Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1560: The headquarters park of the Oriental company full of mystery

There are still many wonderful things in Anxi City, but no matter how time is concerned, these media reporters can only stop exploring and start preparing for the relevant interview and reporting work before the press conference. After all, their main purpose in coming to Anxi is to report on Haoyu Technology's summer new product & apap new technology conference. This conference is too eye-catching, so they must prepare well.

You should know that every press conference of Haoyu Technology in the past will show some very advanced and even epoch-making new technologies. Every new technology and every new product is changing the world.

And this time it is a medical and health topic that everyone is very concerned about, so it has attracted much attention. This is why these reporters rushed to Anxi from all over the world.

However, it seems that Haoyu Technology is not very concerned about the arrival of these reporters, and declined the request of reporters to enter the park for interviews in advance.

Haoyu Technology's explanation is that to enter the company park for sightseeing or interviews, you need to apply in advance, and then queue for approval. It is obviously impossible for these media reporters to enter directly if they want to rely on a press card.

In this regard, the reporters were helpless and speechless. So many reporters want to come to the company's campus to report and report. What a good opportunity this is. You can use this to make a good publicity. There is no other company in the world like Haoyu Technology, so it neglects these reporters.

But Haoyu Technology doesn't seem to care about this. Although the tone is very polite, but the attitude is really firm, and everything is done in accordance with the regulations.

Finally, on the day of the press conference, these foreign media reporters got their wish and entered the company park that was full of mystery for them.

The press conference will not start until eight o'clock in the evening, and reporters will be able to enter the park in the morning. Generally speaking, they don't need to go so early, they only need to arrive one or two hours before the press conference.

However, these foreign media reporters were earlier than each other, and many media reporters entered the park in the morning. They immediately started their reports in the park.

Compared with ordinary tourists, these media reporters hold media passes, which means they can have more access rights than ordinary tourists and can enter many areas that are not open to ordinary tourists. But this is only an ordinary open area, like some core areas, they are still not allowed to enter.

After entering the Haoyu Technology Linghu Headquarters Park, these foreign media reporters are greeted with beautiful scenery like a park. Because it is midsummer, the trees and plants in the park are very lush and green. All kinds of flowers are also competing for beauty, very beautiful.

This also caused many reporters to start shooting everywhere with the shooting equipment in their hands.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered that the park was very large, nearly 3,000 acres, converted into square meters, the entire park occupies a full area of ​​nearly 2 million square meters, which can be described as very huge.

Being in such a huge park also made these reporters feel a bit of pain, especially on this hot day, walking in the park, even with the shade of the trees, they sweated profusely after not walking for long.

Fortunately, there are intelligent unmanned ferry vehicles in the park. These ferry vehicles can run on a fixed route, or they can plan their own routes according to the needs of tourists.

So a crowd-->>

The reporters got on the unmanned intelligent shuttle bus and started to tour the park.

First of all, for these reporters, the most interesting thing in the park is the core area of ​​the ten unique centers, especially the huge artificial lake and the seven buildings beside the artificial lake, which have become the external image of Haoyu Technology Company. It means, basically there will be such scenes in the promotional videos. So the first thing these reporters have to arrive is here.

After taking pictures of the artificial lake and the seven buildings, someone suddenly screamed. Following the sound of the exclamation, these foreign media reporters suddenly discovered that something seemed to be swimming in the lake, and it was still glowing.

When they watched closely, they found that the lake was filled with artificial mechanical and electronic fishes like dolphins or even sharks.

The reason is that these bionic mechanical electronic fish, although their outlines are roughly like fish creatures like sharks and dolphins, but when you look closely, you can clearly see the mechanical structure on them, especially the mechanical tail. The obvious. There is also a breathing light flashing rhythmically above the head.

The water quality in the artificial lake is very good, so it is very transparent, allowing people to clearly see the situation in the lake.

Everyone found that there are many such bionic electromechanical fish in the lake, all over the artificial lake. These bionic electromechanical fish swim very leisurely in the lake, like a real fish.

Of course, the bottom of the lake is not only this kind of bionic electromechanical fish, but also a smaller fish, but these fish are a group of fish, and the appearance is more realistic. The bionic simulation is like a colorful koi, which is very beautiful and attracts reporters. We took pictures for a while.

If you want to say what makes these reporters curious about the bottom of the lake, it is the view of the core lake area of ​​the artificial lake, which is the abyss.

Although it was daytime, staring at the big sun, there was still a faint blue inside the abyss, and the Rubik's Cube at the bottom of the lake glowed with a blue light, which was also changing rhythmically with breathing.

And the waters surrounding this luminous lake bottom cube are transparent mechanical jellyfishes. These jellyfish glow white, and then slowly float and swim in the water around the imitating dreamy .

Upon seeing this scene, some reporters clasped their hands together and exclaimed, all of them were shocked by the beauty in front of them.

What shocked these media reporters even more was that the bionic electromechanical fish they saw were not all ornamental items. They actually have their own functions.

For example, the sharks and dolphins seen earlier, these bionic electromechanical fish come out at the bottom of the lake to filter and clean the bottom water quality, and they are also responsible for security patrols. When someone is found falling into the water, these bionic electromechanical fish will immediately report to the police and swim to the person who has fallen into the water for appropriate assistance. For example, pushing the person who fell into the water out of the water and so on.

Of course, if you encounter divers who deliberately invade, these bionic electromechanical fish will also warn the intruder to drive away and so on.

As for the transparent electronic bionic jellyfish surrounding the blue cube in the abyss of the deep water core area, they are the last barrier to defend the blue cube. If an intruder tries to get close to the blue cube, they will be attacked by these electronic bionic jellyfish.


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