Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1608: Behave

Don’t worry, for your convenience, this system supports Braille and voice assistance. You can leave a message through voice assistance. I will also answer questions through video and voice for everyone to listen to. "

The interview with Luo Xiangxiang ended here, and Luo Xiangxiang was immediately sent away by the staff under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The media reporters and experts were very satisfied with this interview, because they not only witnessed the authenticity of the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye up close, but also got the content they wanted from Luo Xiangxiang. It can be said It is very rewarding.

For Luo Xiangxiang, he is also very satisfied and has gained a lot. With the interviews of these media reporters, he not only became famous, but also promoted himself, and also promoted the news that he was about to register for a social platform account.

That's right, Luo Xiangxiang just wants to be an internet celebrity. This idea has been in his mind for half a year. His family situation is not wealthy. The care for him over the years and the living expenses of this visit to Anxi have made this originally not wealthy family somewhat unsustainable. NS. Therefore, when he is regaining the light, he also wants to make money urgently and improve his family environment.

Through understanding, he also knows that internet celebrities are very profitable, so he wants to become internet celebrities, and in his opinion, as the first blind person to transplant and wear smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, his attention is certainly not low. That being the case, why not use this to be famous and make money.

However, for his naive and innocent thoughts, how could the people around him fail to see it, Wu Hao and the others are naturally very clear.

But in Wu Hao's opinion, such a thing would not do them any harm, and it could also improve Luo Xiangxiang's family financial situation. As long as the child doesn't lose himself by fame and fortune, and don't go wrong, then there will be no problem.

Moreover, this can also mention Wu Hao and their publicity, which is tantamount to free live advertisements, so they will naturally be happy. Therefore, under Wu Hao and the others, Wei Media naturally extended a helping hand to help him realize his dream.

In Wu Hao's office on the other side, Wu Haozheng and Zhang Jun were chatting with each other while watching the exhibition hall in the big screen and the related surveillance footage of Luo Xiangxiang's interview.

Wu Hao picked up an exquisite purple clay pot and poured a cup of tea to Zhang Jun, Yang Fan, Tong Juan, and then squeezed the tea cup and smiled at the crowd: "Drinking tea, this is a cloud and mist from others, it is very rare. Everyone try it."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone raised the tea cup and took a bite slowly. Tong Juan took the tea cup and smiled: "It's very fragrant, this good tea is different."

As for Zhang Jun, he took the tea cup and looked around, then put it down and shook his head: "Why can't I taste this good tea or bad tea? It all feels the same, far inferior to ice black tea and canned herbal tea. Drink it."

Go, who would be as tasteless as you. Wu Hao joked Zhang Jun, then filled the tea cups with a smile and said, "What do you think of Luo Xiangxiang's performance just now."

Hearing Wu Hao asking questions, Tong Juan smiled and said: "I feel very good, very simple, and very real. Although the initial demonstration was a bit too rash, everything was fine. The last one will give me a little bit. There was an advertisement, ha ha."

It's not bad, but this kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp in this way. It is hard to guarantee that there will be no problems in the future. So you still have to beat him, contact his family to restrain him, and don't go out of line. Zhang Jun nodded worriedly.

Regarding Zhang Jun’s words, Wu Hao nodded his head and agreed: “It’s to beat and take precautions in advance. Of course, we can’t count on him. We also have to make relevant response plans. To prevent this kid from giving We have a surprise attack, and we were caught off guard."

In this regard, Tong Juan smiled and said: “Don’t worry too much about this. The public’s attention to him is temporary, just because he is currently the first and only publicly unveiled smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye that has been successfully implanted and worn. Of patients.

With more and more patients in clinical trials of our smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye in the future, when our smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye is launched and more people wear it, then the halo on his body will gradually be pushed away, thus Become an ordinary person.

This is the same with all Internet celebrities and idol stars. After a certain event, a certain behavior, and a certain show, film and television series become popular, their attention will suddenly rise, and then slowly decline until they disappear from the public eye.

There have been many such people over the years, and there are a few who can continue to be popular. So, I don’t think I need to worry too much. It's just that when the public is so concerned about it, we can strengthen the restraint on him. We don't need to worry about other aspects, and the impact on us is not that great.

And while he is still in the clinical trial observation period, it is easier for us to manage. By the end of his experimental observation period, the heat will drop almost. "

makes sense. Wu Hao and Zhang Jun also nodded their heads in recognition.

Zhang Jun took the opportunity to ask Tong Juan: "What do you think of the woman kneeling at the gate of the company park this morning?"

Hearing this question, Tong Juan looked at Wu Hao, and then smiled: "Actually, I think Mr. Wu has handled it quite well. Although it is a bit too direct, it may not be a good way to deal with it.

Compared with such a clean rejection, it has aroused criticism from some people. It's better than agreeing, and then the troubles are much stronger. "

Speaking of this, UU Reading Tong Juan changed his tone and said: "However, this matter is not over. Online attention and discussion on this matter will continue for a while, and I am even worried that some heavyweight media may also Will participate in commenting.

So in this regard, we still have to make a proper response plan. Although it is said that we are accountable, the vast majority of netizens and people do not look at the problem rationally. Anyway, the term cold-blooded capital has fallen on top of our heads anyway. "

Hehehehe, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun both laughed bitterly when they heard Tong Juan's words. This is what they can expect, but what about it, in the face of such a situation, they can only refuse. If you agree, it seems to complete a wave of classic and perfect marketing, which everyone likes to hear.

But this will also bring them endless troubles. Many patients imitate this woman, so how should they deal with these people when the time comes.

Talk about your thoughts. Wu Hao did not rush to speak, but continued to inquire at Tong Juan.

Tong Juan looked at Wu Hao and smiled and said, "Although we refused, we still have to behave."

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