Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1598: True and effective

Wu Hao, who walked into the park, did not get rid of the trouble, because there were still a large group of reporters following them.

Faced with the questions constantly raised by these reporters, Wu Hao did not respond from the beginning to the end. However, these reporters were not so easily discouraged, on the contrary, they became more and more excited.

Seeing this, Wu Hao was helpless, so he had to let the publicity and distribution department take care of the special media interviews that would be held later to accept interviews from the media reporters. After receiving Wu Hao's official promise, these reporters let Wu Hao go with satisfaction.

Wu Hao, who was taking a breath, quickly got rid of the reporter, and then returned to his office. And less than two minutes after he returned to the office, Zhang Jun hurried over.

"What you said at the gate just now has all been posted on the Internet, and now there is a lot of noise on the Internet, and the criticisms of you are loud. Even if you disagree, you should be euphemistic, so straightforward when you are Happy, but the public is angry. Zhang Jun said to Wu Hao.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled slightly, then nodded and said: "It is expected, but this is indeed our best way to deal with it. It is better to have short-term pain than infinite and long-term pain.

In this way, you ask the propaganda department to come back and draw up a statement based on the content of my speech, and then post it online as soon as possible. "

Okay, I will arrange it later. Zhang Jun nodded, then looked at Wu Hao and said: "How will the reporters meet later? These reporters must be gearing up. They are ready for questions and wait for you to show up."

It's a headache. Wu Hao frowned, thinking of dealing with so many reporters' troubles, he couldn't help but grow up.

But after thinking about it, it didn't seem to be a problem, then he waved his hand and said: "It's nothing more than a few questions, let's play on the spot."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhang Jun and asked, "How is your situation here?"

Hearing Wu Hao's question about business, Zhang Jun also sat up straight and reported to Wu Hao sternly: "My situation is still relatively ideal. These pharmaceutical companies are very interested in the several technical achievements we released, and they are all vying for fear. Want to talk to us about cooperation.

In this regard, we are not in a hurry to respond. According to what you said, let them dry before talking. However, these pharmaceutical giants seem to be full of confidence. Obviously, they also know that if our medical technology achievements want to go abroad and enter other countries and regions, they must cooperate with them.

So on this, it is actually not as easy to talk about as imagined. When it's hot, the initiative is in our hands. If they don't show the sincerity that satisfies us, it is impossible for us to agree.

In fact, these foreign pharmaceutical giants are okay to deal with, the key is that these domestic pharmaceutical giants, especially those national brand names, seem to be inevitable for our technologies.

I am not worried about normal business negotiations, I am worried that they will use other aspects to exert influence or even pressure on us. "

Hearing Zhang Jun’s concern, Wu Hao shook his head and resolutely said: “Don’t worry about this, they can’t make any big waves. So you don’t need to worry about this, do you feel comfortable and boldly talk about it? Just come up with the plan, and leave the rest to me."

Well, I'm relieved with your words. Zhang Jun let out a sigh of relief. Last night, like many others, he stayed up all night. The reason is that too many people called him. He didn't want to let the artificial intelligence assistant respond directly to Wu Hao, as he had to bite the bullet to respond to many of these calls.

Especially dealing with some of these domestic monsters, ghosts and snakes, really tired, that's why Zhang Jun complained like this.

The two were chatting for a while, and then Shen Ning stepped on high heels and walked in to inform him that it was time for the reporter to meet.

Wu Hao looked at the time, but he didn't expect the two of them to talk unconsciously for almost an hour. Immediately Zhang Jun got up and smiled: "Okay, I won't accompany you to the press conference. Be careful yourself, don't be brought into the ditch by the reporters' questions."

Don't worry. Wu Hao watched Zhang Jun leave, and then said to Shen Ning, "How is this body?"

Upon seeing this, Shen Ning smiled at him and made an ok gesture: "Very handsome!"

Okay, let's go! With that, Wu Hao strode outside, and Shen Ning quickly followed.

By the time Wu Hao came to the press conference, the conference hall was full of media reporters, both domestic and foreign.

Seeing Wu Hao coming in, there was a dense shutter sound.

Wu Hao raised his hand to say hello to the reporters in the audience, then walked to the seat and sat down, then took the water from Shen Ning's hand and drank.

This press meeting was led by Liu Yufeng, the person in charge of the publicity and distribution department. After asking Wu Hao's opinion, he immediately announced the official start of the press meeting after reading out the details of the questions.

As soon as Liu Yufeng's words fell, the audience raised their hands in unison. Faced with such enthusiastic media reporters, Liu Yufeng took a look, and finally gave the first opportunity to ask a question to a familiar face sitting in the front row.

Hello, Mr. Wu, this is Su Qian, a reporter from CCTV. At the press conference last night, you said that the release of these medical technology achievements was amazing and shocked the whole world. So much so that many people now have doubts about the medical technology achievements displayed at your press conference, thinking that none of these can be true, or that you are exaggerating and malicious marketing. How do you respond to the voices of these people?

Wu Hao, who put down the water glass, nodded, then looked at Susie and smiled and said: "This question has actually been asked by many people since the press conference last night Many people called me. One question is asking if the missile I mentioned at the press conference is real and how watery it is.

Here, I want to solemnly tell you and promise you that all the content described in our press conference is true and credible, and there is no fraudulent content or behavior.

Medical technology is no better than other products. We must be responsible for what we have said, and we must be responsible for these technological achievements and products. Because they are true or not, their quality is directly related to the patient's health and even life.

Officially because of this, we are more cautious about the information we release at the press conference to ensure that it is foolproof and will not cause any ambiguity or misunderstanding. "

Medical technology is no better than other products. We must be responsible for what we have said, and we must be responsible for these technological achievements and products. Because they are true or not, their quality is directly related to the patient's health and even life.

Officially because of this, we are more cautious about the information we release at the press conference to ensure that it is foolproof and will not cause any ambiguity or misunderstanding. "

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