Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1561: "Reaper's sickle" that reaps life on the battlefield

Of course, compared to these beautiful and dangerous transparent jellyfish, these foreign media reporters are more concerned about the magic cube that is protected by the jellyfish, which is located in the abyss and emits a dark blue light.

According to reports, in this blue imitation is the intelligent brain of the entire Haoyu Science and Technology Park, as well as the brain of Wu Hao's personal artificial intelligence assistant Cocoa. It controls all the facilities of the entire Haoyu Science and Technology Park, which can be said to be the core of the core. Because of its importance, it was placed in the abyss and protected by numerous jellyfish and bionic electromechanical fish.

However, the relevant information about this blue cube is just a few words, and there is nothing else. Although the reporters had a keen interest, they still couldn't dig out more useful information. Many reporters can only regretfully pick up the camera or shoot the camera against the blue cube under the water for a while, and then leave with regret.

Then the reporters were attracted by the glass corridor that surrounds the lake and connects the seven major buildings. Although it is all glass, under such scorching sun, there is no trace of heat inside, but it is very cool.

According to reports, the glass on this glass corridor is covered with a special insulation layer, which not only provides heat insulation, but also has ultra-high transparency, which is invisible from the outside.

Therefore, in such a hot summer, it can be isolated from the hot temperature outside. In the cold winter, it can isolate the cold outside and keep the temperature and humidity inside the corridor in a comfortable and constant state.

The same is true. The various flowers and plants in the corridor are really luxuriant, and they are all fighting for beauty. Some small animals seem to be accustomed to the environment inside, playing leisurely and jumping on the branches of these plants and trees.

Even occasionally, a few little squirrels jump onto the table where the employees are sitting, unscrupulously stealing the nuts that the employees put on the table. And these employees did not stop them, but looked at these squirrels with no surprises. Even when the squirrels can't get the nuts out of the bag, the employees will help them take them out of the bag and pass them to their hands. No, it should be on their paws.

Seeing this, a few white sunflower parrots glide down from above the trees, then flew to the back of the empty chair and stood up, and began to spread their wings in protest.

This also caused these foreign media reporters to show knowing smiles, and many people took professional equipment and started shooting these beautiful lenses.

There are also many media reporters who bought some nut snacks to amuse these little animals who are not afraid of people.

Unfortunately, because of the time schedule, they can't stay here for too long. Next, the reporters will go to the Yaoguang Building, which is a must-see for all those who come to visit the park.

Compared with ordinary tourists, these reporters have the opportunity to enter the building, and can see the super cluster array server group of Haoyu Technology, and can also see the legendary supercomputer with the fastest computing speed in the world, which is also the world The only super photon computer "Dao".

Today, the procedures of the Yaoguang Building are relatively more complicated. These reporters will have to take out their own digital electronic products. Except for the running media interview equipment, they are not allowed to bring personal communication equipment into it. The entire process is relatively strict and has to go through security gates.

After entering the lobby of the building, everyone did not notice any difference. The lobby on the first floor is very wide, and it can even be said to be empty. There is only one service desk and a huge transparent elevator in the middle.

With curiosity, these foreign media reporters entered the elevator. Immediately the elevator doors closed and began to rise slowly.

As the elevator rises, these foreign media reporters can also see the situation on every floor outside through the transparent glass. The ones on the outside that look very neat and flashing with green dots are all server groups.

However, they did not have a chance to enter, they could only watch through the glass. Although a little regretful, they finally saw the super cluster array server group that is famous in the industry. It is this group that supports the operation of the two major platforms of the virtual space world and the virtual reality system, which can be described as very powerful.

In the expectation of everyone, the elevator finally stopped to the top floor, and they finally saw the legendary super photon computer "Dao" through the glass. As seen in previous materials, what they saw were white luminous columns, instead of blue textures passing by the columns, it was very dreamy.

And they were fortunate enough to see once an intelligent robot is autonomously replacing the optical computing module. Whether it is taken out or installed, the whole process looks very sci-fi. It is hard to imagine that this super photonic computer with the fastest computing speed in the world is composed of such huge luminous columns. And such huge luminous columns are composed of small luminous cubes.

That is the optical computing module. Inside the module is the legendary photonic chip. These foreign media reporters wanted to try to get close to the elevator glass and look carefully, but they still couldn't see clearly because they were far away.

Immediately these foreign media reporters asked for access to interviews, but they were all declined by the staff with a smile. Just kidding, they don't have permission to enter, let alone these foreign visitors.

With they can only leave the Yaoguang Building and head to the next interview site. Next, these media reporters will visit a technical achievement exhibition area in the park, where foreign media reporters like these foreign media reporters will show their past and latest achievements.

This exhibition hall is located on the second floor of the Tianshu Activity Center where this conference is located. Here they saw all the products and related technologies that Haoyu Technology launched in the past.

This includes the drones used by Wu Hao and others when they went to Hangzhou to participate in the exhibition. These drones look so crude and crude to this day. But there is no doubt that the results they have created are absolutely brilliant. It is these seemingly simple UAVs that showed everyone the cluster array control technology developed by Wu Hao and others at the Hangzhou Exhibition, which will have a huge impact on various fields in the future.

Now this technology has blossomed in various fields, and the most influential one must be the military field. Because this swarm control technology directly realizes the drone swarm tactics, it also changes the way drones and even the entire war battlefield operate. Large-scale drone swarm attacks have also become the first killer weapon on many battlefields. In the absence of reliable countermeasures, this large-scale swarm attack is almost insoluble on the battlefield, and it has become a death sickle that truly reaps lives.

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