Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1639: Roasted Whole Lamb with Mare Custard

The afternoon's itinerary is still some of the surrounding attractions, and in general it is not bad. However, compared to the freshness of the morning, the afternoon seems a bit ordinary.

And the day's schedule made everyone a little tired, so naturally everyone's interest was not as high as in the morning.

But for the evening activities, everyone is quite interested. Their dinner was arranged in a farmhouse run by a grassland herder. In order to receive Wu Hao and the others, the entire farmhouse was packaged in the evening and no longer welcomed foreign tourists.

In the middle of the small clearing in front of several tents, a bonfire was set up. Although there is additional lighting, the bonfire is still very good for rendering the atmosphere. The disadvantage is that it is still summer at this time, and the heat emitted by the bonfire makes everyone far away.

On the edge of the open space, several herders are roasting two whole lambs, the golden appearance has appeared, and the unique aroma of lamb roasting is everywhere on the scene, making everyone very much looking forward to it.

Wu Hao and the others are sitting cross-legged on the blankets on both sides. On the open space in the middle, there are some Mongolian girls singing and dancing, so they are so happy.

Several herdsmen wearing traditional costumes are introducing some grassland culture, customs, and legends to them.

Although many of them are not exquisite, it is interesting to listen to them as stories.

After chatting for a short time, a whole roasted lamb was carried to them by a few men wearing ethnic vests. An elderly herder, holding a special knife, began to divide it up.

He first shaved the piece of meat on the back of the sheep's neck and put it on a plate. Then a Mongolian girl sprinkled some wild green onions and brought it to the table in front of Wu Hao.

Soon someone introduced that the meat at the back of the lamb is the best meat from the whole roasted lamb, so this piece of meat must be dedicated to the most respected guests. At the scene, Wu Hao had the highest status, so this person was naturally brought to the table in front of Wu Hao.

When Wu Hao heard the introduction, he smiled and thanked him immediately. The elderly herder continued to divide the meat until the meat was placed on everyone's table, and that was the end.

At the same time, several Mongolian girls carrying silver jugs began to pour the special mare kumiss. Although it is mare kumiss, there are differences.

The mare kumiss given to Wu Hao and the others is transparent, with a slight milky aroma, which is actually no different from ordinary shochu, and even stronger. Wu Hao estimated that this wine is probably more than fifty degrees.

The mare milk wine for Lin Wei and the others was white. Wu Hao secretly tasted it. It was delicious. The milk smell was quite strong. It tasted sour and sour, and the degree was not high, only 20 or 30 degrees. Look like.

To be honest, Wu Hao and the others like this kefir cumin for girls more than the transparent mare cumin for men.

And when you don't want to drink, there will be an enthusiastic Mongolian girl singing in front of you a sweet persuasive song. I have to say that when it comes to persuading alcohol, people have really played their minds, and they have gained a lot of heights. It is said that this has also become an intangible cultural heritage.

Compared to just, barbecue is much more popular. This kind of freshly slaughtered, freshly marinated, roasted whole lamb is very tender. This world is also officially at the end of summer, and the sheep has been fattened and very fat. Wu Hao and the others ate sheep that were born back then, and they grew up to a half-large size. The meat was fresh and tender, not as tight as old sheep. And more importantly, there is no smell.

This also made the girls who care about their weight very much, no matter what, grabbed the lamb with their hands and gnawed it.

This meal has been eaten until late, and the whole process is not all eating, more often it is playing and chatting. Even in the end, everyone was directly invited by these enthusiastic Mongolian girls to dance together. The scene was so lively that everyone forgot the time.

Until the reaction came, it was too late. At the end of the banquet, everyone dragged their tired bodies to a prairie hotel. This is a camp hotel made up of yurts. Compared with the camp where Wu Hao and the others were in the morning, it looks much more luxurious and sophisticated.

Many yurts are scattered in the camp, with wooden plank roads connecting each other. Every yurt is very particular, and the big yurts where Wu Hao and the others stayed even have a washing area and toilet.

After taking a shower, Wu Hao and Lin Wei sat comfortably on the big bed in the middle of the yurt. The whole camp was very quiet, and there were sounds of insects and some animals around.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei did not sleep, Lin Wei was wiping her somewhat wet hair. And Wu Hao, holding a transparent tablet device, is dealing with some matters.

At this moment, Zhang Jun's voice suddenly came from outside: "Haozi, are you asleep, can I come in?"

Wu Hao and Lin Wei were taken aback when they heard this. Why did Zhang Jun come here? Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei, who wrapped her bathrobe, and then raised her voice: "I haven't slept, come in."

Seeing that the felt was lifted away, Zhang Junzhong walked in. He was also wearing a bathrobe, apparently just after taking a shower.

What's wrong, what's the matter? Wu Hao asked straightaway. This point, this product is here, there must be something, the visit is not such a series. So hurry up and finish talking about things and rest. There are other schedules for tomorrow.

Um, excuse me. Zhang Jun showed an apologetic smile at Lin and then showed a wry smile at Wu Hao: "We are still aware of the fact that we are here to travel. The leaders on the grassland, including The leaders of the Mongolian district contact us to see if they can meet and talk with us."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, showing a helpless look: "It's uneasy to live anywhere. I had expected that they would take action. I didn't expect to be so impatient."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei teased: "Where are your trillion-dollar bosses go, can you not like it? I believe these people will be very excited when they know you are here. They can stand it and ask now. You are already very patient."

Zhang Jun nodded when he heard Lin Wei's words, and then looked at Wu Hao and asked: "What's the matter, see or not. If you don't see, I'll let someone dismiss it. After all, I can't take care of these things, too. Annoying."

Wu Hao laughed when he heard the words, shook his head and said: "We are all in other people's turf. It is better to keep a low-key convergence point. The face that should be given is still to be given, otherwise it would be too unflattering.

Well, you let people recover them, and you will find time to meet them when our tour is over. "

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