Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1609: Meeting with major experts in the medical field

Among those who came this time, Wu Hao could ignore the media reporters and the medical representatives. But there are some people who must be respected and valued. This is the experts and professors in the field of medicine they invited.

These people have achieved remarkable results in their respective fields, and each of them is a respected Xinglin master. Now that these people can come and appear at the press conference, it is the greatest support for them.

Therefore, as the person in charge of the company, Wu Hao must also meet with these experts and professors and express his gratitude to them.

Because many experts and professors have tight schedules, Wu Hao met with these experts and professors later the next morning. The meeting place was not chosen in an auditorium or living room, but in a medium-sized meeting room. Wu Hao doesn't want this meeting to be just a casual reception meeting, but hopes it can become a platform for everyone to talk freely.

In the face of Wu Hao's arrangement, the experts and professors were also very satisfied. For them, they have experienced more of the kind of casual activities, but this kind of free-spoken communication will be more in line with their hearts.

And after watching the press conference last night and visiting related product demonstrations, everyone has a lot to say.

In the face of these highly respected experts and professors, although Wu Hao is a master, his attitude is also very low. He came to the door of the conference room ahead of time and brought people to greet these experts and professors. To do so, of course, is a respect. This is not only the respect of the younger generation to the elders, but also the respect for the contributions and achievements made by these experts and professors.

Not long after waiting at the door of the conference room, these experts and professors arrived under the guidance of the staff. Upon seeing this, Wu Hao hurriedly greeted him.

Adults, Academician Yun, Professor Zheng, and everyone, welcome! Wu Hao hurriedly held the three elderly people surrounded by these experts and professors and greeted them enthusiastically.

Hahahaha, it really turned out to be a young hero. Old Cheng joked, and then said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, you this time..."

"Just call me Xiao Wu." Wu Hao quickly persuaded. In front of them, he will always be a junior.

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Cheng Lao looked at him for a while, then nodded and smiled: "Okay, then I'll call you Xiao Wu.

I have heard of you before. Your bionic electronic prosthesis and medical mechanical exoskeleton system are very good, and they are highly praised in the clinic.

Although they all said that you are so young, I thought that no matter how young you are, you will be in the forties or fifty years. Because for those of us who are studying medicine, the age of 40 or 50 is the time when a doctor exerts his greatest value. The 20s and 30s are still in the stage of learning and accumulation, and they are still immature, while the 60s and 70s have limited energy, and they have gradually retired from front-line positions, and there are not many opportunities to fight.

So in my opinion, your age should be around forty when you have achieved such impressive results. But when I looked at your information carefully, I found that you were only less than 30 years old, too young. This age may be the age of some of our doctoral students in hospital, and they still don’t know anything.

As for you, you have achieved such amazing results in all aspects. You are really a young man. "

"You are too rewarding, I can't afford your high praise." Wu Hao said modestly, and then said to the old man in front of him: "I know that you were able to perform heart surgery on your own before the age of thirty. Ah, compared to you, I am still far behind."

What Wu Hao said is by no means a flattery, but a fact. The old man in front of him, named Cheng Dongyang, is the most famous heart surgery expert in China. He is also a Taishan Beidou in the field of heart surgery in China. His apprentices and grandchildren are all over the country and even Southeast Asia. , The influence is huge. It took a lot of effort for him to come this time. Of course, it was Cheng Dongyang who was very open-minded and caring for his younger generations. I heard that this time Wu Hao and the others are going to release blockbuster technology in the heart field, so they agreed.

Haha, let me say, this kid is not as honest as you said. Cheng Lao lit Wu Hao and smiled and joked with a few people next to him.

Ha ha ha ha……

"Let's go in and sit down and chat. This time I also came to learn from experts and teachers with a learning attitude. I hope you can give us some suggestions and suggestions." Wu Hao said with a smile, while leading Everyone walked into the meeting room.

Academician Yun smiled: "I don't dare to give advice. During this press conference and today's new technology product demonstration visit, we have gained a lot of knowledge. We also have a lot of questions. I want to ask you for advice. ."

You are too rewarding, let's sit down and talk. Wu Hao greeted everyone to sit down.

Wu Hao looked at the experts in front of him and said with a smile: “First of all, on behalf of the company, I would like to thank all the experts and professors for their presence and guidance. Support and encouragement.

For me, I have long admired all the experts, professors, elders and teachers present here. I am very happy to see myself today. I also hope that our meeting today can be more relaxed and active. Everyone knows it all, let's exchange and discuss with each other.

I also hope to listen to your relevant suggestions and guidance, which will have a huge guiding role for our future development in the field of medical technology.

In addition, we also have a lot of confusion in the field of medical and hope to get answers from everyone. "

As the leader of these experts and professors, Cheng Lao naturally spoke on behalf of everyone: "The advice and suggestions are serious, and we learn from each other.

As we said earlier, this trip to Anxi has also gained a lot and our horizons have been greatly expanded. The technologies that you released yesterday and the related technologies that you demonstrated today are all very good. We were pleasantly surprised.

We never thought that a domestic pharmaceutical company could achieve such a great achievement. And I also heard that you have entered the medical field only a few years ago. It turns out that you are not in this area. It is really amazing.

To talk about ideas, we do have some ideas, and we hope that through exchanges, we can help you develop better. As a "Chinese medicine" (Chinese * doctor), we also eagerly hope that we can have a world-leading pharmaceutical company in our country, which will also greatly promote the development of our "Chinese medicine". "

Cheng Lao also took care of Wu Hao's expressions of Chinese medicine, which made everyone at the scene smile and the atmosphere in the conference room became more relaxed.

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