Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1595: Against exception

   Chapter 1596

  Wu Hao’s motorcade stopped at the gate of Daximen. When Wu Hao got off the car, many media and reporters shot him wildly.

  The security personnel who kept order on the side also quickly stepped forward and surrounded him.

  Faced with these reporters' frantic shots and questions, Wu Hao could not answer, but walked straight to the woman who was still kneeling at the door.

  Looking at Wu Hao getting closer, the woman was obviously a little flustered. While looking at Wu Hao, she was holding the two children. Although it's only past nine o'clock in the morning, the sun has risen to a high level, and the sky is getting hot. The woman and the two children were already covered with sweat on their foreheads and sweat on their clothes. The two children are about twelve or thirteen years old, and the younger one is five or six years old. Both of them were a little scared hiding behind the present, while secretly looking at Wu Hao, they were also avoiding his gaze.

  Mr. Wu, save my husband, please save my husband. When the woman saw Wu Hao coming, she immediately thought about her rushing, but she was "supported" by a female security officer in plain clothes behind.

  In this situation, how could she let her jump over and hug Wu Hao's thigh? It would be difficult to handle things like that.

  This eldest sister, let’s get up and talk slowly if we have anything to do. It's quite hot outside, you see, both children are sweaty on their foreheads. As he said, Wu Hao immediately reprimanded him: "What are you doing, how can you keep the eldest sister and the children on their knees? Quickly help them up.

  Umbrella, hold it, and still have water, so quickly add moisture, don’t get heatstroke! "

  Under the command of Wu Hao, a staff member quickly stepped forward and began to support the woman and child. Originally, the woman didn't want to get up, but she got up reluctantly in the face of the ‘intentional’ support of several female security personnel.

  Wu Hao felt relieved when he saw this, as long as he got up, it would be easier to handle. Taking the person to the shade, Wu Hao looked at the woman and then smiled and said, "What is wrong with you? Is there anything that can't be said properly? I have to do such extreme things. These two children are still young. , It’s not good for them to be so public.

  Do you think this is okay, let the two children avoid the camera first, and it is not good for them to expose them to the camera. "

  The woman heard the words, and immediately guarded her two children and started crying and pleading at Wu Hao again.

Wu Hao was a little helpless, but in front of such a multimedia face, he was uneasy, and then said: "Don't cry first, we have something to say. If you don't make your request clearly, we don't know how to help you. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, the woman immediately took out a stack of case materials prepared as usual from her bag, and then said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, save my husband, my husband has a heart attack, the doctor Say that his life is in danger at any time, save my husband!"

Wu Hao glanced at the case in the woman's hand, and did not take it. Instead, he said to the woman: "Sister, you are asking the wrong person. In this regard, you can go to a doctor. We are not a doctor. "

  No, I beg you, don’t you have artificial hearts, give me one to save my husband, please. As long as you are willing to save my husband, I will repay you as a cow in my next life. Said that this woman was about to kneel down, but she was supported by the female security personnel next to her and couldn't kneel down.

Wu Hao laughed after hearing this, and then seriously said to the woman: "First of all, I deeply sympathize with your husband's condition. Regarding treatment, if you have financial difficulties, we are very willing to treat you through charity organizations. 'S husband provides some help.

  Secondly, the artificial heart you mentioned is not that we gave it to you, you can just take it back and give it to your husband.

  No, things are not that simple. Not all heart disease patients are suitable for transplanting this intelligent bionic artificial heart. We must conduct a comprehensive examination and evaluation of the patient. Only after the patient’s various conditions meet the relevant requirements, can the intelligent bionic artificial heart be carried out. Transplant surgery.

  The entire heart exchange surgery is extremely risky. A little carelessness may be life-threatening, and the patient may not even be able to get off the operating table. And even if the transplant operation of the intelligent bionic artificial heart is completed, there is no guarantee that the patient will be able to return to health. Postoperative complications are likely to lead to the failure of the entire heart exchange surgery, and the result of the failure is self-evident. So this heart swap operation is not so easy to do.

  Thirdly, this smart bionic artificial heart is not currently on the market, so we do not have any qualifications to put it on the market for use by ordinary patients.

  At present, this smart bionic artificial heart is still in clinical trials, and its risks and side effects are still unknown, so there is no condition to use it on ordinary patients. "

  The woman heard Wu Hao's words and immediately began to cry and plead.

And Wu Hao did not comfort him, but waited for the woman’s voice to become smaller, and then continued: “The number of intelligent bionic artificial hearts we have used in clinical trials is limited. Eligible patients are screened out from the applicants.

  If we make an exception and agree to your request, it means that one of these eligible clinical trial patients will lose the opportunity. Then for him, he will face the same situation as your husband. All lives are equal. We cannot sacrifice one life to save another life, nor do we have the right to make decisions.

  Not to mention If I promise you today, then more people will follow you in the future, which will be disastrous for us.

  So no matter what kind of reason we tend to, we cannot agree to your request. "

   Hearing Wu Hao's direct refusal, the woman directly slumped on the ground and cried. When the two children saw the staff holding their hands, they ran to their mother and started crying.

  The media reporters around him and onlookers were obviously a little surprised at Wu Hao's decisive refusal, and then they snapped at him.

As for Wu Hao, looking at the woman sitting on the ground and howling and crying, he felt a little unbearable, but he still said very calmly: "I'm sorry, everything must be done according to the rules. There are no rules and there is no way. Today, if we I promised you an exception, so how should we deal with such a thing in the future. What should the patient who is deprived of the opportunity of clinical trials think?

  Of course, we are not hard-hearted, there is still hope. You can apply to us for relevant clinical trial volunteers through your husband’s hospital to participate in our Phase II clinical trial. If your husband’s requirements meet our requirements, he will naturally participate in our Phase II clinical trial. "

  (End of this chapter)

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