Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1595: Resolute

Although there was a glimmer of hope, the woman was still unwilling, and then she slumped on the ground and started crying, crying and pleading with Wu Hao. With the cry of two children, everyone was moved by the scene. .

Even a certain domestic media reporter who was watching couldn't help but say: "Mr. Wu, the rules are rules, but in the face of such a situation, can you make a little exception?"

Hearing this reporter's words, many onlookers nodded in response. It was obvious that everyone was moved by the scene before them.

As for Wu Hao, he hesitated looking at his parents who were still in pain, and then shook his head: "Between the two patients, I can't deprive others of the opportunity they deserve because of sympathy. What's more, people It is through layers of screening that we stand out, and we can't deprive others of places to give others.

Of course, I am very sympathetic to this elder sister and her husband, and I am willing to help them as much as possible. As I said earlier, I am willing to provide possible related funding for this eldest sister's husband through the relevant charity fund platform. This is currently what we can do.

And to be honest, we could completely play down this matter, or even refuse to respond. Because it’s not our fault, and it doesn’t even have much to do with us.

However, out of respect and sincerity, I still came forward to personally explain to this elder sister and everyone who is concerned about this matter. I and our company are very keen on philanthropy, but philanthropy also needs to pay attention to methods and methods. It's not that we are swarming up to help whoever is pitiful. We must first understand the details, and then conduct research to decide whether to help them, and what kind of help to provide.

In the past few years, we have cooperated with relevant charity departments to provide thousands of disabled and paralyzed patients with intelligent bionic electronic prostheses and medical intelligent mechanical exoskeleton systems for free to help them resume their normal lives.

However, we reject any form of moral kidnapping. I don't think these charitable acts are justified. These are of course our social responsibilities, and we are also willing to take on more responsibilities in this area. Over the years, we have also actively assumed responsibilities in this area, and the achievements in this area are obvious to all.

But this does not mean that we owe anyone or anything, and we owe no one. Charity and public welfare are all voluntary, and blindly moral kidnapping will only completely change the taste of such a beautiful thing.

This is also our experience and philosophy of doing public welfare over the years. We will follow our own pace, hoping to truly do some meaningful things to repay the entire society. "

As soon as Wu Hao's words fell, someone shouted: "This eldest sister is so pitiful, can't you give her an intelligent bionic artificial heart?"

Hearing this person's words, everyone nodded and stared at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "The production of medical equipment has a very strict manufacturing process standard. At present, this smart bionic heart is not mass-produced, but we manufacture it through laboratory equipment.

It is precisely because of this that the production process is very difficult and the cost is very high. If such an intelligent bionic artificial heart is re-molded separately, the cost may reach tens of millions of dollars.

Such a high cost is not a small expenditure for our project, which is not much research funding.

Secondly, this smart bionic heart is still in clinical trials, and it is a dangerous phase I clinical trial. The current trial is not over, and we are not sure whether this smart bionic artificial heart has some risks and defects that we have not yet detected.

According to the current relevant regulations, we cannot use it on ordinary patients. If it is used, it is illegal, and we have to bear the relevant legal responsibilities.

Finally, we cannot bear the exemplary consequences brought about by the exception. Once we compromise, there will be more patients and their families imitating, then where should we go.

We are an enterprise, not a charitable organization. We are willing to bear what we should bear, but we are not willing to bear what is imposed on us by force. "

Having said that, Wu Hao leaned over at the woman whose crying had become smaller and said, "I'm sorry, this eldest sister, I can't promise you about this. If you want to, I can immediately Let the relevant staff of the company contact charity organizations to help you. We can even contact relevant experts through charity organizations to consult with your husband and discuss and study the best treatment plan.

Maybe after this incident, your husband's condition is helped, and maybe he will meet the right heart source. At that time, your husband will be able to implant a real heart. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said to the staff nearby: "Take care of this eldest sister and two children, and send them back."

Yes! The staff nearby immediately responded.

The woman was still very unwilling, and continued to rush towards Wu Hao, but was blocked by the security personnel in front of Wu Hao.

Wu Hao didn't speak when he saw this, but shook his head, and then showed a helpless look at the reporters, and then entered the park.

These reporters After patted the crying woman and the two children, they hurriedly followed Wu Hao's team and walked into the park. Go.

Only a few people at the scene continued to look at the distressed woman, then talked a few words and then shook their heads and left. When this woman saw fewer and fewer onlookers, her voice grew louder. Maybe it's been crying for a long time, and the voice is dumb, and the side is very ugly.

The staff who were still on the side tried to persuade and help several times, but they didn't continue to see that it didn't work. Instead, they were waiting beside them with their umbrellas. Now that everyone has left, the pressure on these staff has become much less, and they are not as anxious as before.

If it were not for these reporters, perhaps it would be easier to deal with this matter. However, the woman's unreasonable demands and distress at the gate were enough to affect normal social and public order, and it was entirely possible for the police to come forward and persuade her to leave. If you don’t listen, you can even take some measures.

It's just that in the presence of such multimedia people, everyone has become so cautious in handling. No way, cyber violence over the years is really terrible. So in the face of such a thing, everyone seems a little daunted, for fear of problems.

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