Hao's rhetorical question, Wang Lianggong was stunned for a moment, and then laughed freely: "Hahaha, you guys have a big picture. Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

I originally thought that the call would end here, but Wang Lianggong did not expect that Wang Lianggong raised a question that he was more concerned about: "This time you announced that your super photon computer has fully exceeded the traditional supercomputer computing power. The timing of the news is not very good. Okay, what do you think."

Wu Hao smiled when he heard the words and said, "In fact, it just said that when introducing it, without much consideration."

Wang Lianggong obviously didn't believe what he said: "Go, I don't believe you would say something like this on that occasion. What are your considerations?"

Seeing Wang Lianggong's questioning, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said: "In fact, it's still to brighten the muscles."

Bright muscles?

Wang Lianggong was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Who is it for?"

Show it to those who have bad intentions. Wu Hao didn't name his name or surname, but stated a very vague condition.

Wang Lianggong was not a fool either, he quickly thought about it, and then he knew Wu Hao's intentions.

Don't worry, no matter which of these two projects is related to national security, we will not let these people succeed. There was a trace of murderous in Wang Lianggong's words.

Hehe, I just get a shot. Dao supercomputers are in our company park, unless the other party sends troops directly, they will not succeed. Wu Hao smiled and believed himself.

Listening to what he said, Wang Lianggong also laughed. Indeed, he has also heard of the security facilities in the Haoyu Technology Headquarters It is said that the security level has surpassed some military facilities.

The related security system technology used in it is also world-leading, and these technologies have been widely used by Haoyu Technology in various security and military weapons and equipment, and exported to many countries and regions. In China, it is also used by many departments and many large enterprises.

In the past few years, there have been many illegal intruders trying to enter the park, and some of them are ruthless characters, but in the end these people were also arrested on the spot.

Therefore, the industry is spreading that if you want to capture the Haoyu Technology Headquarters, unless you send an army to occupy it. However, Anxi resisted the mainland. I'm afraid that no one in the world has the ability to invade and drive straight in.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said: "When I was having dinner with Erma today, they were very interested in our photonic chip and super photon computer and they asked for cooperation.

In this regard, I did not immediately agree, and would like to hear your opinions and suggestions in this regard. "

Hearing him talk about business, Wang Lianggong immediately said sternly: "You are doing the right thing. You really need to be cautious about this matter. Obviously, the performance of your photonic chip and super photon computer is at the world's leading level, with its floating-point computing capabilities. It may also be the ceiling under the quantum chip.

There are many people all over the world who covet this technology, so the protection of this technology must be taken seriously. Although the two companies are also domestic companies, their composition backgrounds are more complicated. It is better to be cautious in this regard.

Well, I will bring up this issue and discuss it later, and then I will give you the result. At the same time, I also hope that you will also earnestly make a report on this aspect. "

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