Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1638: Great time

Bah, rascal! Lin Weifen blushed and sighed softly, then smiled at Wu Hao and joked: "You still know that you are stinky."

Wu Hao shrugged his shoulders and said: "Compared to you, of course it smells bad. Whoever has your fragrance, the incense mosquitoes want to take a few bites."

Bah, the dog can't spit out ivory. Lin Wei snorted again, and then asked Wu Hao: "I remember that your company has produced several anti-mosquito sprays, which are very useful. Why didn't they bring them this time."

I also put them at home, but I didn't see you remember. Wu Hao stunned Lin Wei, and then shook his head: "Hey, the preparations are not enough, so why are they all ready-made? Just people come. Who knows that there are so many mosquitoes in this grassland, it is almost to eat people.

Let me tell you that although the weather is relatively hot, we still wear long clothes and trousers. Later it is said that we are going to that wetland park, where there are more mosquitoes. "

Ah, so annoying. Lin Wei said angrily, and then said to Wu Hao: "You put your feet in the water, it's quite comfortable."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then moved to Lin Wei's side, took off his shoes, and then dipped his feet into the water.


The cold river water directly made Wu Hao clever, wanting to lift his feet quickly, who knew Lin Wei leaped from the side, pressed his feet into the water, and then giggled.

Ah, it's cold, get up! Wu Hao struggled.


let me go!

No, I get used to it slowly. Lin Wei stubbornly said.

After struggling for two or three minutes, Wu Hao relaxed and slowly adjusted to the water temperature. As for Lin Wei, in the confrontation with Wu Hao, she did not take advantage of it. At this moment, she was a little lazy and nestled in Wu Hao's arms.

very nice!

"Where is it?" Wu Hao asked Lin Wei lightly.

"I said this kind of life is really good. When our company is on the right track, we will leave the matter to others. Then we will find a place to live peacefully. Or we will get an RV and talk about it. Travel on the go." Lin Wei snuggled in Wu Hao's arms and thought.

Wu Hao thought for a moment when he heard the words, and then shook his head: "How old are we, it's still early to retire. Everyone has thought about a comfortable life, but if this great time is wasted like this, it would be a shame." "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao held Lin Wei tightly, then looked up at the blue sky and said: "This sky is too vast, I don't know how far I can explore in this life."

Lin Wei looked up at Wu Hao, then arched her head in his arms, changed a more comfortable position and said softly: "Yes, it's too early to retire now. I know you have many dreams. So I will always be with you, no matter where you go.

However, I hope you can enjoy and enjoy life outside of work. People's life is long and long, and short and short. I don't want you to be working all your life without enjoying life.

You still have me, this family, our parents, and younger brothers and sisters. You are the backbone of this family, and everyone is watching you. So you can't just work, ignore me, ignore us all. "

Wu Hao rubbed Lin Wei's arm after hearing the words, then looked at Lin Wei's watery eyes, and nodded softly: "Don't worry, no matter how far I go, home will always be my destination. You will always hold the kite string. That person. When you miss me, pull the line and I fly back."

Well, Lin Wei nodded, lay in Wu Hao's arms and was silent for a while, and then said: "Xiaoya said that Zhang Jun is going to be engaged to her."

coming. Wu Hao knew that this question would definitely not be able to hide, but Lin Wei did not expect Lin Wei to ask it anyway. Indeed, this was what Wu Hao and Zhang Jun knew when they soaked in the hot spring last night.

Zhang Jun decided to give Wei Xiaoya an explanation, so propose and get engaged is the best way. Zhang Jun and Wu Hao are discussing how to do this proposal ceremony, and let Wu Hao give him an idea.

After the proposal, they will invite their parents and relatives and friends around them to complete the engagement ceremony under everyone's witness.

As for the matter of getting married, I am not in a hurry for the time being. In Zhang Jun's words, Wei Xiaoya has no plans to have children yet. Because once she decides to have a baby, she will definitely get out of work and prepare for pregnancy. Then the series of scientific research results she has achieved now may have to be handed over to others, and she is very unwilling.

So the two negotiated to get married first, and then wait a few years for both parties to stabilize their careers before getting married.

How did you know? Wu Hao asked calmly.

Lin Wei glanced at Wu Hao, and then continued: "When I was in the hot spring last night, Xiaoya told us something.

She cried when she said it, and it has been difficult for her in the past few years. Especially the **** Zhang Jun, did he think no one knew about his mess, but Xiaoya pretended not to know.

Fortunately, this **** was able to know what to do when he lost his way, which was an explanation to Xiaoya. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked up at Wu Hao and interrogated: "What about you, have you done something sorry for me outside your back."


Wu Hao got a cold back, and then shook his head: "I, how is it possible, don't you know my daily schedule? And I have a lot of things now, how can I have time to think about those things. Let's talk about it. , What kind of person am I and how I treat you, don't you know?"

Deny the triptych! Lin Wei said, then she stretched her hand to Wu Hao's waist, and then she squeezed a piece of meat and smiled: "This is not good. Although your schedule is transparent, who knows what you are outside? how is it like.

Besides, there are a lot of beautiful women around you, I don't believe you haven't touched this aspect of your mind. "

Speaking of this, Lin Wei sighed and said: "Actually, men, they are all the same. Look at my dad, it's good enough for my mom, but he did a lot of absurd things when he was young~www. My mother did not fight with him less.

If it weren't for my mother's relatively strong and financial control, maybe my dad would have to find a younger mother for me to give birth to a younger sibling. "

With that, Lin Wei looked at Wu Hao and said, "If you can't bear to be lonely, you can also find one. Just don't let me know, and just clean your tail."

real? Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei and asked.

Do you want to die! With that said, Lin Wei grabbed a little bit of the flesh with the hand that squeezed the piece of meat, and then twisted it hard, Wu Hao immediately took a breath and almost bounced up.

It hurts, it hurts, let go, I was wrong, it hurts!

Okay, you Wu Hao, it turns out that you have such thoughts a long time ago. It's because I'm so kind to you, you, you...Speaking, Lin Wei began to cry with rain.

Wu Hao rolled his eyes when he saw this, and said in a bad mood: "Okay, don't perform it. How many times have you played this test, I'm almost resistant, can I change something new?"

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