Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1599: Is it wrong to have a long life?

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the reporters in the audience could not help but make a tumult, and the typing speed of many reporters became faster.

The meaning of Wu Hao's words is very clear, which means that they still have reservations at the press conference and did not show everything. This shows that they still have some heavy information in their hands, which makes these reporters excited.

Mr. Wu, hello, reporter from Fengwang. A short-haired female reporter in a white shirt took the microphone and got up and asked.

At the press conference last night, you released several blockbuster and cutting-edge medical technology achievements, which have a great impact on the international community. This has also given hope to countless patients who have been tortured by the disease. Many patients now hope to be treated as soon as possible. I don’t know if you and your company have plans to speed up the launch of these technical achievements as soon as possible, so as to save more patients. . In addition, the expected price cost you gave at the press conference is very vague. I don't know if you can give us a clearer price range. This is also a problem that many people are more concerned about. Thank you.

This question is actually not a good question, because such a valuable opportunity to ask a question asked a question about the results that were already announced at the press conference. But this is not to say that this question is worthless, on the contrary, this reporter is very smart. She knows what the general public cares about right now. Rather than talking about technology in a long way, she might as well ask about what the public cares most about.

Hearing this question, Wu Hao nodded, and then said: “First of all, regarding the listing of these medical achievements, I have already talked about this at the press conference, so I won’t go into details here. What I want to say Yes, as a scientific researcher, as a company, we certainly want to make these medical technology achievements listed as soon as possible.

Because only if it goes public as soon as possible, can we save more people. Of course, this is in our interest. After all, if we go public one day earlier, we can also recover the cost one day earlier.

But everyone should also be aware that the more staged medical technology achievements, especially those involving major diseases and personal safety, must pass a series of rigorous clinical trials and related approval processes.

Only in this way can these products be put on the market, allowing patients to use them with confidence. This seems to take some time, but it is also responsible for the patients.

We have also been actively contacting and communicating with relevant departments, striving to promote these medical technology achievements to meet the relevant requirements as soon as possible, and pass the approval, so that they can be listed as soon as possible, so as to help and save more patients.

As for the price, we are currently unable to give you an accurate figure. Because these medical technology achievements have not yet been put into mass production, we cannot estimate their costs and prices. If I said accurate figures today, there will be a series of misunderstandings and troubles if there is no future price change.

For example, if I say that the price is low now and the actual price is high in the future, you will say that I do not speak credit, but if we maintain the original price, then it will also cause serious losses to us.

However, one thing is certain, that is, we will reduce the price of these medical technology achievements as much as possible, so that more people can benefit from it.

We will not just focus on the immediate interests and blindly pursue huge profits. In our view, only more people use these medical technology achievements, we can reap more benefits.

Of course, everyone should be clear that the success of these medical technology achievements is based on huge resources and capital investment. As a company, we must and must recover costs from it. Coupled with the relatively high production costs of these products, the prices are definitely not so close to the people.

But what we can do is to reduce its price as much as possible. Only in this way can we obtain more profit margins. If the price is too high and no one can afford it, it is not in our interest. "

"Mr. Wu, Yingguo Times reporter. These medical achievements are of great significance to mankind, and the contributions you have made are worthy of the praise of all mankind. I don’t know if you have any plans to contribute these medical technological achievements to make more Many people benefit." A bald foreigner with a beard stood up and asked Wu Hao.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and said: "In these medical technology achievements, we have invested a lot. If we just contribute in this way, then we will face huge losses and may even go bankrupt. Then, please tell us about our losses in this regard. All the project technicians worked hard day and night, and the results they had finally created were lost. Who should we ask for our losses?

There are many pharmaceutical technology giants in Europe and the United States, and they hold the patents of many new drugs in their hands. If you can persuade them to contribute all of these technological patent achievements, then of course we are also happy to accompany them. "

President Wu, Yi News reporter. Will these electronic bionic organs be abused once they are on the market, causing some social problems? In addition, some scholars are now worried that with the birth of electronic bionic organs, it may greatly extend the life span of human beings and cause a series of problems. For example, moral issues, living space pressure, social support pressure, and resource shortage pressure, etc. A middle-aged man with glasses took the microphone and threw out such a seemingly targeted question.

This is a good But is the long lifespan also wrong? Wu Hao was not frightened by such a question, but instead asked a question, then smiled and said: "First of all, I will answer your first question. After these electronic bionic organs are on the market, they will not be abused.

First, for us people, no matter how good an electronic bionic organ is, it is no better than our own that we brought out of the womb. Unless there is a last resort, it is impossible for everyone to agree. Even if there are, there are only a few people, and it is impossible to flood them.

Second, the transplant operation of electronic bionic organs is very demanding. Even with the intelligent medical multi-tentacled surgical robot now, the difficulty of transplantation is reduced, but not all hospitals can do it. First of all, there must be relevant medical resources, such as excellent surgeons. Secondly, all the surgical qualifications in this area need to be approved by the relevant departments and are subject to strict supervision. Therefore, it is difficult for small hospitals and hospitals that do not have the necessary conditions to carry out the operation.

The third is the patient's self-selection. For this level of surgery, patients generally choose large hospitals. Who would go to small hospitals for such life-and-death operations?

So everyone has no worries about this, and these electronic bionic organs will not overflow. "

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